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Feature Request: Clear Checked To Do Items



All indications were that this software was precisely what we were looking for.


We have the following requirements:


1.  There must be an Android version (ok)

2.  There must be a PC version, compatible with XP > W8, which installs (not simply a web-based version)  (ok)

3.  There must be a task list type feature with checkboxes (ok)


After installing this, and being quite happy about the whole thing, I have discovered the fourth requirement:


4.  There must be a way to clear checked items, other than text editing (yes, I know we can delete the items just like other text...but that's ridiculous)


Seriously, why bother having checkboxes if it is not possible to clear the items with which they are associated from the overall list?

Who wants to see a list of the items which they have completed??


Colornote has this.....but it notably lacks #2 on my list, and that renders it unusable for us.


So, unless I am simply clueless and am missing the feature which actuates #4, here, this software will be uninstalled, and we'll pursue another solution.



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63 replies to this idea

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I don't know why EN decided not to include this tiny little feature of EASILY clearing checked off notes, if your going to make a robust note keeping software you gotta include the little details that's what keeps someone using it, but when I as a user run into situations that pull your hair out like this I look elsewhere because its not a complete tool.  I look for tools that are comprehensive and simple...  that's useful  It's getting a lot of attention because overal EN is fantastic, why hold it up from being awesome....gonna look into "keep" by google

Evernote has taken the stance to not make any modifications to the user's notes. If this is a necessity for you, then there are true list/task managers that will do the job for you. The right tool for the job & all that jazz.

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I don't know why EN decided not to include this tiny little feature of EASILY clearing checked off notes...


Look at post #45. You can clear "checked-off notes" in the reminders list. Currently one cannot clear checked-off items/ tasks within a note (apart from manually deleting).


@BNF is right in that EN does not modify one's notes... and by extension, I think, this carries over to 3rd-party apps, such as the Swipes app I mentioned above. If you check off a checkbox item in Swipes, it gets checked off in Evernote... but if you delete a checkbox item in Swipes it does not get deleted in Evernote. I imagine because an item prefixed with a checkbox may be pertinent to the context/ workflow of the note and may not be wise to inadvertently delete/ hide. 


Look into Google Keep, as you mentioned, but all of 2 minutes of tinkering may reveal it to be curiously underwhelming for a Google product. Instead, I recommend you tinker with the best outlining app out there, second to none when it comes to maintaining lists: WorkFlowy. If you need items to be hidden, you can do that with WorkFlowy. With the tagline, "Make Lists. Not War.", it does warrant at least a glance.

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In other news, there is a fantastic third-party Evernote application that will harvest your checkbox items from Evernote and allow you to reorder them and check them off, amongst a few other things: Swipes.

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I don't know why EN decided not to include this tiny little feature of EASILY clearing checked off notes, if your going to make a robust note keeping software you gotta include the little details that's what keeps someone using it, but when I as a user run into situations that pull your hair out like this I look elsewhere because its not a complete tool.  I look for tools that are comprehensive and simple...  that's useful  It's getting a lot of attention because overal EN is fantastic, why hold it up from being awesome....gonna look into "keep" by google


That's the whole point of Evernote, though, to be a "robust note keeping software".  The genesis of EN is to "Remember Everything", not to create a note that things disappear from when completed.  Granted, that feature would be useful to many, but it's not the scope of what EN was created to do.  For someone like me who needs a place to store things because my memory stinks, EN is awesome, to-do list or not.  I have other tools for to-do's.  Evernote is where I put things to remember and retrieve, not my task lists.


As a "Remember Everything" tool I'm quite content with there being no changes to my notes that I don't specifically do... even to the point of moving checked tasks to the bottom.  Realize, not everyone wants to use EN the same way and for the guy that's doing certain tasks to reorder or remove them when checked is not going to work.


I'm not picking on you Ken, yours was just the closest expression of the sentiment to my reply.  Unfortunately, no matter how many people want a certain feature there are always others, most of whom the first group never knows about, that don't want it and someone has to make the decision.  Personally I feel that EN has done a pretty good job of sticking to the original goal and has given us some good features to do that.  Not everyone is perfectly matched to those features, but if they did what is suggested by the OP's requirements then I, and many others, would be equally disappointed.  


Remember, a Jaguar is not well suited to hauling dirt but no one complains to them about their small cargo space. (At least I hope not!)   :)   

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If one were to use the Reminders list for tasks, your note titles become your tasks. One can filter reminders (to-do's) most commonly by tag or notebook, thereby maintaining discrete lists. A couple of benefits of the Reminders list beyond reminders themselves:


  • Dragging and dropping of tasks in an arbitrary fashion to organize checklists (and even between notebooks within the Reminders list on Windows)
  • A few different sorting options, including the ability to hide completed reminders

This may very well be a better way of hiding/ eliminating checked-off tasks (for some).


