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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. EN have a tack record of only very, very rarely commenting on future developments. If internal tagging is vital to you, then you probably chose the wrong tool. If it is something you would like in the future then, until it is developed (or not), @DTLow's suggestion of adding text, preceded by a special character, works well. In fact ctrl+F finds a much greater selection of special characters - not just the underscore. You could even use an emoji character. So I would just mirror the real tag with something like _tag or $tag. The real tag will find the note and the "text tag" will find the section. It's also worth pointing out that EN generally works best with short notes joined together with table of contents, tags etc. Most of the functionality to navigate long complex notes simply doesn't exist. e.g internal tagging, internal table of contents etc. That was a design choice made by EN long ago. Personally I try to keep notes short, and if it really does need to be long, use various ctrl+F hacks to find what I want.
  2. On Windows desktop you can do two down arrows and then hit enter. "Everywhere" is then selected and the cursor returns to the search box. Alternatively go to "Notes" first (alt+ctrl+2) and then open search (alt+ctrl+F). As you are not in a notebook you are automatically searching everywhere.
  3. I think this maybe relates to a bug that has already been reported. See the thread below for a (rare) acknowledgement by an EN employee
  4. Valid point. I think the line I draw is thet if EN has added value then they have a right to add it to whatever tier they like. I have no problem with geographical search being a professional feature. Similarly I have no problem that the clever fuzzy text recognition data is no longer available in the enex but is hidden away on the server. I do feel it is wrong to simply deny access to a piece of data that I (technically my phone) have added to the note. You cannot even copy the coordinates in the mobile versions where the location is displayed on the map. It's not a big issue for me personally and I can always extract the data from the enex if I desperately need it. I seem to remember that the advanced search syntax for location (latitude:, longitude: and altitude:) still work although I haven't checked recently
  5. I would be more than happy just to be able to see, and then copy, the longitude and latitude for the note. I do feel it is my data and EN is stopping me (easily) accessing the data, by choosing not to show the longitude and latitude note-attirbutes in the desktop clents, although they are exportable to enex.
  6. Unfortunately this data is not viewable on the desktop client, unless you have subscribed to the professional plan. Even the coordinates are not viewable in the note information. However, if you download the enex file and open it with a text editor you will see that the coordinate data is there. This approach seems strange and inconsistent - if I can see the data in the mobile client I should be able to see the data on the desktop, even if EN wants to reserve "geographic searching" as a professional feature.
  7. I think the ability to create a note in a notebook with a specific template would be a useful function. My work around would be the same as @PinkElephant. You will need to manually change the creation date, (ctrl+shift+I on Windows) if that is important to you. The modified date will obviously change as soon as you start adding to your note.
  8. AS @PinkElephantpoints out this has been discussed extensively over the last 2 years. Recently, one of the main pain points has been removed from checklists, with the ability to choose in the options whether text is struck through when ticked off. To my mind checklists are an extremelly useful addition to the editoir. I love how I can drag items around to reorder them. For the odd ocassion when I need a checkbox at the beginning of the line the period hack works well.
  9. Already noted and a support ticket raised. The initial response from the support team was that they could reproduce it so I think, as it is an obvious bug, it will get fixed fairly quickly. See
  10. The general advice if a desktop version is being glitchy but the web version works OK is to rebuild the database. Sign out and choose "Remove my data from this device". You can then sign back in again and the database will be rebuilt. No guarantees but it does seem to solve all sorts of problems where the web version works.
  11. My experience, and the experience of others on the forums, is that they do eventually update but as it's a server function that takes some time. I can reproduce this behaviour. Well spotted I agree that this would be a useful addition to the function.
  12. You're right, thanks for pointing that out. I should really learn to read things more carefully!
  13. You can obviously select all the notes and then do a bulk duplicate of those. The only real solution I can think of is to export the notebook and then reimport. I've tried it on a small notebook and it seems to work OK.Make sure you use the file -> import method of importing or you may end up with copies of the notes in the original notebook.
  14. I agree that the tag hierarchy view in the sidebar needs some work. I liked that Legacy remembered the previous view when you logged back in and that would be a nice option. I would also like an option to completely close the hirarchy (without shutting down EN). At the moment closing a level does not close the sublevels. So when you open it up again the sublevels are already open. I don't think this is a bug and therefore this post would probably be better in one of the feature request forums so we can upvote it
  15. This is a well established bug and I'm very surprised you were unable to find any reference to it on the forums. Here's an example with a solution:
  16. THe shortcut for simplified article is C. There is a complete list of shortcuts if you go to the gear icon and then open the shortcuts tab.
  17. And don't forget that if you don't see "troubleshooting" as an option try ctrl+clicking Help rather than just simply clicking.
  18. There does still seem to be quite a few different glitches effecting only very specific image types. With png it may be something like whether the image contains an alpha channel or not. Hopefully they will all get sorted in time.
  19. Still seems to work for me on Windows (so not directly applicable). Do other attachments work OK (e.g spreadsheet)? Do other image file formats work? Image saving can be tricky as software likes to save it in it's own proprietary file format, but that would always have been an issue. Having said that I had to use "export" rather than "save" in GIMP inorder to keep it as a jpg file and it worked fine.
  20. You can access the command from the blue + menu on the toolbar to double check whether it is a shortcut issue.
  21. My experience is that the backlink does disappear eventually. Because it is a server driven system you have to wait. Certainly closing down EN and reopening it seemed to do the trick but I expect that if I'd waited it would eventually have gone.
  22. The introduction of backlinks started me thinking about links in general. We can filter or search (using contains:) for notes containing a whole range of different things. However we cannot search for notes containing links. This would seem a logical thing to include and would help me quickly find notes which linked to other notes. The only workaround I can think of would be to edit the note link text and add some special character sequence which could be searched for. You can't search for the underlying evernote:/// url. If anybody can think of another way I would be happy to hear it
  23. Just don't put a table at the top of your note as the list of backlinks goes behind the table! Seems ok with text. I'm raising a support ticket although it would be nice to know if anybody else can preproduce it.
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