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Grammarly within Evernote



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it is almost 2021 and this "idea" has still not made it into your product? No wonder people are beginning to find other places for their note taking to be done. This is a no-brainer and the fact it is not done, is because you're being protectionist, rather than forward thinking. You will not be able to build this tool yourselves, so you should have embraced this years ago. It also seems like the right strategy to adopt, as open-sourcing your environment, will likely yield cool new features created by your community, when you seem to struggle with the creative process. This product, and has not changed from: note-taking tool, since its beginning. Yes, you do other things, but in no way have you made the product a leader in any other category in the last ... 6-8 years?

Get the grammarly integration done already 

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Evernote needs Grammarly integration. It's been four years since the this thread began and it's still not even being seriously considered, let alone integrated into Evernote. I'd call it a misstep or an oversight on Evernote's part if it I thought you were unaware that it's a feature users want, but for whatever reason Evernote doesn't appear to be open to integration. There are so many ways that Evernote could be better, Grammarly integration among them, but it's like the company wants its product to be substandard. It almost feels silly to even ask or encourage new features or functionality at this point. I mean, we've actually lost features since the update.

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I was looking for that answer. It would definitely put Evernote to a whole other level, I do so many mistakes on my texts I am not a native English, and I write so much on Evernote my grammar would improve and my instructions would be more understandable and better formulated.

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+1 This is a must. I switched from Notes to Evernote thinking Grammarly will work with a browser version. Now I need to do the same thing as I did with Notes, first to write everything in a Grammarly document and then copy it to Notes, or in this case Evernote.

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I do not get those against the idea of having the option of using Grammarly integration in the Evernote desktop client. For those who want simplicity over functionality, I'm sure notepad would be great place for taking simple notes. If you are using Evernote then you are already head first into doing something more with your notes. I can't comprehend Evernote being in the same vein as stereotypical Notepad note taker. Not ever was this their direction. Full Grammarly integration would ensure a clearer notetaking experience for those interested. 

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49 minutes ago, zork said:

I do not get those against the idea of having the option of using Grammarly integration in the Evernote desktop client.

Why do you think there's "those against the idea"
My only concern is the priority for limited development resources
To indicate support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

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This would be perfect!!! Currently my process is to write everything in Grammerly and then copy and paste into Evernote (kinda silly since Evernote wants us to use their app for writing and taking notes). 

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I have been an Evernote user for years. I use it in my research work. Recently began using it to organize chapters and subchapters in a book project. It would be better if my Grammarly account could lend a hand as I write out drafts of chapters and subchapters so I can more easily transfer to the total manuscript document.

Lets go Evernote either improve your Grammarly equivalent or open the door for Grammarly on the cloud or in the desktop. It would be a big help!!

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On 2/14/2019 at 3:36 PM, Shane D. said:

Hi All,

You may have noticed that all threads requesting an Evernote integration with Grammarly have been merged into this thread, regardless of platform specificity. 

This was done in order to better enable us to quantify and qualify user requests, and amplify their voice.

While this does not mean this is a feature that will be coming, we certainly want to relay user feedback/sentiment to our various teams.

Moving forward, please put all commentary and votes for an Evernote/Grammarly integration here!

This has been reported 3 years ago and i see a lot of positive comments and votes to integrate Grammarly with Evernote. I certainly do not think you pay any attention to user feedback/sentiment. If you cannot do it, you can certainly say so, at least we will know the answer in binary. You cannot drag this with out answer forever!

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Yes, please, please integrate Grammarly with Evernote. Cutting & pasting from elsewhere loses all formatting and is so clunky when Evernote is meant to be coming into the 21st century.

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4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Is it so hard to say „I would like to get it“ instead of hiding behind „all“ users ?

I am a part of „all“ and I don’t need it „at all“. So sorry, the claim „We all need this“ is wrong.

Thank you.

Well, I don’t think so. Since this bit of the discussion board is particularly for asking the support for Grammarly, this is the place where people who need it post the requests(except you). Therefore, “all” statement is kinda correct.

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  • Evernote Expert

This thread is 4 years old and in that time just 13 different people have indicated that they would like a Grammarly integration. Hardly an overwhelming vote. Definitely not 'all'. I can't see that being the kind of support that would justify an investment - especially when EN is focused on finishing is v10.x release.

FWIW I don't need it either...


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I would like to see this feature.

How extensive is the development for the integration, especially if it already existed at one point in time (e.g. the first 4 y.o. comment)?

Additionally, Grammarly offers a form of accessibility to individuals with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning disabilities. 

Disappointed in EN is how I would feel if the motivation for the lack of integration from EN was due to a overabundance of concern for co-opetition with Grammarly.  