Don't forget that one can create new reminders directly from within the Reminders list. That cuts out the extra step of manually creating a reminder for a particular note.


Surprisingly, there are many onramps to getting tasks (including creating reminders externally) into Evernote directly without having to mess around with creating reminders at a later stage. I wrote a post on this last year which includes some videos illustrating all of the above:



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I don't know why EN decided not to include this tiny little feature of EASILY clearing checked off notes, if your going to make a robust note keeping software you gotta include the little details that's what keeps someone using it, but when I as a user run into situations that pull your hair out like this I look elsewhere because its not a complete tool.  I look for tools that are comprehensive and simple...  that's useful  It's getting a lot of attention because overal EN is fantastic, why hold it up from being awesome....gonna look into "keep" by google

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  • Level 5*

I didn't see it mentioned in this topic yet, but the Evernote for WIndows client does have the ability check or uncheck all todo checkboxes in a note. That may suffice for some folks who want to re-use a note as a to-do list and who don't want to use a template note. Still no sign of the text associated with to-do checklists being removed automatically when the checkbox is checked.


To-do listers also have the option of using Reminders, which will can remove themselves from the reminder sublist when completed (though they, again, won't auto-delete themselves).

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I wish Burgers & Fries and Jefito would quit being so defensive. This isn't about you; we came here to learn if we could do something else with the checkboxes. And some of us express dismay or bafflement because we want to use Evernote and are frustrated - no big deal.

So far I've learned: 1) that the evangelists are not employees. 2)That no one knows what Evernote will add next or when. 3)That Phil Libin's mission is to not alter anyone's content, and 4)that Evernote is not striving to be a To Do app. None of this matters though, since great features ARE added periodically, and we can't know what limits there might be on future functionality. Therefore, we should keep making requests, guesstimates about Evernote's intentions notwithstanding.

By far, the most useful comment was the one about searches. I'd forgotten about using them this way. I'd like to add that search strings can be saved and utilized as 'one button' solutions, so maybe we can customize our checklist functionality to some degree ourselves. I'll get back on this.

Seems like you're the one being defensive here... No one has stated you cannot or should not make feature requests. In fact, quite the opposite. But posting use cases rarely helps b/c they are pretty standard & rarely offer any new insight. Also, pondering why something is or is not included or works a certain way is simply something to do for those who have nothing else to do. We are here to impart information & it appears we've done that job with you. Glad you were reminded about searches.

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I wish Burgers & Fries and Jefito would quit being so defensive. This isn't about you; we came here to learn if we could do something else with the checkboxes. And some of us express dismay or bafflement because we want to use Evernote and are frustrated - no big deal.

 So far I've learned: 1) that the evangelists are not employees. 2)That no one knows what Evernote will add next or when. 3)That Phil Libin's mission is to not alter anyone's content, and 4)that Evernote is not striving to be a To Do app. None of this matters though, since great features ARE added periodically, and we can't know what limits there might be on future functionality. Therefore, we should keep making requests, guesstimates about Evernote's intentions notwithstanding.

By far, the most useful comment was the one about searches. I'd forgotten about using them this way.  I'd like to add that search strings can be saved and utilized as 'one button' solutions, so maybe we can customize our checklist functionality to some degree ourselves. I'll get back on this.

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I guess I'll have to look for a different app then, if Evernote aren't interested in adding this feature.


Evernote does everything I need from this sort of app, apart from offering the option to remove checked items from lists. It's a simple option that I would expect any app that offers to-do lists to have, and I would like to be able to use Evernote for everything instead of having several different apps on my phone that together provide all the features that I need.


I've seen some apps that have a button you tap to delete the checked items from a list, others that remove the checked items when you shake your phone. They still allow you to leave them in the list so you can see that they've been completed (which seems to be several peoples reason for NOT wanting the option to remove them), but when you do decide you want to remove them, you just shake the phone or click a button, and all checked items go from that note, rather than having to edit the note and remove each checked item individually.


I know there are other apps that do this, but they don't have the synchronisation or the desktop features of Evernote, which is why I want to stick with Evernote. If they'd just add this one simple little feature, then it would do everything I need.


It's also a little disappointing that some of the "evangelists" responses to this query are just along the lines of "use another app", or "well I don't want it to delete items from my lists", or "well I don't see the need for that feature so Evernote doesn't need it". Obviously some people do want this feature, otherwise I wouldn't have found this thread so quickly when I Googled, and despite the fact that Evernote is apparently not a to-do app, so I should use something else, it does advertise itself as being able to create to-do lists, but for some reason stops just short of the functionality I think most people would expect from a to-do list.



