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Please stop the constant updates!

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I have never been more frustrated with the constant barrage of updates then I am with Evernote (Windows).

Every day I open it and there is an update - I used to ignore it until it was convenient, but now I cant even do that as it wont display the page until it installs the update. It's even worse on my work machine, it's driving my IT department crazy as I dont have rights to install on that PC.

This is nuts - devs - can you not put in a reasonable release schedule, once a month perhaps?

This is enough for me to move to another platform, I'm a member for 9 years.

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The current schedule probably is about 1 per month, maybe a bit faster. Since many of us still wait for features, I don’t like the idea that code ready to ship would be withheld just for the peace of mind of some users.

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You are right. When open EN, mostly is the time of need to get or write something. Most of them are immediately need. EN should let user do what is needed to do first before update. Should have a choose. 

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18 hours ago, JohnF2 said:

I have never been more frustrated with the constant barrage of updates then I am with Evernote (Windows).

Every day I open it and there is an update - I used to ignore it until it was convenient, but now I cant even do that as it wont display the page until it installs the update. It's even worse on my work machine, it's driving my IT department crazy as I dont have rights to install on that PC.

This is nuts - devs - can you not put in a reasonable release schedule, once a month perhaps?

This is enough for me to move to another platform, I'm a member for 9 years.

I disgree, I like the updates, the more the better, as long as it is an improvement (like it always is in EN10)

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On 6/16/2021 at 10:14 PM, gazumped said:

Hi.  Did the Legacy version meet your general needs?  If so,  just uninstall v10 (or just don't use it).  Legacy does not and will not get updates.

I don't understand what you mean by 'Legacy' version. Do you mean the installed application, rather than the web based one? 

This is the reason I use Evernote, for offline access to my notes.

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On 6/16/2021 at 11:23 PM, PinkElephant said:

The current schedule probably is about 1 per month, maybe a bit faster. Since many of us still wait for features, I don’t like the idea that code ready to ship would be withheld just for the peace of mind of some users.

This is interesting. I am getting an update notification every day. This is the reason for my initial post. I wouldn't complain about a monthly schedule, that's perfectly reasonable.

To clarify, every day I start my PC and Evernote and it says there is an install waiting. I install it, the application restarts, says installation successful.

Next day it does it again.

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Seems its constantly stuck on v 10.15.6.

When it says it has an update, and it updates, its still on the same version number. I will uninstall completely and try a new installation and see what happens over the next few days.

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32 minutes ago, JohnF2 said:

Seems its constantly stuck on v 10.15.6.

When it says it has an update, and it updates, its still on the same version number. I will uninstall completely and try a new installation and see what happens over the next few days.

Two things:

  1. The most recent,  monthly updated version that @PinkElephant is referring to is v10.  Which does allow you to see and edit notes when not connected to the internet,  but does sync all changes back to the server whenever it is connected,  so that the web version and your local installed version will always show the same notes.  The 'no updates' option I was referring to was the 'Legacy' (older) version 6.25 which can be installed alongside v10,  and can be used to edit and update notes if you need a feature which is no longer supported.  https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. When you get an 'updating' message each time you load Evernote,  it can mean that the usual internal shortcut to start the application is actually pointing to the installer,  rather than the application EXE file.  Creating a new shortcut and deleting the old one would resolve that - an uninstall / reinstall is also an option.
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Same problem on my Mac OS 11.3.1 using EN 10.13.4!! I HATE HATE HATE THIS DAILY UPDATE!!!!! And I can't use my notes, which I need in a hurry, until the update is done and relaunch of the app.


No other application I have does this. And it's tempting me, after being a user since 2015, to jump ship! It's so infuriating and frustrating!

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  • Level 5*
On 6/25/2021 at 4:07 AM, siliconaudiolab said:


And you seem to have a problem with caps lock too...

  1. There is no such thing as a daily update
  2. If you're seeing an 'updating' message every day,  the installer is being repeatedly (and wrongly) triggered instead of the program link.
  3. This is fixable by either creating a new link or reinstalling the software
  4. ...and being a user since 2015 you might want to chip in with a subscription so you can get access to email help for when things like this happen.
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Hmmm - the reminder shows up when you open the app, and there is an update. There is no need to install it in this very moment. Just click it closed, and continue. Probably it shows up again when the app is started fresh, and the update is still not done.

