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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. That's exactly right. I try to avoid spaces in my tags and use undersctores instead, so there is no need for the inverted commas. That was the behaviour in the past. It has changed reasonably recently. What version of EN are you on? Current Windows version is 10.47. I've just double cecked and it is definitely doing OR for me.
  2. That's a much easier way of doing it! It's a relatively new thing and I had forgotten it. Choose your main tag and then the little arrow to the right of the tag name in the blue lozenge. If you have alot of tags it will still fail with
  3. It's not easy to get a list of tags that you could work with. My workaround is to add all the tags to a new dummy note. Using alt+ctrl+T this is quite straight forward click the first tag in the tag area at the bottom of the note. Then shift click the last. All the tags should now be selected Press ctrl+C to copy all the tags Paste the tags somewhere you can work with them. eg the dummy note. You will find a list of tags separared by commas. Unfortunately you will then need to edit it by replacing each comma with tag: # What you get +eBook,+readingList,$critical,$pinned,R # what you need tag:+eBook tag:+readingList tag:$critical tag:$pinned tag:R
  4. As far as I know the only way tou can do this is with the advanced search syntax. If you only have a small number of child tags it will be fine but might get tedious if you have lots. The syntax will look like: any: tag:parent tag:child1 tag:child2 ... where the ... is for all the other child tag names. The any: ensures you don't only get notes that are tagged with all the different tags listed.
  5. Now I understand. Sorry my fault. You are right that the indent options are grayed out and in addition tab or ctrl+M don't work eiither.
  6. I don't see this. If you highlight the attachment or image the bullet point icon is still there. Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut for a bulleted list (ctrl+shift+B on windows).
  7. That's how it works for me in V10 on windows 10. No need to select the whole word, just right click somewhere within it.
  8. If I am going to use the mouse then drag and drop is so much easier. Drag tags to the body of the note or to the note in the noteslist. Drag the note into the correct notebook. If I want to do everything within the note itself then it's F3 to get into the tags area and alt+shift+M to move the note. In the move note window I use the arrow keys to select the notebook and then hit enter.
  9. I don't think there has ever (legacy or V10) been the facility to right click on the picture to make it the thumnail. That would be far too sensible! In the latest version on Windows (and therefore presumaby Mac and web as well) the thumbnail does change if: You delete the image and replace it with a new one You add a bigger (as measured by actual file size?) image You delete all images (then there is no thumnail) 10.47.7-win-ddl-public (3730) Editor: v159.2.19536 Service: v1.59.4 © 2019 - 2022 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  10. Have you tried embedding the video (just copy the You Tube url into a note) and watching it from there. You can then make notes underneath. This only really works well if you only want to make a few notes or have a large portrait format screen, so that you don't have to scroll down and loose the video at the top. I suppose you could temporarily cut and paste the notes to be above the video if the notes become too long. You could also take screen shots using your operating sytems default method or different utilty from the inline video and paste them in. If you paste in a Youtube url it respects the start time which can be encoded into the url (in YouTube hit the share button and click "start at")
  11. Well yes you do have to have Evernote open in the background but alt+ctrl+H is a global keyboard shortcut which will open the quick note wherever you are on your system and place the insertion point ready to start typing.
  12. Not that I know of. If you do not expect to routinely need the notes you can export them and then delete them for EN. They can be reimported in the future if needed. The other suggestion, which won't help in your case, is to exclude the stack containing the "archived" notebooks from search.
  13. I also miss this and I think it is reasonable to ask for it back. Some people want more - language specific colours etc - which, personally, I think goes beyond a "general purpose" tool. You are right that the code box is a monospace box with a border. It also doesn't spell check which means you don't get code with lots of red underlines. You can of course create your own code block as a grey, single cell table and use the monospace font. You will have to live with red squiggly lines and do your own colouring but it might be helpful.
  14. I have to say that I love simplified article and it's ability to get rid of lots of adverts etc. I do object though to the fact that the preview looks nothing like what I actually get. Here's a random article from the local newspaper- EN does a fantastic job of simplifying it and the preview is: What is actually get is: Why two titles and why the change in formating?
  15. I'm not really sure what you want that isn't already available If you filter your notes using tags and then hit "New" the new note created inherits the tags. If you are in a notebook and hit "New" the new note is created in that notebook. If you are in a notebook and filter that notebook by tags and then create a new note the new note is created in that notebook with the tags. The only problem I can see is that if you filter by notebook and tags (ie the notebook name is a blue lozenge rather than a notebook name at the top) the new note inherits the the tags but is created in the default notebook. Pictorially: Hitting New in this configuration creates a new note in the notebook AllMyNotes and with the two tags $pinned and bootstrap Hitting New in this configuration creates a new note in the default notebook with the two tags $pinned and bootstrap I can see the logic of this but the distinction between "being in a notebook" and "being in all notes and filtering by notebook" is subtle and returns exactly the same results.
  16. or do you mean that the whole notes column disappears? If so this is a design feature when you access notes in certain ways. e.g. a note from the shortcuts.
  17. I agree that if you type your text straight after the hyphen, and then press enter, it does not auto format. The way of getting the auto formatting to kick in on the web version (or desktop) is to either type a space or a tab after the hyphen. I don't know what happens if you do this on Android.
  18. Another random suggestion. It looks like EN chooses the biggest picture to be the thumbnail. As I've commented earlier, this will change if a bigger image is added to the note. "Bigness" seems to be defined by the actual file size of the image file. In an external image editor, massively increase the size of a copy of the image you want as the thumbnail. Then add the copy to the bottom of the note and stretch it's size right down. Being the biggest image, EN will use it as the thumbnail. Because it is only a thumbnail any reduction in image quality will be negligible and you still have the original at the correct resolution. As workarounds go this is pretty painful, so I wouldn't use it routinely! Why can't I just have the option of "use as thumbnail" in the three dots image menu?
  19. I agree with @Powerfab's workaround but to be 100% sure you get the desired font you also need to update the "Normal test to match" as shown below. In fact if you do this within your document it will not revert back when you insert a new line.
  20. I agree with @PinkElephant that it is unlikely. I used to use the feature in legacy all the time and I certainly missed it initially, although I have now got used to it. With tasks, notebooks and tags, when you click the entry in the sidebar you get a pop out window. There are also keyboard shortcuts which do the same thing. I would like shortcuts to also have a pop out window, accessible by clicking and keyboard shortcut. That way I could keep shortcuts closed in the sidebar and save space for tags and notebooks. This would give me much more control of how I use the limited sidebar space. It would also be consistent with the current design. Another approach is to keep shortcuts in the sidebar closed and just rely on the shortcut widget in Home (Alt+Ctrl+1 to quickly access Home)
  21. @agsteele is correct there was a problem with links to local files in earlier versions of EN. This could be circumvented by attaching a Windows shortcut to the note. I'm happy to say that the previous behaviour was reintroduced some time ago. The correct format for the link in Windows is: file:///C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\plain_text.txt I'm afraid I don't know what the correct format for Mac is
  22. and you can select the text if you open the pdf in your default pdf viewer (e.g. Adobe reader)?
  23. There is already the facilty to create templates and use them when you create a note. I believe this is only available in payed for plans. However you can easily create a notebook of templates and simply duplicate or copy them to use them.
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