First, there are a lot of task lists that have the synchronization features.  I use Toodledo & can use the web app on my PC & the iOS app on my iPhone & iPad.


Second, we are users just like yourself.  Therefore, we are free to say we would not need a particular feature, just as you are.  There is nothing wrong with that.  OTOH...please cite where any evangelist has said if they don't need the feature, then Evernote doesn't need it.  I'm pretty sure none of us have ever said that, so please cite or kindly quit attributing incorrect information to us, thank you very much.


Third, yes, Evernote allows you to make check lists.  Or tables.  Or encrypt text.  Or make text notes.  But it's more of a Jack Of All Trades b/c it's not a full featured task manager, spreadsheet, encryption/password manager, etc, etc, etc. It's their choice to do this.  You may disagree with it, but it's their product, their livelihood & their choice.


Fourth, I don't know why anyone would take exception when any user (evangelist or otherwise) says to use another app.  It's widely posted that EN does not post their roadmaps or ETAs.  So there is no way any of us know if a particular feature is coming soon or at all.  So of course, the pragmatic response is if "Missing Feature X" is a deal breaker for you, then you should find another app.  Would you much prefer we lie to you and lead you on & say "Missing Feature X" is on the list & is probably going to be out in the next upgrade?"  I think I can speak for all the evangelists when I say that none of us would do that b/c it's dishonest. 

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I guess I'll have to look for a different app then, if Evernote aren't interested in adding this feature.


Evernote does everything I need from this sort of app, apart from offering the option to remove checked items from lists. It's a simple option that I would expect any app that offers to-do lists to have, and I would like to be able to use Evernote for everything instead of having several different apps on my phone that together provide all the features that I need.


I've seen some apps that have a button you tap to delete the checked items from a list, others that remove the checked items when you shake your phone. They still allow you to leave them in the list so you can see that they've been completed (which seems to be several peoples reason for NOT wanting the option to remove them), but when you do decide you want to remove them, you just shake the phone or click a button, and all checked items go from that note, rather than having to edit the note and remove each checked item individually.


I know there are other apps that do this, but they don't have the synchronisation or the desktop features of Evernote, which is why I want to stick with Evernote. If they'd just add this one simple little feature, then it would do everything I need.


It's also a little disappointing that some of the "evangelists" responses to this query are just along the lines of "use another app", or "well I don't want it to delete items from my lists", or "well I don't see the need for that feature so Evernote doesn't need it". Obviously some people do want this feature, otherwise I wouldn't have found this thread so quickly when I Googled, and despite the fact that Evernote is apparently not a to-do app, so I should use something else, it does advertise itself as being able to create to-do lists, but for some reason stops just short of the functionality I think most people would expect from a to-do list.

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  • Level 5*

This is quite true, and would very easily make Evernote the best application available for the dual purposes of "keeping notes" and "keeping lists" (not incompatible work endeavours), but the mere suggestion is bound to irritate the evangalists, who will continue to tell you to use separate applications for those purposes.

I'll thank you very kindly not to generalize what does or doesn't irritate evangelists as a group. We're individuals with our own preferences as to how Evernote ought to operate. For example, the feature request surely doesn't bother me (even though I can function perfectly well without the feature), but ascribing to me beliefs that I don't have sure does.
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It would be interesting. For example for a grocery store list, making the checked itens disappear would help concentrating in the ones we have not bought yet. That is something that Workflowy does.

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  • Level 5*
On April 17, 2016 at 10:13 AM, jpaz said:

It would be interesting. For example for a grocery store list, making the checked itens disappear would help concentrating in the ones we have not bought yet. That is something that Workflowy does.

As we've seen, this is not an Evernote function.

You might be interested in an add-on app called Paper Bullet (IOS), discussed below

It uses an EN note, and displays it as a working checklist, including the feature for filtering completed items.

I found it works quite well, and allows me to keep my data in Evernote.



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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, jpaz said:

It would be interesting. For example for a grocery store list, making the checked itens disappear would help concentrating in the ones we have not bought yet. That is something that Workflowy does.

Wunderlist does a great job with grocery lists, easy to share, has a free version. They are one part of my brain I don't keep in EN.  ;)  

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Thks @DTLow seems interesting, pitty it is only available for Mac, at the moment.