This is similar in several apps, starting with MacOS and the AppStore. When I have open AppStore updates, I get a new notification from time to time until I install them.

Other apps show notifications as well - not all do, but this is IMHO no good service.

Maybe it is something else: We were so used from legacy that there were never updates, that we can’t believe we are already at 10.16, only 9 month after the launch of the new version.

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Just to update this thread ...

I uninstalled Evernote completely from the machine and re-installed it. 

This has fixed the issue and I am now on the latest version and I'm not getting notifications about this 'daily' update. I am Windows 10.

I don't know how the OSX installer works but @siliconaudiolab you might try the same.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by JohnF2
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The OSX installer works very simple: On opening the EN download page, a dmg image file is downloading automatically to the download folder - at least it does on my Mac. From there it can be installed.

When one did a complete uninstall before, after installation the security and privacy settings must be renewed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The worst part - the part that makes it absolutely maddening - is when you are working in another app and the "Update Evernote!" appears OVER THE TOP of your working app. THAT needs to stop. You can do 20 updates a day so long as I don't see I need to take action UNTIL I am in Evernote. But if I've got Evernote open in the background, I don't need intrusive Ad like interruptions to my workflow. That's the opposite of why I use Evernote. It's crazy - I have never seen this in my life on any application.

There is no option in preferences to stop or alter this. For users who like to be interrupted, they are fine with this. For those of us who need to focus, this is a badly needed and very simple switch to add in preferences: "Turn off update alerts." or something along those lines. THAT would be an update I'd install. LOL! ;)

For now, I've had to not run Evernote in the background until I need it, which sucks cuz now I have to wait for it to load before I can add/chk notes.

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  • 6 months later...

Truly, this has been so frustrating to me as well that I am going to be uninstalling this app. Its just way too often. I don't believe someone is so needy of features EVERY MONTH!!! It is a bs argument that every month they are rolling out new features. I just don't see the need for this constant update. 

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Each update contains bug fixes and many new features.

Allow to stop it - LOL - and next story will be fellow users coming here, complaining in harsh words about problems that have long been resolved. Oh, yes, we stopped the updates on our device a long time ago …

EN is using the agile development method, which by principle results in many small updates in fast sequence, instead of this one and only update every year or so. Many other developers do the same. If you don’t like it, you will probably have a hard time to find an app that does not innovate on a fast pace.

EN for a long time did not update, and it nearly killed them !

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On 2/13/2022 at 4:22 AM, PinkElephant said:

Each update contains bug fixes and many new features.

Allow to stop it - LOL - and next story will be fellow users coming here, complaining in harsh words about problems that have long been resolved. Oh, yes, we stopped the updates on our device a long time ago …

EN is using the agile development method, which by principle results in many small updates in fast sequence, instead of this one and only update every year or so. Many other developers do the same. If you don’t like it, you will probably have a hard time to find an app that does not innovate on a fast pace.

EN for a long time did not update, and it nearly killed them !

While I appreciate the intention of constant improvement, there has to be a better way of implementing it. I have been an Evernote user for over a decade and this is ridiculous. Either give the users the option to automatically update or to automatically ignore. It's not something that has to be triggered by the user every, single, time.

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Usually all apps will give you the last decision on updating. I have other apps that tell me there is an update - but I need to decide about the if and when myself.

You can send your feedback through the feedback function to EN, or issue a support ticket.

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I have apps that probably update everyday because I allow it to. And it does so in the background, at maybe 3am. Some updates I set that they need to be triggered before proceeding.

I think the worst part of all this is how intrusive the prompts are. It's not so much that there's always an update, but the fact that they're always in your face. And while you do have that option whether you want it or not, you are forced to make that option as soon as you run the app vs say having a notification in the toolbar.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Level 5

Make the math: Now on release 10.39, released October 2020: One release every 2 weeks, give and take a few days.

You can’t have a NEW release every day.

You CAN have a reminder every day there is a new release, if you decide not to install.

