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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Excellent news. I was very concerned that images I thought were in my note could be lost if the website they came from deleted them. I assume this update will solve that problem.
  2. In the coming soon section of the release notes it says Meanwhile I am using the Gadwin Printscreen utility and simply pasting in to a note. I can't stop it saving the picture to my HD as well but I just periodically purge the unwanted files.
  3. I would also like coloured tags back. You can add coloured symbols to tags using the emoji keyboard. Probably not sensible if you do alot of advanced searches where you have to type in the tag alot but if you tend to select tags from a list then it might help. I would but the symbol at the end.
  4. I think it is on it's way in as I remember a big fanfare when it was introduced in the beta. Given that you can access the edit tags menu from the main menu when editing a note I see no logical reason for the shortcut not to work in that context as well. There are so many errors (e.g. ctrl-del to delete a note), things that don't work (e,g, enter to edit a note) and omissions (e.g. ctrl-shift-D to add the time) in the official list of keyboard shorcuts that it's a bit of a joke. I mean how hard can it be to get the documentation for keyboard shortcuts right?
  5. I find ctrl-shift-I really useful to get to the note info window and it works if the focus is on the note in the note list or if you are actually editing the note.
  6. I think you will find the options you are looking for are available from the three dots next to each notebook or stack in the main notebook window.
  7. For me it just opens in the last view (after closing and also exiting the task bar elaphant icon at the bottom right)
  8. I believe the legacy icon is black so you don't get confused between two green icons, I'm still using the 6.25 as well as the new client.
  9. Something about being a business subscriber perhaps? Are you in a shared notebook where you do not have permission to add tags? Try a different notebook or create one and see if that helps. I have to admit I don't know much about the business subscription so I could be completely wrong.
  10. The search at the bottom of the note is more of a type ahead than a true search so you do need to start with the correct character. The other option for adding a tag is to use the edit tags box. alt-ctrl-T if you are in the note list or note -> edit tags from everywhere. Here you do get a true search. However there is no option for a simple alphabetical list so you need to find the tag within your tag hierarchy if you have one.
  11. I can't reproduce the behaviour. Sorry. When I update the title in the note the title in the list changes pretty quickly. (Lightening fast by V10 standards!)
  12. Easiest way is from the main tags menu which you get to by clicking the tag icon in the sidebar. You can then use the create tag icon or use the three dots menu beside an existing tag to add a tag within the hierarchy. You can also do things like drag tags around to create or change the hierarchy. You can also create tags on the fly at the bottom of a note. If you type something which is not an existing tag EN will create the tag.
  13. ctrl-alt-T is still there but only if the focus is on the note in the note list not while you are editing the note. However the menu item (note -> edit tags) works perfectly well when you are editing a note. This is not logical but it is currently what we have. If you are in a note you can also add tags at the bottom (click down there or F3).
  14. Hopefully that will help the developers track down the problem. I haven't got any notes that big to try again to reproduce it.
  15. That is strange. I can't seem to reproduce the behaviour. I've looked at various types of notes even including embedded pdf's and they all work as expected. Does this happen with all notes or just certain types?
  16. I selected 10 notes at random and added a single tag to them all using the blue multi-select menu. I did this three times on different notes. It took between 12 and 15 seconds (yes seconds not milli seconds) from pressing save to complete the operation. I tried the same operation in the legacy version and it was instantaneous but obviously still needed to sync. Also using the legacy version a search for the tag immediately brought up the 10 notes whereas in the new version it took some additional time for indexing etc. And this is an improvement how exactly? This is not rendering a complex 3D model. This is adding the same short string of text in 10 places in a database.
  17. This has happened to me in the past. It only went away with a new version (sometime back in beta I think). Obviously not solved.
  18. @ej8899 did some great detective work on this. Although it doesn't help much, you will see two files for each attachment. The mime file is a text file which you can read with notepad which tells you what type of file it is (pdf etc). The other larger file with no extension is the actual attachment file. So if the mime file says it is a pdf, you can copy it somewhere else, change the extension to pdf and open as normal.
  19. The biggest problem with using tags with GTD is that when you add or remove a tag it will take some time for that to be reflected in a search. In addition your existing filter/search will not update automatically and there is no easy way to force a refresh of the search
  20. I agree. See my list of all the search/filter issues I am aware of (including this one).
  21. According to an interview I listened to this week with Ian Small, tags were moved to the bottom because only a very small percentage of EN users use tags and they wanted to save screen real estate. I'm surprised by this answer given that the general design ethos doesn't seem to care too much about efficient use of screen real estate. I also wonder whether the percentage of paying customers who use tags might be a lot higher. I assume you have a few tags assigned and they are disappearing off the end of the screen. This was raised in the beta but obviously nothing has happened. I also find it annoying that tags are placed in the order that they are added and you cannot change this. I have some important tags beginning with $, + etc which used to guarantee that they were at the beginning of the list but now they can be anywhere.
  22. In the legacy version you can just start with a stack and search from there. The stack: syntax is only apparent if you save the search and examine the syntax at that stage, so it's quite possible in the legacy version to search stacks without knowing anything about the undocumented syntax. With the new version the only way of searching in a stack is using the syntax.
  23. So I assume you are doing the same thing in the new version. As I say, when I do that I get an internal link and when I click it I stay in the app as expected. This doesn't surprise me. Even if you deliberately paste an evernote web address into the legacy client it is clever enough to open it in the EN desktop app. Sorry not to be able to help. You are not alone but it's obviously not happening to everybody. I found where I had read about this issue before:
  24. I think most tag users would like the flexibility to easily to search for notes containing tagA or tagB or tagC rather than being forced to only search for notes containing tagA and tagB and tagC.
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