Thks @csihilling. I had just searched if Wunderlist had that option of clearing checked tasks

@Frank.dg First, I already use too much apps. If I can do it with one app why use more? And Evernote is more than a note taking app, having integrated some task management capacities (or you can adapt it to use, for instance, GTD)

Second, my gear (smartphone and tablet) is getting old and Workflowy present version is incompatible :-((


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I want to second what a fine feature this would be. I switched from Google Keep to Evernote because of the intuitive way it displays lists and notebooks. But Keep has got the checkbox feature right:

  • a toolbar item for adding checkboxes
  • A menu item called "Delete checked items" that operates on notes

That's all you need. You certainly don't need special machinery inside checkboxes. Then you could have lists called:

  • Grocery shopping
  • To Do's
  • Books I need to get

etc, and they would all work properly. Since Evernote lacks "delete checked items", I still use Keep for these functions. I'd rather I didn't have to.

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Im just going to be one spoke of the squeaky wheel and say I hope this function is someday added. I use Evernote to jot down everything. Getting notes cleaned up with just a simple check would be very valuable to me. 

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I just wanted to add my support for this feature request. I can understand not wanting to turn into a RTM competitor, but for a lot of us Evernote has turned into our personal organizer and is as much of a todo app as we need or will ever want. Honestly the last thing I want is that shifted over to another app.

Honestly I get all the evangelists patient explanations that this is not an evernote function or something, but this is how a lot of us are using the app, and would be very helpful to us in how we use the app. Respectfully, you can use it your way and I'll use it my way. That's part of the great thing about it, it's incredibly versatile. If you don't want evernote to remove your checked boxes someday I'm sure the developers aren't going to force you to.

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On 11/17/2013 at 4:29 PM, BurgersNFries said:


Some people do.  I know I like to see completed things on a list so I know they were on the list & completed.  If I can't see them on the list, I don't know if a particular item got overlooked or not.

Google Keep has a great solution for this.  It just separates tasks that are still opened and those that are checked.  I think it'd be a great feature to have in evernote.  There is also a button to clear checked items once they are checked if you are no longer interested in seeing them.  

I think the best way to manage check boxes is to have 3 options and the ability to implement different options for different notes.

1. When a box is checked do nothing just show the check mark.

2. When a box is checked move it to a "completed" section of the note.

3. When a box is checked archive the line item.


Google Keep Screenshot.JPG

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  • Level 5*

>>There must be a way to clear checked items, other than text editing

I've moved this discussion to the feature request forum.

Please add your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion

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I'd like to add-on to the ability to work with to-do type lists. Before switching to EverNote, I used an app called SpringPad (iOS and MacOS) until SpringPad was dropped. It had a feature with checkbox lists where you could show or hide checked items in a list. And select all to check/uncheck each item. This worked well for grocery lists or other lists that typically have the same items. 

I create my list, check them off as I accomplish them and they are hidden leaving only the remaining items. When I was done, I could select all the checked items, and change them to unchecked so the list was ready for the next use.

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  • Level 5*
On 2017-08-15 at 11:32 AM, Doug H. said:

I create my list, check them off as I accomplish them and they are hidden leaving only the remaining items. When I was done, I could select all the checked items, and change them to unchecked so the list was ready for the next use.

Evernote hasn't indicated an interest in expanding into the list features

My work-around would be to keep a template of your list.  You can use the template to start a new list

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  • Level 5*
On 8/15/2017 at 1:32 PM, Doug H. said:

I'd like to add-on to the ability to work with to-do type lists. Before switching to EverNote, I used an app called SpringPad (iOS and MacOS) until SpringPad was dropped. It had a feature with checkbox lists where you could show or hide checked items in a list. And select all to check/uncheck each item. This worked well for grocery lists or other lists that typically have the same items. 

I create my list, check them off as I accomplish them and they are hidden leaving only the remaining items. When I was done, I could select all the checked items, and change them to unchecked so the list was ready for the next use.

Checked to-do's don't become hidden in EN at this point.  On Windows however you can reset the box by right clicking in the note and selecting To-Do - Uncheck All.  Don't know if the same exists on the Mac.

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  • Level 5*

I am seriuosly baffled by the resistance to adding functionality to a product, particularly when the suggested functionality does NOT fall outside of the scope of the product.


Evernote is already better than Todoist and RTM in so many ways. 


It just lacks the ability for the user to complete what he starts, in this particular area.

Far be it from me to intrude on another person's bafflement, but in general, folks here are in favor of adding functionality to Evernote. But the reality is that Evernote has never pretended to be a dedicated to-do application, and they've chosen to focus their development efforts in other areas. As it is today, a user certainly has the ability to complete what they start (by checking the box). They just don't have the particular feature that the item gets physically cleared from the note. You're welcome to believe that this is a critical feature, and inside the scope of what Evernote should be doing, and it's all fair game for feature suggestions, but I wouldn't be surprised if this never got implemented by Evernote, for reasons stated before (not that it's my decision anyways).
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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the forums.  It might help if you can describe what you're trying to achieve here.  I use reminders as checkbox items and once checked,  they disappear.  I've not tried tickboxes in notes,  but I'd assume it would be illogical for them to disappear from the note once checked - it's better to keep them as a record of what's been done,  and defining exactly what to remove from the note might cause issues anyway.

