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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I think if you uncheck Activate multi-shot it will quit taking pics while you turn pages. There's a document setting actually on the camera screen itself, the icon at top right: if it shows a mountain/landscape, tap it to change to a document icon. That will cause it to frame a document to photograph (it's important to have a contrasting background behind the page). With one or more photos taken, you can tap the images at the bottom of the screen to preview them, and on the preview screen there is a Save As option, where one of the choices is Document. Hope this is some help!
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Have you tried the solution recommended earlier in the thread?
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Double posting is discouraged--you've also replied to an ongoing thread, which is better:
  4. Yes, that is my experience as well. As @gazumped says, it may be that limitations of email apps on Android and other mobile devices make it impossible to link to a specific email as is possible in other contexts. I too wish it worked better!
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I love Color Note too, for some particular purposes. In the Evernote Android app, there are various specified sort options for notes and notebooks, but not the option to just sort in a user-created way. Since sort by title is one option, some users create titles that will in effect sort as they wish the notes to be. In the Evernote Windows desktop program, notebooks can be color coded, but unfortunately that does not sync to other other instances of Evernote (even other Windows devices). Hopefully some of this may change as they work on improving the user interfaces, but no promises have been made.
  6. Does this have anything to do with Evernote? This so-called @Lewis-H has been answering posts, some of them quite old, since joining on January 1, sometimes sensibly but redundantly, sometimes nonsensically, like this. In another thread, you asked whether he was a bot. I begin to suspect so. Or just somebody who wants to be helpful but doesn't really understand the subject matter.
  7. I know less than zip about code blocks. But I see the Web beta editor (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) has code blocks. Do they also have this problem there?
  8. There's some discussion of this (specifically WRT Ctrl+K) here:
  9. @Colleen O, glad that was helpful. @lhb, sounds like your experience and reactions are about like mine. This feels like a big (even if still beta) step forward.
  10. This. It may have made some security sense at one time (maybe), but since in the Web beta you click first on the text with a link, then on the link, I don't think you need to be asked a 3rd time if you really want to do this.
  11. Just want to say that I have the same experience as @DrFrankBuck; and that @gazumped's explanation makes sense. Wish it worked more smoothly, but not yet.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. It should be in the Trash, accessed from the 3-lines menu at top left of the main app screen.
  13. This has been happening for awhile now, due to passwords being stolen from somewhere else (not from Evernote) and being tested till the crooks find one that works on an Evernote account. The solution I've seen is to change your Evernote password to something strong and not in use elsewhere. That should keep the crooks from logging their bogus iPhone into your account. @Shane D., have I got that right?
  14. Thanks for following up. Worth a look, next time my life opens up a space.
  15. @njlane, since you've got a Premium subscription, this would be worth raising with Support, if you haven't yet: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. I'm fortunate enough not to have to use Outlook, so I haven't experienced the issue, but evidently it's a real aggravation.
  16. Wow, great to hear it! Second person who's called me awesome online in two days--I may start to believe it. Seriously, I'm glad that helped. It's often the cure for such oddities.
  17. This is the forum for Android requests. The one for iOS feature requests is here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/215-evernote-for-ios-requests/.
  18. Also asked, and answered here: There's no need to post twice--it only clogs things up.
  19. Thanks, @Ian Small! This is the kind of informative communication that has sometimes been sorely lacking in the past, and caused some unnecessary hand-wringing. I appreciate the forthright explanation and the indication of the way forward.
  20. Hi Vic, and welcome to the forums. I'm tempted to say, "Well, there's you're problem right there." This is the Windows forum. Look around for the Mac one, and you'll get good advice.
  21. Does this affect all three of the available Web clients (Beta, Classic, and "Previous" [accessed by clicking on your initial to access account info])?
  22. I'm using Opera and have v. 5.28 also. (Which BTW I never realized I could check until these reports prompted me to look more closely--thanks!)
  23. I've never tried sharing a YouTube link, so I haven't experienced this. But if it's happening consistently, since everyone who's reporting it here has a Premium subscription, some reports to Support might be in order: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. @AndreasM, are you saying you've reported it to support several times with no response, or just referring to the reports here?
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