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Now we have 2 posts, one telling it works since 10.27 on the Mac, one asking to make it work with EN desktop. The Mac is running EN desktop as well - is this asking for a solution working on Windows ?

Please be specific when describing issues.

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Grammarly is not working in Evernote 10.30 on the Mac. It was working when I first installed Grammarly Desktop, then it would intermittently work - Grammarly would make suggestions but Evernote wouldn't allow the changes, now the two don't communicate at all. Thoughts?

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It's 2022, how the heck has this not been done already?  Evernote really has stagnated... as a long time paying customer I'm sick of seeing awesome feature suggestions with lots of votes get totally ignored by Evernote year after year after year.  Does Evernote need new leadership?

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  • Evernote Expert

This is a five year old thread and raises questions about a third party application. So, on this occasion, not the responsibility of Evernote. So if you have a Grammarly issue I'd suggest raising it with them.

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@Exavior You may be long time paying, but I doubt you are a user. Else you would have noticed that the app was completely rewritten and launched on a new code Basis less than 2 years ago. Since then an update released every 2-3 weeks. So much about a lack of activity.

And yes, still no Grammarly integration. I think this issue has a small if outspoken group of promoters like you. There are other integrations that would serve much more users - I hope the devs are focusing on these, like Outlook and iCal.

If you are in dire need to have a program lift your Grammar, use an app that supports this application. Some time in life you need to set priorities.

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While Grammarly Desktop worked with Evernote 10 for a short time, Grammarly has this post in their support system.

They say they don't yet support apps built with Electron v11 or earlier and explicitly list Evernote as one of those apps.

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  • Evernote Expert

Thanks @Dave Green. The list of excluded apps includes a lot of will known applications in addition to Evernote. Given that all Electron apps are on the list will mean that a number of Evernote competitors are also outwith the Grammarly plus they exclude all apps downloaded from the Apple app store.

Quite a big list which Evernote can never influence.

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As you can see if you go just a little back in the thread, Grammarly support posted an article about apps they don’t support at the moment. Evernote is among them, together with apps like MS Teams, Skype or Trello.

If you want to change this, you obviously need to talk to Grammarly first.

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Whatever suits you best.

I just wanted to point out that it is pointless to ask EN for an action when the provider of a service does not support the platform. It is up to Grammrly to build support for Electron based apps, or tell their users that no, they are not going down that rabbit hole.

Since the number of apps that are based on a framework is growing, EN is in good company with building their app on Electron.

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I would love Grammarly to work in the Mac and Windows desktop app, if it doesn't already?

My current work around ti use Evernote with Grammarly together is to use the Grammarly chrome extension and access Evernote through the web. Once you have written something in Evernote and you are signed up for Grammarly, any suggestion will be underlined.



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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, Mark Stothard said:

I would love Grammarly to work in the Mac and Windows desktop app, if it doesn't already?

My current work around ti use Evernote with Grammarly together is to use the Grammarly chrome extension and access Evernote through the web. Once you have written something in Evernote and you are signed up for Grammarly, any suggestion will be underlined.



This is something to take up with Grammarly

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On 10/19/2022 at 12:43 AM, agsteele said:

This is something to take up with Grammarly


On 10/19/2022 at 12:43 AM, agsteele said:

This is something to take up with Grammarly

Are there any updates on this topic?

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Hi @PinkElephant Maybe I am missing something, but it seems that Grammarly provides a Text Editor SDK that supports Electron applications: https://developer.grammarly.com/docs/faq#are-electron-applications-supported Would this not work when picked up by EN development?

You can find the SDK docs here: https://developer.grammarly.com/docs/editor-sdk-electron

Edited by Sjors G
Added a link to the SDK
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From the Grammarly issue that was linked earlier (emphasis mine):


At this time, Grammarly for Mac doesn’t support applications that are built using Electron 11 and lower

The most recent version of Electron 11 was released over a year ago and the most recent stable version of Electron is 21. Perhaps if EN upgraded to a more recent version of Electron Grammarly would work?

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EN will not update its underlying framework just because somebody wants to use an external service together with it. For the sake of all users, an update of the underlying framework is done when it is necessary, not because of some wishful thinking.

If it solves the problem (which is currently an opinion), you need to wait until the Electron version is revised.

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Agree that Grammarly should be integrated.  What has Evernote, especially the product in the hands of new owners, got to lose? Is it a cost question for Evernote?  Now here is a strange note.  As I post, my first here Grammarly is active.  I am in Firefox.  Is Grammarly active as a consequence that this forum is in a browser?  Explain, please.