But this is your own (in)action, which makes it happily pop up again.

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On 2/13/2022 at 1:52 AM, PinkElephant said:

Each update contains bug fixes and many new features.

Allow to stop it - LOL - and next story will be fellow users coming here, complaining in harsh words about problems that have long been resolved. Oh, yes, we stopped the updates on our device a long time ago …

EN is using the agile development method, which by principle results in many small updates in fast sequence, instead of this one and only update every year or so. Many other developers do the same. If you don’t like it, you will probably have a hard time to find an app that does not innovate on a fast pace.

EN for a long time did not update, and it nearly killed them !

For gods sake, give users the choice to update when they need to. Don't push it down their throats all the time with constant notifications.

I just want to get my work done, not be bombarded with updates. The first few years of evernote were amazing - now its complete *****. This is why I'm going to stop paying.


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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, Boot17 said:

Something funny with some people's configurations... I have Evernote on Windows desktop, two MacOS, iPad, and iOS and I hardly ever see update notifications.

Same here. I got an update notification on Windows today for the first time in several days, at least. Took maybe 2 minutes to download, install, and restart. Since it was before I started doing anything, no problem. Honestly, if a person just does Help > Check for updates before settling in to work, that would take care of it. 

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  • 4 months later...

I'm on a mac and I get probably 2 updates a week on average. I always install them, I never postpone them. I don't know if that's due to a bug or what but that is what's happening. I do agree it's a bit much and can be annoying when you're trying to work and you have to wait for it to download and install. Even if it takes 30 seconds, it takes you out of your work flow and can be a bit frustrating. Chrome used to have this problem and they solved it a long time ago by doing updates automatically in the background. I know that's not necessarily trivial thing to accomplish but maybe that would be something to look into for Evernote. As a software developer myself I recognize the need to keep your product update to date but that has to be balanced with overall user experience.



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On 11/13/2022 at 10:23 PM, dkl512 said:

I'm on a mac and I get probably 2 updates a week on average.

Your Mac may be unique - everyone else is getting one update every couple of weeks.  What version of Evernote does your copy claim to be?

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On 11/13/2022 at 11:23 PM, dkl512 said:

I'm on a mac and I get probably 2 updates a week on average. I always install them, I never postpone them. I don't know if that's due to a bug or what but that is what's happening. I do agree it's a bit much and can be annoying when you're trying to work and you have to wait for it to download and install. Even if it takes 30 seconds, it takes you out of your work flow and can be a bit frustrating. Chrome used to have this problem and they solved it a long time ago by doing updates automatically in the background. I know that's not necessarily trivial thing to accomplish but maybe that would be something to look into for Evernote. As a software developer myself I recognize the need to keep your product update to date but that has to be balanced with overall user experience.



Since the automatic updating process makes my android client very responsive again for a few days, I really appreciate them. The more updates the better !

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26 minutes ago, gazumped said:

And you're getting 2 per week??

unfortunately not 😉

So after a couple of days, my android client gets very slow again because it accumulates all problems until the next automatic update (or a tedious 2FA logout/login)

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I'm using Evernote on Windows and couldn't agree more about these non essential updates.  I use Evernote daily and find it intrusive. I just want to take a quick note, not be pestered for another update.  If there were security issues, then I could understand.  People are trying to get work done gosh dang it.

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21 minutes ago, Linux or Bust said:

I'm using Evernote on Windows and couldn't agree more about these non essential updates.  I use Evernote daily and find it intrusive. I just want to take a quick note, not be pestered for another update.  If there were security issues, then I could understand.  People are trying to get work done gosh dang it.

Updates come every 2-4 weeks. Not weekly and definitely not daily. The only reason you might get more frequents notifications is that you decline an update on which case you'll get a reminder the next day and so on.

Just accept them when they come along and you shouldn't be pestered more than once a month or thereabouts.

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Perhaps one approach would be to check for updates at the beginning of each day. How gratifying to go for days and days knowing you are on the latest version! And then when there is an update, accept it, use the minutes required for the update to do some exercises (mental or physical), and then go on with the work. This way your work is not interrupted by the update. I look at updating as a mildly time-consuming necessity, sort of like brushing my teeth, if I only had to brush them once a week.

