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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. You can drag it smaller but I haven't found a way of getting rid of it altogether.
  2. Lots of us complained about it in the preview and beta phases so we are already way past the point at which we could say it has been promptly fixed!
  3. No you're not mssing it. While you can control the fields that you can see in the list view you can still only sort by the rather limited choices. Hopefully this is something that can be reintroduced fairly easily in the future.
  4. I haven't been able to find it either. It is not in the note info window and it is not an option in the list view - in fact EN of hijacked the word location in this view to mean notebook. However, the information is still there behind the scenes because if you use the advanced search syntax you can still search for notes created within a longitude and latitude range.
  5. It's annoying that you can select several notes but not then drag and drop them. You can use the blue multislect menu that appears to move the notes into a notebook which is less convenient thn drag and drop but faster than doing it one note at a time. I'm afraid that is a feature that is not going to go away. It's not a bug. We were told in the beta that this could take up to 3 minutes. It has generally got faster (it was taking much longer than 3 minutes) but because searching is happening on the server it will never be as fast as the old version. This is a real problem if you use tags dynamically - for example to select notes to work on.
  6. ctrl-Q is supposed to be coming back but I don't think we know exactly what it will allow you to do. Personally I don't have a major problem with the current setup. If I'm in a notebook and hit the search bar there is an option to filter on that notebook. I just click that.
  7. I agree. Notebooks should also appear in the filter menu but they do at least get listed in the search suggestions and you can filter on them there. The undocumented advanced search syntax for stacks still works in the new version. So if you type the following: stack:mystackname smith you will get results for notes containing the word "smith" within the stack called "mystackname".
  8. I agree. Why would anybody want to or even remember to tag a note with the parent tag and every single child tag. Madness.
  9. You can drag the tag onto a note in the note list to assign it to that note. All management of tags is now done in the main tags window which pops out when you click the tags icon in the sidebar.
  10. This is the windows forum. It might be worth posting your question in the web forum. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/235-web-client-issues/
  11. I can't replicate that. Is it the same on the web version? Does unselecting the location filed and then reselecting it make any difference? (right click to choose which fields to display)
  12. I assume you are expecting 5. How many does the web version give? I certainly had issues similar to this in the beta but not at the moment
  13. Agreed. Is there anybody who adds every single child tag to a note? This is a ridiculous default. If we had the option to select a single tag and the ability to shift-click to add further tags it would restore the sidebar tag functionaility back to being useable.
  14. They don't work for me either. I assume they are supposed to do the same as the forward and backward arrows at the top left of the screen.
  15. I can see no reason to cancel a monthly subscription now when you can continue to use the legacy version. If you have an annual subscription it's trickier as you need to make a judgement about how long the legacy will continue and whether v10 will give you the particular functionaility you need in that time. If you can not live with some of the fundamental decisions (e.g. no longer a native app) then you might go now rather than wait and see. My point is simply that cancellation of subscriptions now gives a very incomplete picture of the future.
  16. There was plenty of user feedback in the preview and beta stages. They decided to release anyway. It's still basically a beta because the old version is still available but they are not learning anything that they didn't already know from the preview and beta.
  17. I can assure you there was plenty of feedback from a dedicated group of preview and beta users. I can't think of a single thing that has been raised since the general release that had not been raised in the preview and beta. The issue is not having more users testing the app . The issue is listening to the testers and then not releasing it until it is ready. I still consider this to be a beta whatever the label says. The post they put in the forum when they make new releases acknowledge thay have still got lots of work to do. You can continue to use the old version and I will continue to use both until at some point in the future when I will be forced to make a decision between the hopefully much improved V10 and the alternatives.
  18. You select the notes using ctrl-click and shift-click as appropriate. A new blue multiple note menu thingy pops up as soon as you have selected two notes. The first icon allows you to move the notes. There are also options to add tags, merge, delete etc
  19. This seems to be a common problem. First thing to try would be to close the app (including the elephant icon in the task tray). Then make sure there are no EN processes still running using alt-ctrl-del to open the task manager. You needed to close those processes. Then try opeining it again. Alternatively just reboot your computer.
  20. Agree completely. I resort to dragging to the desktop and then into email or wherever. Madness.
  21. I agree with most of what you say. However if you are in a notebook and open search there is the option to only search in that notebook directly under the search box. We can argue about whether it should default to a global search or a notebook search but the option is there. Earlier versions of search would always revert to relevance (whatever that means) but it seems as though that has now changed. How are you clearing the search? If you have no filters it is easy enough to click the cross and then you get thrown back to all notes as you say. If you have filters applied it is an absolute pain to clear the search because you have to separately clear the text and the filters. In that case I normally click into all notes or a notebook.
  22. "Export options other than ENEX" is listed in the "What features are not yet available in the new app?" section here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234
  23. It's still working for me. Does double click also not work?
  24. There are several places that you can find a tag tree. Which one do you mean? The tag tree in the sidebar is completely useless compared to the old version. However if you click the tags icon and open the main tags window, I find I can do most of what I need to do using a combination of drag and drop and the three dots menu for each tag. I remove tags in one of two ways. Either I select a tag at the bottom of a note and press delete or I use the pop up menu and delete tag. Alternatively you can use the edit tags menu and either untick them or hit the cross on each tag. I've certainly never had to resort to using the web app so if none of these things are working it is clearly s bug.
  25. You may find that it is still on your computer just all the shortcuts removed. You just need to find the executable and make a new shorcut for it. Mine is n C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote. Otherwise there is the legacy version.
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