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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. For the record, you can do it with the keyboard, but it is a bit painful. On Windows: alt+ctrl+F10 to put the focus onto the formatting bar right arrow several times to the highlight entry Enter to open the colour picker Left and right arrows to select the colour and then enter again Unfortunately the number of right arrow presses depends on whether the undo and redo buttons are available or grayed out. This makes it difficult to automate. If you were happy to remove the ability to undo, you could refresh first (ctrl+R) which grays out both keys and then means a standard 10 right arrow presses.
  2. It would be nice to go back to having announcements in the forums. I was surprised recently to be told by support that I was not running the most upto date version. The auto-update process obviously hadn't got round to me yet. In the past I manually updated as soon as I saw the forum announcement.
  3. The only reliable way of using checkboxes is to ensure they are not at the beginning of the line, otherwise EN will convert them to checklists. While there is no keyboard shortcut for checkboxes if it's not at the beginning of the line you can just type: [] or [x] I normally use a period before typing the square brackets
  4. Just to clarify. EN now has a reminder tab that shows all notes with reminders in either all notes or a notebook. When you are in this tab then you can display the reminder time and sort by it. When you are in the normal tab you can also display the reminder date but not sort by it. This relates to other complaints relating to the very limited sort options in V10
  5. I think you would have to name it tag:$current unless the "word" $current appears in the note. The workaround is to actually include a * in the original search when you save it. Eg search for * (ie all notes) and then filter for the tag. The star, like any other text, overwrites the name of the saved search. However I'm not really bothered about a workaround as it is not something I use very often, but as the facility is there it should work and I wanted to let EN know it can be an issue.
  6. It has often been suggested in these forums, by myself and others, that people use emojis in note titles and tags to draw attention to them. Searching for emojis generally works well: But for some reason limiting the search to the title does not work at all Quite by accident I found a workaround. You need to search for the emoji everywhere AND for it in the title 🔴 intitle:🔴 This filters my 20 notes containing that emoji down to the 9 with it in the title I have no idea why this works and it is certainly not the normal behaviour of intitle:
  7. Apparently support can not replicate this so I would really appreciate it if somebody could see if it is an issue for them as well. If I search for a saved search and then click it, in some cases my search string is included in the search. This happens only when the saved search does not contain any text in the search bar e.g a search saved from a filter where all the search criteria are encoded as blue lozenges. To give an example: save a search for a single tag (say $current) and name it Fred. type Fred in the search bar and then click on the saved search named Fred EN searches for notes containing the tag $current AND the word Fred Here is what happens if I click on the $current tag in the sidebar If I open the search bar and scroll down to my saved search (Fred) I get exactly the same result but with the name of the search at the top If on the other hand I search for Fred and then click the saved search I get a search for notes tagged with $current and containing the word Fred
  8. Here is the script for AutoHotKey (Version 2). I've taken a slightly different approach of using Note in the main menu (accessed from the keyboard by just hitting and releasing the Alt key) rather than the three dots - although that was my original idea. This has the advantage that it works if the focus is on the note in the note list (in which case double click also works) as well as if the focus is in the actual note. I've chosen Ctrl+Shift+n to trigger it ^+n:: { SetKeyDelay 100 send "{LAlt}{Right 3}{Enter}{Down}{Enter}" } EDIT: If it's unreliable try increasing the SetKeyDelay above the 100ms I've used above.
  9. Whoops, I should have made it clear thatr I was addressing @kstedman and not you!
  10. If you are interested in persuing Autohotkey then the script to convert two normal dashes to an em dash is as simple as ::--::{U+2014} I started learning AutoHotKey yesterday, and although it can seem quite complex, simple things like this are pretty straighforward. Many of the resources available to learn AHK are for V1 (now depreciated) but I found this 15 min YouTube video gave me more than enough to get started.
  11. Just don't accidentally type three hyphens or you get a monster dash. Seriously though, there are a number of these little inconveniencies, so I am increasingly using Autohotkey to get EN to work in the way I want it to. Getting Autohotkey to give you a special em dash hot key or to replace two dashes with an em dash would be very simple.
  12. A work around is to use an online code highligter (e.g. https://pinetools.com/syntax-highlighter), select the highligted code and then use the EN webclipper "Selection" option. This obviously doesn't allow you to edit the code, unless you "simplify" in which case you loose the code highlighting anyway. However, I think most people want to record code snippets etc in EN rather than live code - there are much better tools for that, than a general purpose note taking app.