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About 10.43: Was released on the iOS AppStore 5 days ago. It will deliver quite rapidly, usually it updates during the next night while on charger.

I sometimes have the impression that it takes longer for the same mobile version to get through the gatekeepers on the PlayStore than on the AppStore.

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15 hours ago, eric99 said:

10.44 ?   I've never seen 10.43,  was it that bad that it has never been released on our play store ?

I got it in Playstore it automatically listed with other updates a few days ago.

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On 11/15/2022 at 9:51 AM, gazumped said:

Your Mac may be unique - everyone else is getting one update every couple of weeks.  What version of Evernote does your copy claim to be?

Every mac is special and unique. This is my Evernote version:

10.49.4-mac-ddl-public (3782)
Editor: v161.2.19948
Service: v1.61.2

The installer currently on the website is called Evernote-10.49.4-mac-ddl-ga-3782-127ce42593.dmg so I would gather that I have the latest version.


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On 11/15/2022 at 12:55 PM, agsteele said:

Updates come every 2-4 weeks. Not weekly and definitely not daily. The only reason you might get more frequents notifications is that you decline an update on which case you'll get a reminder the next day and so on.

Just accept them when they come along and you shouldn't be pestered more than once a month or thereabouts.

Unfortunately that's not the case for me. I always install them and I get them much more often than every 2-4 weeks. For example I had gotten one last Sunday right before I did my initial post here and I just got another one a few minutes ago.

I'll start tracking the version before and after the update to see what's actually happening. I guess it's probably not actually installing the update every time or it's installing the same one over and over. Obviously something is off. Anyway, I'll post back here with my findings.

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2 hours ago, agsteele said:

10.44 for Android dropped onto my device today. I'm told it addresses background sync to catch up with iOS.

What exactly does that mean? Will it now finally sync in background, even when the app isn't active?

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Just a little observation: We are hotly discussing here the benefits of a new update - under the thread title „Stop the constant updates“.

Nothing could be more proof than this that „stopping the updates“ is an absolutely counterproductive idea.

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On iOS it works when the app is open, but not active (running in the background).

What does work as well is that when sharing content (like clipping from the web) it imports the web clip even when the app is closed. It is not as it used to be initially that to make the import, we needed to share, then open the app and wait until the new note with the web clip had been created (and in the best of worlds synced as well).

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

On iOS it works when the app is open, but not active (running in the background).

What does work as well is that when sharing content (like clipping from the web) it imports the web clip even when the app is closed. It is not as it used to be initially that to make the import, we needed to share, then open the app and wait until the new note with the web clip had been created (and in the best of worlds synced as well).

I assume this is all v10.43 behaviour ?

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I am quite frustrated by the distraction caused by these frequent updates- they always switch my app focus and appear at random times throughout the day. Please turn them into silent notifications that can be controlled by the Mac/PC notification preferences, or make them pop up only during startup (as mentioned previously in this thread). At the very least, let me press Enter and make them go away, instead of clicking on them. Personally, I have no use for any of these new features, but I understand others do. Thanks!

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Many users have given up to restart their computers daily or at least on a regular schedule, like turning it off once a week for the weekend. Many users just keep it running.

Update check on computer restart does not do the job for this simple reason.

The EN updater does nothing different than the updater function build into many other apps. It checks for and delivers them. Maybe because of the continuous improvements released you just think it would do something out of the regular. To me it sounds like Perception over Substance.

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On 11/22/2022 at 8:49 PM, ethan1 said:

Personally, I have no use for any of these new features, but I understand others do. Thanks

I think the point is that these updates do not, generally, add new features. Rather they fix things that are broken, improve security and performance.

So you are strongly advised to accept them when they first arrive. Yes, you will be nagged to install but that will cease if you go ahead with the update.

I do see that the update box taking focus is a hassle. For now the best solution is to update when prompted or set a reminder and check for updates at the earliest time after the first reminder.

