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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Well, @CalS, that's in the URL area of the ... what, metadata? At any rate, I think Tony is wanting it to appear automatically in the body of the note, and I don't think at this point that that works. At least not in Windows.
  2. Strange. I just made a test note, in a window that was very short from top to bottom, so I wouldn't have to type much before it needed to scroll. And it did scroll, i.e., when I got to the end of the line at the bottom of the window and continued typing, the existing text rolled up so I could see what I typed. Evidently that's what's not working for some folks?
  3. No more gurus here; just look around. (Oops, sorry for inserting a fact.) But hey: Gurus vs. Trolls ... that might make a great video game!
  4. The Beta has been updated recently, and is being updated fairly often. In fact, it now represents at least the beginnings of what the editors across all platforms will be capable of. It is still a beta, and things could go wrong. But the only issues I've seen have been features not yet added. I haven't had any data loss. As to what "the company" is up to, anyone who's actually interested can look at the extensive set of "Behind the Scenes" videos. But oops! What was I thinking? In Andreas' world, only trolls have freedom of speech. Anyone who reports positive facts is just "defending the company" and ought to be silenced.
  5. Staff occasionally look in, but this is primarily a user-to-user forum. @PinkElephant's point, I believe, is that when creating the new notebook in the Web client, you may have accidentally logged in with a different email address, which would very quickly and easily (unfortunately) create a new account. So yes, it would be a completely new account, and that's where the notes you created at that time would be. Depending on what email and password you used to create it, it might not be obvious how to get back to this account. You may need to try every email address and password you might have used--being careful not to create yet another new account! You can go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new to create a support request. I'm not sure what options will be available to you on a Basic account. If the notes are important enough, it may be worth signing up for Premium for just one month so that you can get full access to support and they can hopefully straighten this out. At the end of the month, you can simply drop back to Basic.
  6. @benkrall, after I posted the message that you quote, I thought better of getting involved in this discussion and deleted it (which is why others who come here will not see it). All I'll repeat of it here is that, for me, there is not a "constant issue of data loss." I don't think I'm unique in that experience, but I haven't done a survey. I don't have the impression that you have either. We each have only our own experience to go on; mine is good, on the whole, and yours is lousy. I don't think it's fair to project from only one's own experience to what the service overall is like, or to what its staffers are doing overall. No need to reply to this; I don't foresee a fruitful dialogue here. I do hope you are able to get out of the mess to something that works better for you.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. How are you accessing your notes? On the Evernote Web client in a browser, or in the Windows or Mac desktop programs?
  8. Hello, and welcome to the forums. Another user reported a similar problem, and it was related to emailing notes directly from a scanner. Is that also your situation?
  9. Finally figured this one out. In a PDF within a note, click on the header bar (the gray stripe at the top), then on the 3 dots, to get a choice of Download, View as Attachment, and Page-through Preview or Full Preview. For me, View as Attachment is especially welcome. Thanks again for noticing this.
  10. When I switch to another app while I'm editing a note in the Evernote Android app, I do usually get a message saying "Saving note in [notebook note]." There's also a manual "Save note" option in the 3-dots menu at top right when editing. Either of these should save a temporary copy to local storage on the phone. I'm not clear on what you mean by "close a note"--if you're tapping the check mark at top left, that should sync it with the Evernote servers. Actually exiting (closing) the app without doing that is a recipe for losing data. It might save locally, or it might not. The Evernote app is meant to sync with the Evernote servers, not to save locally on a long-term basis (unless you designate a notebook as "available offline"). If something has changed in how the app works (updates in the last year have been exceedingly minor, in fact generally hard to tell what has been changed), your best bet might be to do a sync (from the notes or notebooks list, tap the 3-dots menu and choose sync), close Evernote, uninstall it, restart the phone, and reinstall Evernote. You'll have to give it a few minutes to download the index and other data that it does save to the phone, and re-establish any settings that you customized. I hope that's some help.
  11. Hi, and welcome to the forums. There's one specifically dedicated to Android issues, and you may get better help if you post this there: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This particular forum (and thread) deals with the Evernote Web editing interface. If you're experiencing the problem on the Android app, try posting here, where you may find more relevant help: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/.
  13. I'm not 100% sure this is new in 6.7, but I never noticed it before. In All Notes view, there is now, besides the sort options, an option to filter the list by multiple filters (1st screenshot below). In the 2nd screenshot, I've clicked on the Contains option, to show some of the possible items to use for filtering. NB email addresses, lists, and tables. Some of these are things people have been asking for here.
  14. Hi, @Boulard, and welcome to the forums. Regrettably (or not), this is basically a user-to-user space; Evernote staff may drop in occasionally, but by and large we're not folks who are able to "do something" about anyone else's database or account (including understand log files, in my case). I can tell from the log files that you're using the Mac desktop program (I think). Try looking at your notes by logging in to the Web client in a browser: https://www.evernote.com/client/web. If the notes are there, it's a step in the right direction, or at least reassuring information. If not, is it conceivable that they never synced after you took them, for instance due to a shutdown of the computer or the software? IAC, you might have better luck posting this in the forum dedicated to Mac, where there are some expert users: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/219-evernote-for-mac/.
  15. Find and replace (accessed by Ctrl+F) is a particularly useful addition.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. You'll probably get quicker and more specific advice by posting in the Mac tech forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/219-evernote-for-mac/.
  17. 6.23 is the version immediately preceding the current one. I got this notice on my laptop, and there was also no "Skip update" button. But 6.24 is working fine on my desktop, so why skip it?
  18. Welcome to the forums. Please don't take over someone else's thread to post an unrelated question. Try starting your own thread in this forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/53-evernote-general-discussions/.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a recurring problem for some users, caused by bad actors stealing your password from a non-Evernote site. See this post in another forum for good advice:
  20. I didn't even realize it, but in the Web beta editor, Premium and Business subscribers do have the ability to save a note as a template. The Help article on templates has the info. NB anyone can use existing templates, but only Premium and Business subscribers can create their own.
  21. For Web users, see this thread in the Web client forum:
  22. Right you are about find and replace (accessed by Ctrl+F)! Thanks for finding that. I'm not sure what you mean about the other two. Can you say more?
  23. So it seems it may be a Firefox deal. My understanding is that FF has gotten really tight about security lately. How to see how this could be a security problem, but they may see security issues where no one else does.
  24. Thanks, @Kolmir. But the "previous version" is the much earlier, pre-"Classic" version. Selecting it pops up a dialog with the message "You are now opted out from the redesigned Evernote website," and asking for feedback. In Opera, if I click the account button at top left with my name, I also get the option to switch to the "previous version." But there's also a black button at bottom right that says, "Feedback" (it used to say, "Beta"). When you click it, you get the popup shown below. Just surprised at the difference between FF and Opera on this point, in the same version of the Web editor.
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