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Thank you for the response, and please pardon the length of time it has taken for me to get back to you.


Essentially, the feature that is either lacking or eluding me, is this:


I have a note in my notebook, and each item in the note has a checkbox next to it (see screenshot, attached).


If I simply check the items, they remain on the list.


I would like the option for them to either be removed when the note is closed, or a button / menu item to "remove checked items".  Something that is very easy / quick to do without a keyboard & mouse (ie...on a mobile device).


In such a function, the "note" would remain in the "notebook", but would no longer contain the items which have been checked-off.


Every other function of this software is great, particularly that it exists both for desktop computing and for our mobile devices.


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Thank you for the response, and please pardon the length of time it has taken for me to get back to you.


Essentially, the feature that is either lacking or eluding me, is this:


I have a note in my notebook, and each item in the note has a checkbox next to it (see screenshot, attached).


If I simply check the items, they remain on the list.


I would like the option for them to either be removed when the note is closed, or a button / menu item to "remove checked items".  Something that is very easy / quick to do without a keyboard & mouse (ie...on a mobile device).


In such a function, the "note" would remain in the "notebook", but would no longer contain the items which have been checked-off.


Every other function of this software is great, particularly that it exists both for desktop computing and for our mobile devices.


Although Evernote has some list features, it's not a task or to do list manager, nor does it strive to be.  Evernote does not remove checked items from your list.  If you need a true list manager, you should use one.  There are many good ones out there.

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4.  There must be a way to clear checked items, other than text editing (yes, I know we can delete the items just like other text...but that's ridiculous)


Seriously, why bother having checkboxes if it is not possible to clear the items with which they are associated from the overall list?

Who wants to see a list of the items which they have completed??


Some people do.  I know I like to see completed things on a list so I know they were on the list & completed.  If I can't see them on the list, I don't know if a particular item got overlooked or not.

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  • Level 5

I no longer use Evernote on my Android.


I have found the best way to use Evernote as a task manager (and reminder) is to use just one check box per note.

Keeping discrete individual tasks might sound counter-intuitive but it works OK for me.


So when I uncheck the box in the Windows client, the note disappears, if I am using the search term:


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Thank you for the response, and please pardon the length of time it has taken for me to get back to you.


Essentially, the feature that is either lacking or eluding me, is this:


I have a note in my notebook, and each item in the note has a checkbox next to it (see screenshot, attached).


If I simply check the items, they remain on the list.


I would like the option for them to either be removed when the note is closed, or a button / menu item to "remove checked items".  Something that is very easy / quick to do without a keyboard & mouse (ie...on a mobile device).


In such a function, the "note" would remain in the "notebook", but would no longer contain the items which have been checked-off.


Every other function of this software is great, particularly that it exists both for desktop computing and for our mobile devices.


Although Evernote has some list features, it's not a task or to do list manager, nor does it strive to be.  Evernote does not remove checked items from your list.  If you need a true list manager, you should use one.  There are many good ones out there.




It is not difficult, from a developer's standpoint, to implement item-clearing from a note (list), nor would such additional functionality inhibit or take away from existing functions.  In all other ways, this is a nice app.

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It is not difficult, from a developer's standpoint, to implement item-clearing from a note (list), nor would such additional functionality inhibit or take away from existing functions.  In all other ways, this is a nice app.

I didn't say it wasn't implemented b/c it's difficult. I said that's not what EN strives to be. It's probably very easy to change the color of the app from green to purple. It's just not something they want to do.

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Thank you for the response, and please pardon the length of time it has taken for me to get back to you.


Essentially, the feature that is either lacking or eluding me, is this:


I have a note in my notebook, and each item in the note has a checkbox next to it (see screenshot, attached).


If I simply check the items, they remain on the list.


I would like the option for them to either be removed when the note is closed, or a button / menu item to "remove checked items".  Something that is very easy / quick to do without a keyboard & mouse (ie...on a mobile device).


In such a function, the "note" would remain in the "notebook", but would no longer contain the items which have been checked-off.


Every other function of this software is great, particularly that it exists both for desktop computing and for our mobile devices.


I'm a newbie, only been using it for a month, but know what you mean. You can delete checked items in a note, or do a "select all" and click the checkbox icon to uncheck (if it's a recurring to-do). Or, create a note for every to-do item, and add to reminders. Then you can check off the reminder and it crosses it out, while still saving it. Click on the gear icon to show completed reminders, or not. This works okay but not for recurring reminders. 