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...what they said;  but to reinforce.  These alerts are just that - you can dismiss them when they pop up.  All you then need to do is wait for a convenient break in your day and run "check for updates" to generate the process in your own time.  Let it run through and you should be safe from interruption for a couple of weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interestingly, this thread was started by a user that had some kind of hiccup in their install and they would go through the install process for the update, so it was never actually applied. That issue has been long figured and solved for them but sounds like it might persist for others. And then that particular issue has also been coupled with the popup notification of an update that needs to be installed (and people keep dismissing it so they keep seeing it).

Recently Evernote released a new version that should address at least that part of it:


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Totally agree

I am a paid member and curse every day when I need to get info quickly and there is an update




Features can wait. Bugs can wait


I am currently looking for an alternative, and I am a paid member

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@Boot17 I don’t think the initial problem got stuck with others - unless they decided not to update, which may have caused a lock in. Usually only those users who don’t update in due course when notified see the update notification with some frequency.

These users IMHO complain about self inflicted pain. This is doubly true since the option to start EN with the system was added to settings. Who uses it will see a notification early, if at all.

Good when they now will add some update balm to the coming release 10.51 - takes a unnecessary topic out of the forum discussion. Unless one of this user group avoids to update …

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buying and using EN has become self inflicted pain indeed. In the end, because the producers of the product won't add a simple preference to turn off a far too frequent pop-up, that pain can be easily cured. See the end of my post for a pain free solution to this problem.

The thing is, I see numerous threads and posts about the constant update pop-ups. And I'm not alone - https://www.google.com/search?q=evernote+constant+upgrade+interuptions&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS997US997&oq=ever&aqs=chrome.1.69i60j69i59j69i57j69i60j69i65j69i60j69i65l2.3074j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Look, I develop for Apple and other tech producers. I have been so since 1988! Nothing that I have ever installed, in all my platforms, has ever tossed me so many interruptions as EN's constant update Pop-Up. The pop-up interrupts other open programs, and I have to stop coding to shut the pop-up off! Sadly, I need to keep my notes programs up and open, in the background. 

What's really stunning to me, is the childish and sophomoric attacks against paying users as if they have their heads up their asses, when out of sheer frustration, they beg to shut this feature off. NO my caps lock isn't stuck - I'M ACTUALLY FRUSTRATED, PISSED OFF AND SHOUTING!!!

Got that? Is THAT what you want from your paying customers? 

When I have paying clients, and they speak up with an issue, I listen up. I don't resort to grade school attacks on their grammar, use of caps locks, punctuation, syntax etc...  because they disagree with something. What's next - doxxing them!? I tune in, and then I ask lots of questions. I address THE ISSUE - I DON'T ATTACK THEM <--- There's that nasty shift lock again! Surely such usage means everything I'm experiencing with EN is null and void QED.

Do as you wish - PISS OFF your paying customers. Argue with them that what they are experiencing, and feeling, is foolish, stupid, wrong and unfounded. Mock them after they're gone. Invalidate their quality perception of a product they purchased. Just remember,  you do so at the risk of losing many of them, which could become, far too many than you can afford  to lose.

And so.............. UPNOTE it shall be for 2023. And as for YOU, Pink Elephant - the elephant in the room should be - the pissed off paying customers, not whether or not you 'won't feel the loss' of yet ANOTHER customer after they leave.

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You seem to think that coming into this forum, yelling and cursing at Evernote, and announcing with a flourish that you are leaving them, somehow teaches Evernote a lesson. But it's user-to-user in here. YOU ARE NOT VENTING YOUR FEELINGS AT EVERNOTE HERE. You're venting them at me, another user like yourself, and at others who come to these forums to try to offer a little help, and sometimes a little perspective. IF YOU WANT TO YELL AT EVERNOTE, DO IT HERE: HTTPS://HELP.EVERNOTE.COM/HC/EN-US/REQUESTS/NEW.

Gee, that felt ... no it didn't.

I have never once had my workflow interrupted by Evernote popping up an update notice. Not once. I don't think I'm alone either. What those of us who live such charmed lives find so annoying is the angry assumption that what happens to you happens to everyone. Why it happens to you and not me, to many others and not to many other others, I don't know. Maybe because I keep my notes program up and open in the background, because that's what it's for. (Gee, did I just make an assumption there?) But no one here is trying to hand out insults. Except you.

