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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. It's open square bracket then close square bracket just like the checklist. You just type as many as you want columns and add x4 if you want four rows. It actually woks in 6.25 as well but I never used it because it was so much easier to add a table using the menu.
  2. It's actually not available for any type of search whether it is a new search, a saved search or a shortcut to a saved search. It is available for shortcuts to other things - say tags or notebooks.
  3. All of those screen shots were obtained by using the search bar at the top of the sidebar (alt-ctrl-F) and typing in the word "local". As you can see from the screen shots I haven't filtered at all. Filtering is just reducing what is in the list in front of you so I'm glad that doesn't spontaneously change the view for you. I have no idea why we seem to be getting different behaviours.
  4. EN doesn't have folders so I assume from the context that you mean stacks. You can use the search syntax in the search bar stack:"my stack name" You can't unfortunately just go to the stack and search from there. No helpful filter appears underneath the search box like it does if you are in a notebook. That would be a nice enhancement to the search system.
  5. Nobody knows. We know features are being reintroduced. We know, mainly from the preview and beta phases, that a small number of features are not coming back. Everything else is wait and see. Whatever it says on the tin I consider this to be a beta. I use a mixture of this and 6.25 and will continue to do so until the features I need are reintroduced. The nightmare scenario is that they pull the plug on the legacy before V10 is acceptable to me. I'm dabling with the alternatives just in case but I've not yet found anything I like more than 6.25.
  6. I don't have the legacy just the original 6.25.1. From the menu is it not just view -> shortcuts -> show in toolbar?
  7. There is a discussion over in the requests forum which includes my workaround (which won't help for existing links unless you redo them)
  8. For me I get whatever view I was in before the search. I can't change that view once I have done the search (the view options icon has been replaced by the three dots icon)
  9. I think it is that you can't change the view in the search results. If you start in card view you will get the search in card view and you can't change it. Equally if you start in list view you will get list view. I agree that it should be possible to change the view.
  10. Even that is an option: Any sort of OR search is really difficult in V10. Anything is preferable to the current behaviour which makes absolutely no sense. Like you say I too would prefer the option as now: either individual tags or any of child tags as well
  11. It was in the beta forum which was a closed forum. To be honest I think there has been less talk about it since people realised that there were so many even more fundamental problems.
  12. It worked fo rme. Not for me. I now cannot open attachments or drag and drop notes into notebooks (both reported elsewhere)
  13. I can reproduce this. Perhaps there is some sort of conservation law here. As a new feature is added an existing one has to be removed. Or just rubbish QA. Is there not even a simple list of features that somebody goes through and checks before a new release? This software is becoming even less useable for me as the number of bugs starts to catch up with the number of missing features.
  14. I directly downloaded my current version. I think the irritating thing is the insistance that this is the latest version when I click help -> check for updates. I understand that you might want to reduce the load on the servers by rolling out automatic updates over a few days. However, if a user specifically asks, I don't think you should lie to them!
  15. The grey vs green outline of the box is also a give away.
  16. I find that if I don't use any menu commands but simply input the check boxes through the keyboard it works fine. You must remember to put a space before the [] So typing: {space}{left square bracket}{right square bracket}{space}some text{enter}{space}{left square bracket}{right square bracket}{space}some more text gives me As you can see there is a one character indent but this is much less than the checklist. The old [x] trick for a completed checkmark also works (and also for checklists) It's grey so it is not a checkbox it's a checklist. Checkboxes are always green. I think in step 7 you may have forgotten to enter the space before the square brackets - at least that is how I can reproduce your screen shot..
  17. The problem is that if you put a checkbox at the beginning of a line and then press enter at the end of the line EN will assume you want a checklist and will convert it! It's not that checkboxes sometimes get a strike through it's that EN thinks that a line which starts with a checkbox should be a checklist. In your "checkboxes" in the screen shot they are a checklist because they have a tick not a cross and I can see the drag handle for the middle checklist box. You can either put a space before the checkbox or press delete to reject the change and then enter again. Either way you won't get a new checkbox on the next line so will have to insert one again. The easiest way is space[] ({space}{left square bracket}{right square bracket} which is probably quicker than using the insert menu.
  18. Agreed. You can "sort of" convert a table to text by copying and then ctrl-shift-V. You get one line per cell. I don't know what you would like but if you wanted something that looks like a table but separated by spaces or tabs this is not it.
  19. I agree. Once you have scrolled down to the bottom of the first page the arrow then takes you the bottom of the second page. So you have to scroll up again to continue reading.
  20. Well this one is a can of worms! In your case it is just the file format but there are other instances where this happens. Normally, for example if you paste in an image from your hard drive, it works fine and you get the pencil edit icon in the pop up above the image. If you paste an image in from a website it only pastes a link to that image. Look at the size of the note. One of the implications of this is that you cannot annotate the image because it's not actually there. The other, in my mind even more serious implication, is that if the website changes or deletes the image it will change or delete the image from your note. EN are completely failing to protect the integrity of our data by allowing somebody else, in effect, to edit our notes.
  21. There are now two distinct types. Check boxes and checklists. Checklists are the default type and have all the features you describe. They also have the useful ability to drag items around to reorder them. Checkboxes are obtained through the insert menu (or space [ ] as you rightly say). They can be added anywhere and you can add multiple check boxes in a row for example. If you add them at the begiining of the line they do tend to revert to checklists. It's different. Some people will like the new systyem some won't.
  22. How did you do the sharing? They are still your notes so if you delete them they are gone. The other user may be able to copy the note into there own account which means the link is then broken. If you then deleted or changed the note it would not effect their copied note. Cn you retrieve the notes from your trash?
  23. Assuming you are not effected by the AVG antivirus problem raised elsewhere you should be able to double click and read it in your normal pdf viewer.
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