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It is not difficult, from a developer's standpoint, to implement item-clearing from a note (list), nor would such additional functionality inhibit or take away from existing functions.  In all other ways, this is a nice app.

I didn't say it wasn't implemented b/c it's difficult. I said that's not what EN strives to be. It's probably very easy to change the color of the app from green to purple. It's just not something they want to do.



It's very odd.  The application walks right up to it (by allowing the user to insert checkboxes) but then stops short.

Quite disappointing. 

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It is not difficult, from a developer's standpoint, to implement item-clearing from a note (list), nor would such additional functionality inhibit or take away from existing functions.  In all other ways, this is a nice app.

I didn't say it wasn't implemented b/c it's difficult. I said that's not what EN strives to be. It's probably very easy to change the color of the app from green to purple. It's just not something they want to do.



It's very odd.  The application walks right up to it (by allowing the user to insert checkboxes) but then stops short.

Quite disappointing. 



Not sure. I was also disappointed but then I realized, EN is about unstructured thinking. The line they "walk right up to" is the demarcation between unstructured and structured. It's all rather fascinating to me. I keep getting drawn back because I sense it can work the way I want it to, the way *my* brain works... just haven't figured it out quite yet. I think I've been trying to apply structured thinking to it from systems that actually haven't worked for me all that well, maybe 80% of the way there but not quite. EN is also 80% but in the other direction. Just need to figure out how to bridge that darn gap.

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  • Level 5*

Evernote just isn't intended to be a to-do application, though it does fit some users' to-do workflows. If you need a dedicated to-do list, then there are about a jillion out there. Remember the Milk seems pretty good; I've used it in the past, but Evernote does fit my rather limited needs, so I can do whatever task management I need right there.


In general, Evernote doesn't support auto-modification of note content, e.g. auto-deletion (or even auto-strikeout) of text that follows a checkbox.

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Remember the Milk (Pro version) also supports Evernote Reminders. Once you connect your accounts, if you make a reminder in Evernote (I believe it requires a date), it will appear as an item in RTM. It doesn't really fit into my workflow but it's interesting. 

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It is not difficult, from a developer's standpoint, to implement item-clearing from a note (list), nor would such additional functionality inhibit or take away from existing functions.  In all other ways, this is a nice app.

I didn't say it wasn't implemented b/c it's difficult. I said that's not what EN strives to be. It's probably very easy to change the color of the app from green to purple. It's just not something they want to do.





Evernote just isn't intended to be a to-do application, though it does fit some users' to-do workflows. If you need a dedicated to-do list, then there are about a jillion out there. Remember the Milk seems pretty good; I've used it in the past, but Evernote does fit my rather limited needs, so I can do whatever task management I need right there.


In general, Evernote doesn't support auto-modification of note content, e.g. auto-deletion (or even auto-strikeout) of text that follows a checkbox.



I may, perhaps, check back with this application later.  The note functionality is great, but the inability to treat a cheklist as a real checklist is a deal-killer.  Kudos, though, for having computer functionality as well as mobile functionality.  Desktop computing is certainly not dead (I have plenty of people who remind me frequently that they DISLIKE typing with their thumbs!).



Regarding the general sentiment, here, that this is not a "to do" application, I was amused to find the following in my inbox, just the other day.





Hi there,

There is a lot you can do in Evernote. Here's a tip to get you organized before a trip or big work project.

Start a new note and create a checklist that you can access from any device where Evernote is installed. Make a to-do list, grocery list, packing list, or reading list. Learn how →

To get the most out of Evernote, download it to your computer, phone or tablet.

Learn about more ways to use Evernote by reading our blog and Getting Started Guide.


Evernote Team

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  • Level 5*

Evernote just isn't intended to be a to-do application, though it does fit some users' to-do workflows. If you need a dedicated to-do list, then there are about a jillion out there. Remember the Milk seems pretty good; I've used it in the past, but Evernote does fit my rather limited needs, so I can do whatever task management I need right there.


Regarding the general sentiment, here, that this is not a "to do" application, I was amused to find the following in my inbox, just the other day.

The qualification is, of course, a "dedicated" to-do application. Yes, as the note from Evernote says, you can certainly do limited to-do lists in Evernote(I sure do), but that's all it says. They're not out to compete with the Remember the Milks, Todoists, ToodleDos', etc. of the world.
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Evernote just isn't intended to be a to-do application, though it does fit some users' to-do workflows. If you need a dedicated to-do list, then there are about a jillion out there. Remember the Milk seems pretty good; I've used it in the past, but Evernote does fit my rather limited needs, so I can do whatever task management I need right there.