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You seem to think that coming into this forum, yelling and cursing at Evernote, and announcing with a flourish that you are leaving them, somehow teaches Evernote a lesson. But it's user-to-user in here.


Are you claiming they (Evernote) don't read it, and or post here?



 ....I have never once had my workflow interrupted by Evernote popping up an update notice. Not once. I don't think I'm alone either. What those of us who live such charmed life find so annoying is the angry assumption that what happens to you happens to everyone. Why it happens to you and not me, to many others and not to many other others,


Others isagree:





Maybe because I keep my notes program up and open in the background, because that's what it's for. (Gee, did I just make an assumption there?)

Yes. Yes you did. And you know what they say about people who make assumptions:



The pop-up interrupts other open programs, and I have to stop coding to shut the pop-up off! Sadly, I need to keep my notes programs up and open, in the background. 


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  • Level 5
17 minutes ago, siliconaudiolab said:

Are you claiming they (Evernote) don't read it, and or post here?

I can't swear to their reading habits, but Evernote staff hardly ever post in these forums. Not never, but hardly ever. These are basically user-to-user forums, and since you have a paid subscription and want to give Evernote a piece of your mind, why not do so directly to them?

I didn't say the update notification happens only to you; I said it happens to you "and many others", but also not to myself and many others.

I keep Evernote open constantly, because that's what it's for: to take notes at a moment's notice, to make those notes available on multiple devices and platforms, and to serve as a repository of such notes on which I can draw as needed. I'm in and out of it all the time. I don't feel sad about it a bit. My Dell Inspiron Windows 10 laptop is far from top of the line, but keeping Evernote around doesn't drag its performance down. And I don't get popups that interrupt my work, though I don't know if keeping EN open is the reason or not.

I don't know if this will solve the specific problem you're having, but in the release notes for the latest update, v. 10.50.10, it says, "In the past, a screen would pop up annoyingly to let you know when an Evernote update was available to you. But now it'll wait patiently in the background until you're ready." So maybe they've addressed this issue, even if they haven't responded in this forum.

OK. I'm tired of being yelled at and yelling back. Truce. Good luck with Upnote, if that's your choice, and may it serve you well.

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4 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

So maybe they've addressed this issue, even if they haven't responded in this forum

Yes, the pop up no longer pops up. A small update icon appears in the sidebar ready for you to click on.

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11 hours ago, siliconaudiolab said:

Buying and using EN has become self inflicted pain indeed. In the end, because the producers of the product won't add a simple preference to turn off a far too frequent pop-up, that pain can be easily cured.

Did you miss my comment like three comments above yours? They didn't need to make it a preference, they just finally changed the way they did updates (as they had hinted at doing months ago). See also:


11 hours ago, siliconaudiolab said:

See the end of my post for a pain free solution to this problem.

I have had the premium subscription of UpNote for over a year now and I've been tinkering with it for that whole time. I love UpNote and have it installed on Windows, two Macs, iPhone and iPad. It's an awesome and underrated piece of software in my opinion. It has a few features that I hope Evernote can implement, but even so Evernote's total package is still better for me. Evernote's update issue that you rant about didn't even amount to a minor annoyance to me personally. 

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On 12/21/2022 at 12:08 AM, siliconaudiolab said:

And so.............. UPNOTE it shall be for 2023. And as for YOU, Pink Elephant - the elephant in the room should be - the pissed off paying customers, not whether or not you 'won't feel the loss' of yet ANOTHER customer after they leave.


On 12/21/2022 at 11:11 AM, Boot17 said:

I have had the premium subscription of UpNote for over a year now and I've been tinkering with it for that whole time. I love UpNote and have it installed on Windows, two Macs, iPhone and iPad. It's an awesome and underrated piece of software in my opinion. It has a few features that I hope Evernote can implement, but even so Evernote's total package is still better for me. Evernote's update issue that you rant about didn't even amount to a minor annoyance to me personally. 


I briefly looked at UpNote but quickly rejected it; far too many red flags. A cloud-based note taking app, at least for me, requires an intimate level of trust. I am going to use the app to store information that (despite surely being of no interest to anyone else) is of importance to me. I need to trust that my data will be stored securely, privately, and (because migrating is a pain) that the company will be around for the long haul. UpNote fails on every one of these dimensions.

