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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I have also experienced this. Sometimes I find that right clicking the web clipper icon in chrome and using the clipping options from there is more succesful. Or you could try right clicking the actual web page and use the clipping options from there
  2. You just need to insert the emoji when you rename the notebook. You can either copy and paste from the Web or use the Windows emoji keyboard <Windows key>+; (from memory)
  3. The only real reason for manually setting a note URL is that the url appears at the top of the note. If you add notes using the webclipper, the note URL is automatically filled in for you. Personally, I have never seen the need to manually add a note URL. You can actually search specifically for the contents of the note url using the advanced search syntax (although I'm not sure this particular string is documented). So typing sourceurl:https://twitter* into the search box finds the note above. Potentially useful if you want to find all notes from a particular website - chances are the notes have been added using the webclipper so the url is automatically there. As another example sourceurl:https://www.bbc* finds the 40 notes I have clipped from the bbc website but a general search for bbc finds 191 notes,
  4. Or you can select the notes and move them in one go. There is a limit on the number of notes that can be selected in one go.
  5. Then I would definitely try the web version as I suggested. I was confused by you posting in the "Evernote for iOS" forum! You could just try refreshing the local database by logging out and choosing "Remove my Evernote data from this device". When you log back in EN will rebuild the local database. However, this is unlikely to work if the search doesn't work on the web version. Is this search query just the keyword or are you putting other advanced search syntax in? As I said a search for a simple word worked fine for me.
  6. I've just tested this on the desktop version and it all seems to be working as expected. I found a note where the word I was searching for was only in the attached docx file. If it is a new note, It may just be the delay between the note being created and indexed on the server. I would check to see whether it works on the web version. My understanding is that there is no caching on the web version so you are seeing exactly what is on the server.
  7. It's not been mentioned so I am just making sure that people are aware that you can manually drag the tasks around into whatever order you want. It's not automatic, but I agree with @Boot17 that the mixture of tasks, images attachments etc might make it tricky to do automatically.
  8. Unlike the other respondants, I'm interpreting this as a request to only see relevant tags in the filter. e.g if you have already searched and narrowed it down to 50 notes the filter should only show the tags actually used in the 50 notes. This was a feature in legacy and I think it would be useful to have it in V10 as well. One thing to bear in mind is that if you use search, rather than filter, to add tags, the tags listed are only relevant ones. The problem is that it only lists 6 tags, although these update as you type. After typing xt into search box - one of the original tags is retained and a new one appears.
  9. I do this already using emojis. They look great and of course you can search for them as they are really just regular characters (although an intitle: search doesn't seem to work) My current work around is to have a $pinned tag. Then, whatever view or search I have, I can quickly find the most important notes by filtering on $pinned. For me, this actually has the advantage that it isn't dependent on a notebook and works equally well if I have already filtered on another tag or searched for some thing.
  10. Mac users won by getting (free) import folders that were only a feature in Windows legacy but lost the Excel preview and tabs that Windows users never had anyway. I guess a common interface across platforms is bound to have winners and losers.
  11. Sorry I can't reproduce this. When I use the Windows desktop app it works as expected (ie "copy link" and paste into browser). The wording is a little different so perhaps you should check you have the most upto date version. I suppose it is possible that you are doing it before it has syncronised to the server. You could rule that out by using an older note.
  12. Being able to control the thumnail image that appears in the snippet or card view is problematic. However, if you simplify the note (ie bookmark),using the magic wand that appears if you click the grey "Web clip" border, you can then delete the picture. If you are lucky (or maybe it is fixed in 10.53.2) the thumnail will also disappear from the snippet. You can then add an image of your choice, which should then also appear as the thumbnail in the snippet view.
  13. I too don't understand why this is proving so difficult for EN to solve. That being said, the situation has been slowly improving. One of the main issues I face is if I try to copy a mixture of text and images. Copying the images by themselves normally works fine. Still a long way from where we need to be, but less painful then having to download the images. You will find a fair a amount of discussion on the topic in other threads.
  14. Is this just to save time from inserting the two sparately? Currently you can do alt+shift+D followed by ctrl+shift+D.
  15. Yes of course, but what @jess71and I want, using your example, is to find notes tagged with eb but no other tags. The other tag could be anything tag:eb -tag:* obviously doesn't work
  16. You can of course search for notebooks in the notebook screen, so a good, descriptive, logical naming convention should help you find what you need, although obviously you don't want massively long notebook names. You could even create your own "tags" prefixed with $ or something and include them in the title.
  17. Confusingly, the EN top and side list view use "location" to mean "notebook". While it may well be possible to use Boolean searches to find notes containing only one tag, it was easy enough to do it with a sort by tag after filtering for that one tag. Personally, I've not found any other search problem that I could not solve with the normal advanced search syntax, so I would be reluctant to upgrade to the Professional tier just for this (and other benefits which I don't need).
  18. As I've said before I would also like this to happen. If you don't do this very often (it could become very tedious if you do it alot) there is a hack. When an enex file is imported, EN respects both the updated and created date of the enex file. The process would then be: Create your new note export it as an enex file Manually edit the updated date in a text editor Reimport the enex file It may well be that you could export several notes together, and provided you change each date, it should import as required. Editing the date is very easy You will need to be careful how you import the enex file. If it doesn't go directly in to the final destination folder the updated date will change when you move it (lots of posts elesewhere about whether this is a good or bad idea).. I outlined the different methods of importing enex files here: To reiterate, I am not suggesting this as a long term solution. Early versions of V10 did not even allow you to change the creation date. EN then introduced it, either because it was always on their long term plan, or because of customer feedback - we will never know. So do use the feedback system to explain to EN directly why you want the ability to change the updated date. Your explanation of your use case outlined here is compelling, and you need to make sure EN hear it.
  19. As fellow users all we can provide are workarounds. These may be long term solutions, or simply stop gaps until EN solve the problem.
  20. The other thing to remember is that EN will display a text file inline and may well respect spaces better. So paste your code into yur favourite text editor, save it and then attach the text file to a note.
  21. As @Boot17has already pointed out, I am well aware that it is not the same thing which is why I preceeded my comment by saying it would be sensible to be able to change it. My comments were specifically directed at the OP's use case.
  22. Another thing occured to me. @Bev Adams I'm sure you realise this but just in case. Deleting a saved search from shortcuts does not delete the saved search. To delete a saved search you need to run it (either from shortcuts or from the saved search drop down within search) and then delete it from the three dots menu (see my screenshot above)
  23. I completely agree. I would expect to be able to delete or rename a search by right clicking it, not having to run it first. I think the status of saved searches is really weird. They seem to have no more importance than the random suggestions that come up when you add text to the search box. They are pretty well hidden, especially for new users. Personally I would expect a "section" of the sidebar (like notebooks, tags etc) to be devoted to saved searches.
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