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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Now that you're a Premium user, you have access to tech support. It would be good to report the problem to them, I think, since the more reports they get, the more possibilities they have to discover the underlying problems.
  2. The one kind of aggrieved post in these forums that really annoys me is the kind that claims to know Evernote's thought processes, policies, priorities, affection or not for different kinds of users, etc. You feel aggravated because your apps haven't been updated to where you want them to be. I do too sometimes. But the only knowledge we have about Evernote's priorities is what they tell us publicly. For instance, in the series of behind the scenes videos that are coming out regarding ongoing upgrading of the software, such as this one on Android and iPhone--in which one of the themes is that finally the iPhone is going to catch up with some features Android has had for awhile:
  3. I haven't heard of this before. You say it started a few days ago. Was there a system update or an update to the Evernote app at that time? Also, what keyboard are you using? Does using a different keyboard help Evernote work properly?
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please see this (I think) similar recent request, and the response from an Evernote staffer:
  5. Sorry, my bad for assuming. Have you tried using all 3 of the available Web versions: beta, classic, and "previous"? You can switch between beta and classic using the button at bottom right of the window. For "previous" you have to click on your profile initial at top left and use the Account menu. I'd be surprised if all of these were failing to display the notes. But I've been surprised before.
  6. Most of this is beyond my ken, but WRT just this: that is standard in Evernote. The app does not (maybe cannot?) include a built-in PDF reader, and therefore PDFs need to be opened in their default app on the device.
  7. Hi, @Tangentrider, and welcome to the forums. Previous discussion here hasn't really led to any known resolutions. One user found that emptying the trash worked--one time, but later on the error reoccurred. Since you're a Premium subscriber, this definitely looks like an issue to raise with tech support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. If you do so, please let folks know here what their response is. It looks like this could be an ongoing issue for a number of people.
  8. Thanks, @PDOG. I can't tell whether you, @support@laurenfrances.com, and @Trauma are all experiencing the same problem in the same circumstances, but you've given enough info to start. Pdog, since you're on a Mac I assume you're using Safari. Someone else with experience in that environment is going to need to chime in, but I do know there have been reports of various issues with the Web beta version and Safari, including disappearing notes. Take a look at this thread:
  9. Welcome to the new year, and a new avatar, Gaz! May you wear it in, um, good health, with no lumber slamming your head and no fingers poking your eyes. Boy the subtleties of classic comedy. @Beckyla80, I apologize on behalf of the stooges here for the drifting of your thread. I don't know how they keep getting in. I hope some of the suggestions offered earlier on were helpful!
  10. It would be good to post this request in the Android feedback and feature request forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/208-evernote-for-android/ -- after first searching the forum to see whether something similar has already been requested.
  11. Understood, @TechPerplexed, not trying to stir things up. Best of luck, and best wishes for the new year!
  12. Well, @TechPerplexed, I can't speak for everyone in our stale little community, but I guess I hope Joplin works out well for you. I use two other programs that are also the work of one core developer with a small staff, and have close relationships with their users: the research word processor Nota Bene and the research/organizer/drafting tool Scrivener. Both are excellent products. So I know that such products can be fun and reliable tools to use, and can build real, sometimes surprisingly close-knit user communities. And can take for-e-e-ever to complete major updates. Beyond that, a few speculative thoughts: The fact that Joplin has added so much in the past year may be as much an indication of where it started as of where it's going. I don't know, just sayin'. The fact that it's free/donation based leads me to the observation that people in these forums frequently b... I mean, complain about two contradictory things: the high price of Evernote, and its unsustainable finances. Basically, many Evernote users want it to be free, have no ads or access to their personal data, and develop new features rapidly into the limitless future. Perhaps Joplin's users are more realistic, or more willing to pony up voluntarily. What's the list of software companies that have run on a donation basis over a long term? Joplin, if I understand you rightly, syncs notes/data among the available OS platforms, but lets users choose and pay for their own cloud service to perform this. Not maintaining (or renting) servers helps explain how it can operate with no definite revenue stream. But when things do go wrong (things will go wrong; it's computers), that leaves the user at the mercy of support from Google, Dropbox, Microsoft, etc., correct? None of whom will feel a particular obligation to get your notes synced right on a service they know nothing about. Scrivener works, in a limited way, on similar lines. They have a standing recommendation to use Dropbox and avoid Google, and they (plus their online user community) do have to help people sort out data losses due to cloud service problems. Don't know if you've looked at the Evernote videos that have been posted recently outlining the changes and improvements to the editor currently in process, including unifying (or at least regularizing) the user experience across platforms. I hope you'll poke into Evernote as your subscription runs its course just to see how things improve. I'd be interested in your observations in comparison to Joplin (not necessarily in this thread, though!). Lots of people worry about this, but I haven't yet seen a documented case of it actually happening. Please post if you have. Every clerk at a convenience store could steal your credit card info if they wanted to, but generally speaking, they don't. Human nature, huh? So, not meaning to be a dumper of cold water. Good luck! A few years ago I had never heard of Evernote, and now it is deeply woven into my work and life. So I suppose the same could be said of me and Joplin some day.