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@siliconaudiolab Don't really care to read it all, but so many words, just for me ?! Such a cutie - makes me turn pink !

Only FYI: Everybody with a "Staff" at his forum batch is an EN employee. Everybody without it is another user. And as you reserve it for yourself, we other users around here are allowed to have an opinion as well. Even one you do not like or tend to agree with.

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3 hours ago, Paul A. said:

I need to trust that my data will be stored securely, privately, and (because migrating is a pain) that the company will be around for the long haul. UpNote fails on every one of these dimensions.

Yeah - I see that particular (super valid) complaint a lot - it's probably the major concern/complaint about it - and it's one of the reasons that I only just tinker with it. And it depends what you put in there too. It's pretty perfect for my Spanish/English screenshots of Calvin and Hobbes comics (and other things).

It's crazy good for what a small team has been able to do with it. I wonder if it won't get bought out by someone bigger one of these days. They charge a very small amount compared to others... $1 a month or $25 lifetime. Not super sustainable... Seems like they are wanting to build their user base to become a bigger catch? Who knows.

One of the ironic things about the commenter's complaint about the constant Evernote updates (besides it being an out-dated rant) is that UpNote is also only available through the app stores: Mac, Windows, iOS and Play Store. If the UpNote migrator used Evernote only through the app stores (like UpNote) they would have never seen an update popup from Evernote to begin with!

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  • 3 months later...

Agree with all that the update schedule is relentless. I do a fair amount of public speaking, and I often have my computer plugged into a projector in front of hundreds of people. It is not uncommon for me to end a talk and turn to the screen to realize an "evernote update" has been projected for an unknown amount of time. 

Happy to have updates to fix bugs and add features on a reasonable schedule. No other app I use is as high maintenance as this, though. What's the solution?

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41 minutes ago, Golden27 said:

Agree with all that the update schedule is relentless. I do a fair amount of public speaking, and I often have my computer plugged into a projector in front of hundreds of people. It is not uncommon for me to end a talk and turn to the screen to realize an "evernote update" has been projected for an unknown amount of time. 

Happy to have updates to fix bugs and add features on a reasonable schedule. No other app I use is as high maintenance as this, though. What's the solution?

Make sure you have the latest version as the new way for update notifications is a bit of text in the left sidebar.

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  • 1 year later...

I want to add my voice in support of reducing the rate that updates are forced on users.  What is so vital in Evernote that it is essential to have daily and sometimes more frequent updates?  I would be happy if updates were forced on users once a week and that glitched updates happen as soon as possible.  If the programmers do proper testing, glitches should be a rare thing anyway.

Please, for those of us who only open Evernote when we need to use it, stop the pain.

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15 hours ago, Phantom54 said:

What is so vital in Evernote that it is essential to have daily and sometimes more frequent updates?

That's not normal behaviour - evidenced by the fact there have been no other additions to this thread for a year.  You probably need to uninstall Evernote and "clean" reinstall the current latest version from Evernote.com.

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Yet another annoying update. I'm no more able to customise the default font size, therefore, bye bye easy reading and note-taking thanks to the ugly interface. This costly application and the way it's run sucks. Every update (and they are numerous) makes it worse.

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Am I the only one with the opposite problem? I'm still stuck on 10.91.1 without the "@" links or pinned notes both of which I want to use!! No updates on the mac store, tried restarting and logging out/in..

Does anyone know if i can download the latest dmg off the downloads and use that without breaking anything? Because my EN is currently installed via the App Store.

EN team - how about giving us 2 update channels - like nightly/regular or similar so we can choose our pace? And whats with the Early Access program? the link on the FAQ to join the program is broken.

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Thanks to the latest compulsory Windows update (almost everyday there is one, it should be called a plague), I cannot run Evernote anymore on my small laptop. All my thanks go to Bending Spoons, for their so-called ❤️, which as a commercial motto should ring like an insult to any sane person's ear. In the same fantastical order of ideas, I would like to know: How do I get a refund for improper service?

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