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  1. The issue of this post is already solved with the latest update! So if you have another issue, open your own thread!! ----- ISSUE IS SOLVED ---
  2. This has nothing to do with the issue mentioned here in the first post! So if you have another issue, OPEN YOUR OWN THREAD!!
  3. This is a user for users forum. And please open your own thread, it has nothing to do with my issue here.
  4. SERIOUS BUG in Android update for smartphone from today - DO NOT UPDATE! There's a new feature in the update, saying that there is a new pop-up menu by clicking the profile pic! But when you click on the profile pic, only a fly out line with a shadow is seen, nothing else happens! And the worst: Clicking on profile pic normally leads you to Evernote's settings! Now you can't even call these settings! Unfortunately I've already updated this: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with Android 14. Logout and restarting the device hadn't helped, even a de- and reinstall not!!! I won't update my Android tablet!
  5. Thanks, but I have all done this: logout, restart computer, login,force reload through troubleshooting menu ... the same. The version before everything was fine.
  6. Hi, is it only me or do you have this error, too, with the latest Evernote for Windows (!) update: 10.95.6-win-ddl-public (20240708175934), Editor: V 178.17.1, Service: V 1.116.9 — Evernote for Windows. The bullet lists are now showing weird letters instead of the bullets. In the previous version it was fine. This happens to new notes as well as to notes creating yesterday for example before Evernote's update. These ones show now also these weird letters instead of the bullets. Do you have this with Windows, too? I use Windows 10 prof. x64 Desktop. If you call F12 you can check this by the DevTools of Evernote and the CSS for this is like shown in the second screenshot.
  7. Yes, I have similar problems with V10 95.4, with HOME but also with clicking various other notebooks or notebook stacks in the sidebar menu, but very random ... some work, some not. I forced a reload (main menu -> troubleshooting) and then it worked for a while, but doesn't be stable.
  8. I think it is not the current version v10.95.4, because I have this problem since I use the new Evernote version instead of the Legacy version (now about ca. 4 months). The issue I mentioned above exist since then - and in the meantime Evernote had got a lot new updates, so it is not a matter of the current one.
  9. Hi, in comparison to former Evernote Legacy the current Evernote version for Windows Desktop is very slow, too slow to work properly with it. I know that the new Evernote has a new structure and need time to re-organize etc. It had now time for around 4 months, 8 hours a day at my WIN 10 prof. x64 computer. ‼️ I have NO problems opening a note and scrolling through it, this is relatively normal in speed. But other things are super slow; also the SYNC is quite normal. ‼️ But Evernote is super slow in these cases: I'm faster with typing plain text into a (new or existing) note than Evernote type it on the screen. This is bad, because I type faster than Evernote, spelling mistakes can creep in and I only notice them later because Evernote is always lagging behind. And that costs time because I can't correct the mistakes as soon as I type the next letter because Evernote isn't that advanced yet. Scrolling through the left column, for example through notebook-stacks or notebooks is very slow and not smooth Further informations: Evernote: Notes: 24.514 Notebooks: 503 Notebook stacks: 77 latest version: 10.95.4-win-ddl-public (20240702172400)Editor: V 178.16.0Service: V 1.116.5 I have a WIN 10 prof. x64 computer with 16 GB RAM and a 4 core i-7 processor, a Radeon graphic card, 3 SSDs, on one SSD is only the OS and the programs like Evernote, with 60% free disk space. With the help of the DEVtools in Evernote, I saw that a lot of things are loaded from the cloud. We live here in the countryside in Germany, but NOT in the city, we have no “fiber optic” as internet connection for example, just DSL. With “normal” websites (I'm a webdesigner) I have here no problems with internet connection. Internet connection currently: ↓ 63,7 Mbit/s ↑ 23,4 Mbit/s I don't know if this has something to do with its slowness, but the DEV tools in Evernote (→ F12 in Evernote → tab “sources” ) show a lot of 404 errors. I also use Adobe's Creative Suite on my Windows PC, as well as the video editing software DaVinci Resolve. I have NOT noticed any performance problems here - and these are really heavyweights! Only Evernote is incredibly slow when writing text, scrolling through the notebook stacks and notebooks, for example - it's all very jerky and not smooth. But keep in mind: Evernote is very slow and jerky although no other program is open! As you all know, for my ticket I only got the standard text, but no solution. Has anyone an idea how to speed up Evernote? Thank you.
  10. Thank you, you are right, the update from today solved this. 10.93.2-win-ddl-public (20240620105652) Editor: V 178.13.1 Service: V 1.114.1
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