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  • Evernote Expert
1 hour ago, Dmooreny said:

Agree that Grammarly should be integrated.  What has Evernote, especially the product in the hands of new owners, got to lose? Is it a cost question for Evernote?  

Evernote made an operational decision to develop using the Electron framework. Grammarly doesn't support apps developed with Electron. So the case is that Grammarly doesn't support Evernote. However, neither claims anything different.

If it works in a browser, that is because the browser is outside the framework so far as Grammarly is concerned. 

There is no prospect of Grammarly being supported in the desktop apps in the medium term. It will require BOTH businesses to decide to work together.

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37 minutes ago, bmcl26 said:

WOW just created a note in EN and Grammarly appears to be working on the Windows App.

Do you need to install the Grammarly windows app for it to work?

This would be huge! My speeling is rubbish and grammar not proper so would be great for writing. 

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english s my second language and app that don't support Grammarly are being work out of my day to day as it increase challenge for me it a no brainer . consider that if your spelling is correct. it can improuve your search over time 

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41 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

So what ?

Grammarly working now, so it seems the thread can close down for good.

I'm on macOS, and I have not been able to make it happen yet. I look forward to the cooperation between Evernote and Grammarly.

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On 1/19/2023 at 2:57 AM, PinkElephant said:

Make sure your clients are updated to the latest. 
It seems Grammarly only works starting with a certain version of Electron. This was probably introduced with v10.51.

I am on EV 10.52.8 on Windows 10. Grammarly is not working for me. 😢

After I logged into Grammarly, I restarted EV, and still no joy.

Anybody have ideas to make it work?

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7 minutes ago, cswilly said:

I am on EV 10.52.8 on Windows 10. Grammarly is not working for me. 😢

After I logged into Grammarly, I restarted EV, and still no joy.

Anybody have ideas to make it work?

I got Grammarly working with EN.

I removed Grammarly and downloaded the latest version of it. Worked.🥳

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2 hours ago, cswilly said:

I got Grammarly working with EN.

I removed Grammarly and downloaded the latest version of it. Worked.🥳

It has been working for quite while now, there are previous posts.  

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2 hours ago, cswilly said:

It was the previous posts got me to make my Initial test, which in my previous posts I said, it did not work for me on my laptop.

It get it Grammarly working with EN, I removed Grammarly and downloaded the latest version of it. I think the problem was that I had a very hold version of Grammarly.

Yes, that was my experience too,  I had deleted Grammarly while trying to resolve a problem with it it and when I reinstalled it I discovered it was working. I think you need to ensure that Grammarly is started at start up.

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I tried what you recommended. I use Evernote every day, all day.

It would be nice to have Grammarly work seamlessly in there. I have the latest Evernote and Grammarly Premium. I removed, reloaded and restarted, but nope, it doesn't work.

I went to Grammarly.com to see if I missed something. If it works, they haven't updated their support site to show it. This says its not supported.



Grammarly Evernote Note.png

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

All reports above refer to the Grammarly Windows app.

You need to contact support if you still can't make it work on a Mac.

OK. I'm running a Mac, and the screen clip is for Mac. So it works in Windows but not EN on Mac. Ok, I got it.

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On 4/24/2023 at 7:41 PM, iStephen said:

I would love to use Grammarly within Evernote on the Mac. Word's integration is pretty goo / check out their integration.

I would also love to use Grammarly within Evernote on the Mac desktop app. Are you referring to Grammarly on MS Word?

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On 2/24/2023 at 10:14 AM, PinkElephant said:

Yes, it seems the fix was on Windows only - which I don't understand, because if the upgraded the underlying framework version, this should happen on both platforms at the same time.

Anyhow, I don't use Grammarly at all - it is English language only.

Agree that it should be available for Mac AND windows.

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1 hour ago, agsteele said:

I don't use Grammarly but others, like @bmcl26, have been successfully using it with Evernote.

Yes, it returned on Windows. It seems it has not yet returned to the Mac.

Who wants to push it with EN should issue a support ticket.

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2 minutes ago, Ryokan said:

How can a note-taking app don't have Grammarly integration?

Grammarly won't correct my text when using the Evernote desktop app on macOS. So it forces me to open Evernote on the web to be able to fix it. this should be a priority as Grammarly is an essential tool when writing notes and articles.

It works in Evernote Windows so it maybe a Grammarly issue or a Mac issue. The Evernote app for Windows and Mac is pretty much the same.

It could be an idea to have a word with Grammarly support to see if they offer the integration.

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I've tried the new Evernote AI. It works great. It takes notes and organizes them with numbered lists, bullet point lists, and bold highlights, all in one action.

I'm OK without Grammarly now.

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