  13. I like to have "Dashboard" notes which provide essential information on a topic and links to other relevant notes or webpages. I would also like to add saved searches but this is not possible in Evernote. This seems like a missed opportunity and it would be great if this facility could be added. In the mean time there are two possible solutions. In the web version you can just run the saved search and then copy the url of the results into the dashboard note. In the desktop version this approach is not possible. My approach is therefore to include the advanced search string in the note. In my script below the string has to be either the only thing on the line or the only thing in a cell of a table. So all of these work: The sequence needed is: Click anywhere in the search string {Home} - goes to the beginning of the string {shift}{End} - highlights to the end of the string Ctrl+c - copies the string {Home} - unhighlights the string Alt+Ctrl+1 - goes to EN Home in order to clear any searches that were active beforehand Alt+Ctrl+2 - Goes to Notes to ensure that you search all notes not just a particular notebook Alt+Ctrl+F - opens the search bar Ctrl+v - pastes the search string into the search bar {Enter} - does the search The following Autohotkey script will perform the search once you have clicked anywhere in the search string and pressed ctrl+J ^j:: { send "{Home}" send "+{End}" Sleep 100 send "^c" Sleep 100 send "{Home}" Sleep 100 send "^!1" Sleep 200 send "^!2" Sleep 600 send "^!f" Sleep 100 send "^v" Sleep 10 send "{Enter}" } The lengthy sleeps seem to be necessary in Evernote while a similar script worked without them in notepad. I am definitely not an AHK expert so if this is a clumsy or inelegant attempt I apologise - but it works.
  14. The behaviour when you click a stack is different from when you click a notebook. When you click a notebook it automatically searches within that notebook unless you change the search to "Everywhere". When you click a stack you don't get this option - there is not even a filter menu. It would be much more consistent if the same option existed. In general Evernote search is additive, which allows you to drill down to the particular notes you want. If you cllck a stack it's essentially a dead end - no further refinement of the search is possible which is strange.
  15. You are adding to a very old thread. Things have moved on. As well as the search syntax solution (which of course can be made a shortcut) stacks now appear in the filter menu provided you start from "Notes" and not a notebook. If you choose to save the search for a stack you can click on that search and then type in the search query as usual. If speed and convenience are important, many of these operations come with handy shortcuts. e,g on Windows alt+ctrl+2 to open (all) notes ctrl+<number> to open a shortcut Alt+F2 to open the filter (comes with tags open but its the normal filter) Alt+ctrl+F to open search
  16. There is a hack to allow you to do this. Select all the notes with attachments that you want to download From the blue multi selection popup choose export Select single web page Hit export and then choose location etc If you then go to the location you have exported to you should fine a single html file and a folder containing all the attachments.
  17. Another approach is to use tags which already allows infinite levels (there may be maximum number but I'm not aware of it). Provided you are disciplined and don't create random tags on the fly it works very much like a nested folder/notebook system. One limitation is that you can't use the tag name more than once. The advantages are that notees can have multiple tags and you can then search for any combination of tags you want. So for example I have a $pinned tag for important notes (notes I would pin to the top of a list if that function existed). So tag:maths tag:$pinned finds all my most impotant maths notes. I can do the same using the filter. In addition I have some notes about my local area and some notes about history. If I want to find notes that are about the history of my local area I simply search for notes containing both tags.
  18. Image handling has been slowly improving in EN V10 but it's not good enough yet. I find that I only get the problem if I attempt to copy image and text to the clipboard.Both copy fine individually. It's a pain to copy them individually but less painful than having to download the image. Of course if you want a copy fo the whole note it is better to use the copy or duplicate function from the note list.
  19. I seem to remember that I once did it by hacking the local SQL database. I don't think that qualifies as "easy" though, unless you happen to be an SQL whiz in which case you'd have already thought of it. I certainly very quickly got to the limit of my very limited SQL knowledge.
  20. It appears I was wrong! I assumed that all Office files have a preview. It appears that it is only excel and csv files (with a professional sibscription). I expect they will introduce other office files in the future. I can relaiably find notes which contain word documents containing a particular word. As @gazumped points out there is then a second step of opening the file and using Word's internal search to actually find the word. If you are not able to find the notes using the web version then it is not a local database problem. I assume that for some reason the notes have not been indexed. Does it work on a newly created note? Given that you are a paying member I would definitely contact support for some additional help.
  21. Just one other thought. According to the search syntax specification (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php) I take this to mean that the url should be split into something like https www vitacost com MyAccount OrderList aspx sces=1 and each of those words should be searchable. This does not seem to be happening.
  22. I think EN is treating the whole url as one word. EN does not search for bits of text within a word but it will search from the beginning of a word. So reproducing your note I couldn't find any of your search terms either. But this works: However https://www.vita doesn't - which I can't explain. The url is clearly confusing it! Making the url the note url (see the note information panel) and searching using: sourceurl:https://www.vita* Woked a treat My conclusion - searching for bits of a url can be problematic. Possible strategies to get round the problem are include a good title and don't rely on the "words" within the url add the url to the note url field - if you use the EN webclipper and use any of the options including the bookmark option this is doe for you automatically.
  23. One other thought. If you don't like having to remember to double click notes in shortcuts a workaround is: create a "dummy" tag with the tag name being a shortened version of the note title Add this to the note Add the tag to shortcuts Then when you click on thatshortcut it opens a normal view with one highlighted note in the note list and a normal view of the note. You can then ctrl+enter to open it in a new window.
  24. The most usual way of getting this view with no note list is from shortcuts or recent notes. In that case double clicking the link in the sidebar opens the note in the "no note list view" and opens it in a new window. One you have opened it, if you really dont want to use the mouse then: ctrl+shift+F10 to put the focus on the editing tool bar. shift+tab to go to the three dots menu Enter to open the menu Enter to select the first item - open note in new window
  25. I don't think there is. In fact there is no way, that I know of, to open the note list with the note selected, even using the mouse.
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