  13. This continues to happen to me on utterly random (and fortunately rare) occasions in 8.12.4, even though it says right there in the release notes, "We came, we saw, we conquered bugs." For others who are being troubled by it, @Ralph77 offered a workaround on the note lock thread a couple of months ago. It involves clearing data and redownloading, so it's a bit of a pain, but it does get rid of the red-tagged, unsyncable notes.
  14. Well, 2 months later I finally got around to trying this out ... and it worked! I've had several new instances of non-syncing since then, the most recent just 5 days ago. But clearing both cache and data, without reinstalling, did remove the unsynced notes (all of which I had reproduced my edits of in the Windows program, producing spurious "Note conflicts" on the Android app). I fully expect to have the problem reappear randomly again. I'll just let the crud build up until it's worth the time to do this, which does require a complete new download of my note "snippets" and other data, and recreating my settings. Thanks, @Ralph77, and Happy New Year! 👍 🎉
  15. I'm a little confused. This forum is for the Windows desktop Evernote program. Are you opening the note from that, or from within a Web browser, using the Web interface (a separate forum here). Even the screenshot does not make this quite clear! But it looks like you're working within the Windows desktop program, so.... Problems like this can sometimes result from some bit of code getting stuck in memory. The easiest solution is to quit the program entirely, using the File menu > Exit (not the red X box at top right, which only closes the interface), or using Task Manager to shut down all Evernote processes. Try positioning the window where you want it before you do this, and hopefully then restarting Evernote will get it working right again.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Which platform? This is the Web client forum, but people have been using this thread to report problems in the Mac, Windows, and Android apps.
  17. Gloriosky! Right you are! Also needed to let it use the older Web version at first, since the "new Web" is supposedly not supported in my Android version of Opera. But persistence paid off, and once I was into Evernote, I could use the usual method to switch to the Web beta. I repeat, Gloriosky! You, sir, are a benefactor of humanity!
  18. Supplementing @gazumped's good advice: on Android, Evernote uses another app to open PDFs, whatever you've selected as your default on the device. Hence the need for the extra tap.
  19. What interface is this happening on: Web, Windows, iOS, etc.
  20. Or Opera, which is not well known in the U.S. but I think used fairly widely in Europe. Clipping PDFs in Evernote does work there.
  21. Everyone in favor of this change, be sure to click the upward arrow at the top of the page to show your support.
  22. I just updated to the current version (6.22), and I find that Ctrl+Shift+C does work to produce a checkbox, but I am still clinging to Windows 7. Perhaps it is a Windows 10 thing. Or perhaps--you know this can happen--something has temporarily gummed up the works in Evernote, and a full shutdown (File > Exit; or from Task Manager) and restart will get it working right.
  23. I just updated to v. 6.22, and I also confirm that this problem occurs, and that it only occurs in Snippet view (Ctrl+F5). Since a lot of people use Snippet view, it's obviously a big problem.
  24. I would suspect that Windows 10 has decided that it needs Ctrl+Shift+C for something and won't let it be redefined by mere software. You might need to search for ways to overcome that. But then, I'm not on the latest version of Evernote for Windows, and something may have changed.
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