Regarding the general sentiment, here, that this is not a "to do" application, I was amused to find the following in my inbox, just the other day.


The qualification is, of course, a "dedicated" to-do application. Yes, as the note from Evernote says, you can certainly do limited to-do lists in Evernote(I sure do), but that's all it says. They're not out to compete with the Remember the Milks, Todoists, ToodleDos', etc. of the world.




I am seriuosly baffled by the resistance to adding functionality to a product, particularly when the suggested functionality does NOT fall outside of the scope of the product.


Evernote is already better than Todoist and RTM in so many ways. 


It just lacks the ability for the user to complete what he starts, in this particular area.

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  • Level 5*

I dropped out of this thread for a while so I re-read through from the start,  and I don't quite see where the 'resistance to change' thing comes from - the Developers,  they assure us,  do read these posts;  so the request for this solution has been made,  and the support will be noted.  Any comments by the Evangelists (AFAIK) have been on the basis of prior statements and past reaction by Evernote - and on that score I can remember Phil Libin saying quite definitely "we're not going to develop another to-do application".  Comments so far seem to be about setting expectations and offering alternatives,  not raising objections.


We haven't seen yet quite what Phil intended by his quote,  but meantime Evernote doesn't include the functionality you're looking for so workarounds or Third Party apps are all there is.  I'm trying IQTell at present,  having used most of the other apps on the market without quite finding one that fits my work process exactly.


Evernote do their own research for development,  as well as lurking around the several forums that exist online,  and I'm sure their dance card is pretty full for the next year or several developing new features and updating and upgrading the ones they already have.  Whether and when they include this item is entirely up to them,  and for excellent self-preservation reasons they normally decline to make public comments on what is in the pipeline or when it might see the light of day.

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I've been playing around with this some more and the reminders work pretty good. 


Unfortunately, it's not working at all on my iPhone. Not sure if that's me (new user) or the app?


Actually I've been having lots of trouble with the iPhone app. It takes way too long to open up a quick note, I take photo notes and they disappear, etc. 

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I am seriuosly baffled by the resistance to adding functionality to a product, particularly when the suggested functionality does NOT fall outside of the scope of the product.


Evernote is already better than Todoist and RTM in so many ways. 


It just lacks the ability for the user to complete what he starts, in this particular area.

Far be it from me to intrude on another person's bafflement, but in general, folks here are in favor of adding functionality to Evernote. But the reality is that Evernote has never pretended to be a dedicated to-do application, and they've chosen to focus their development efforts in other areas. As it is today, a user certainly has the ability to complete what they start (by checking the box). They just don't have the particular feature that the item gets physically cleared from the note. You're welcome to believe that this is a critical feature, and inside the scope of what Evernote should be doing, and it's all fair game for feature suggestions, but I wouldn't be surprised if this never got implemented by Evernote, for reasons stated before (not that it's my decision anyways).


How about we keep it at just that, a feature request, without all the drama from the "evangelists" on why a todo list is not Evernote's domain? You are dealing with this problem because you introduced limited functionality around todo lists. Your users are responding to the limitation and asking whether evernote plans on extending functionality in this area or not. I was really hoping to come to your community and find some sort of ideation presence for users to submit or vote on this feature. That way "Evangelists" wouldn't have to subjectively respond to posts, instead objectively stating this is the "x" most requested feature by our users and either in the queue or not for development. A bit disappointed in the quality of the responses here.

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How about we keep it at just that, a feature request, without all the drama from the "evangelists" on why a todo list is not Evernote's domain? You are dealing with this problem because you introduced limited functionality around todo lists. Your users are responding to the limitation and asking whether evernote plans on extending functionality in this area or not. I was really hoping to come to your community and find some sort of ideation presence for users to submit or vote on this feature. That way "Evangelists" wouldn't have to subjectively respond to posts, instead objectively stating this is the "x" most requested feature by our users and either in the queue or not for development. A bit disappointed in the quality of the responses here.

FYI, as stated in my sig, I and the other evangelists are not Evernote employees.  We are users just like yourself. 


Additionally, Evernote does not publish their road map.


So what you seem to perceive as "drama" is strictly what we've gleaned from our longevity on the board & using Evernote.  Sometimes it's just our opinion based upon that relationship & we could be wrong.  Other times, it's based on the few times we've seen Evernote directly address an issue.


And yes, Evernote has been on record as saying they are not trying to be another full out task list manager & that the reminder date was the only thing they would be adding in that vein.


As someone new to the board, it might be a good idea to get a better feel for the players before passing judgement.

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How about we keep it at just that, a feature request, without all the drama from the "evangelists" on why a todo list is not Evernote's domain? You are dealing with this problem because you introduced limited functionality around todo lists. Your users are responding to the limitation and asking whether evernote plans on extending functionality in this area or not. I was really hoping to come to your community and find some sort of ideation presence for users to submit or vote on this feature. That way "Evangelists" wouldn't have to subjectively respond to posts, instead objectively stating this is the "x" most requested feature by our users and either in the queue or not for development. A bit disappointed in the quality of the responses here.

FYI, as stated in my sig, I and the other evangelists are not Evernote employees.  We are users just like yourself. 


Additionally, Evernote does not publish their road map.


So what you seem to perceive as "drama" is strictly what we've gleaned from our longevity on the board & using Evernote.  Sometimes it's just our opinion based upon that relationship & we could be wrong.  Other times, it's based on the few times we've seen Evernote directly address an issue.


And yes, Evernote has been on record as saying they are not trying to be another full out task list manager & that the reminder date was the only thing they would be adding in that vein.


As someone new to the board, it might be a good idea to get a better feel for the players before passing judgement.


Jefito should probably state that in his signature... It reflects poorly on Evernote otherwise.

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Jefito should probably state that in his signature... It reflects poorly on Evernote otherwise.

If you spend more than two minutes on the board, you'll see Jeff has helped many, many people on the board. In no way does he reflect poorly on Evernote.  Which is why he was chosen to be one of the moderators.  AKA "evangelists".  A title assigned to us by Evernote.  We didn't pick it.

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  • Level 5*

I do remember Phil Libin saying a few years ago that Evernote would never programmatically interfere with user data. This would include removing checkbox items that are completed.

Given how rare it is for Evernote to make comments on future plans, I'd guess that this is a pretty firm commitment.

Evernote have often said that they aren't interested in building out a fully featured todo app. I'd suggest if you are looking for a more a more sophisticated todo app then you look at either third party apps or something else completely.

Frankly, Jef nailed it.

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Jefito should probably state that in his signature... It reflects poorly on Evernote otherwise.

If you spend more than two minutes on the board, you'll see Jeff has helped many, many people on the board. In no way does he reflect poorly on Evernote.  Which is why he was chosen to be one of the moderators.  AKA "evangelists".  A title assigned to us by Evernote.  We didn't pick it.


I was curious if there was a way to clear checked items and landed here from a google search, not from trolling the boards. I'm sure Jeff is a great guy.

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  • Level 5*

How about we keep it at just that, a feature request, without all the drama from the "evangelists" on why a todo list is not Evernote's domain? You are dealing with this problem because you introduced limited functionality around todo lists. Your users are responding to the limitation and asking whether evernote plans on extending functionality in this area or not. I was really hoping to come to your community and find some sort of ideation presence for users to submit or vote on this feature. That way "Evangelists" wouldn't have to subjectively respond to posts, instead objectively stating this is the "x" most requested feature by our users and either in the queue or not for development. A bit disappointed in the quality of the responses here.

It's already a feature request, just by virtue of having it being posted here. I'm totally down with that (I said as much already). And nothing that I say will change that: I'm not an Evernote employee; I'm an Evernote user just like anyone else -- they're not my users any more than they're your users. And as this is a user forum, I get to voice my opinions, just like anyone else, and with a mix of subjective and objective viewpoint, also, just like anyone else. Evernote folks do read and sometimes comment on content here, but no actual votes are taken, and they typically don't bat around ideas with the community here, nor do they usually reveal future development plans, much less timelines. If you want better responses, then you are welcome to offer them yourself. Meanwhile, I'm happy to continue to do what I do, which is a mix of trying to help out fellow users here, and yes, be able to voice my opinions as I see fit.
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  • Level 5*

Jefito should probably state that in his signature... It reflects poorly on Evernote otherwise.

My signature is full enough as it is. If Evernote ever thought that what I say, do, or represent myself as reflected poorly on them, then I'm happy to have that conversation with them -- it's their company & livelihood, after all. So far, though -- crickets...
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I've also landed here from googling this apparently never to be implemented feature. I'd also like to see it as an option. If Evernote is so determined not to programmatically remove user data, I'd be entirely satisfied with dropping ticked items to the bottom of the list, moving them to a new 'completed' note, etc

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I do remember Phil Libin saying a few years ago that Evernote would never programmatically interfere with user data. This would include removing checkbox items that are completed.

Given how rare it is for Evernote to make comments on future plans, I'd guess that this is a pretty firm commitment.


And that's a good thing. As many have stated, Evernote is not a Todo app, it is a keepsafe for data. I would not want the checked items to vanish, it would make the app completely different and require a different workflow.

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I do remember Phil Libin saying a few years ago that Evernote would never programmatically interfere with user data. This would include removing checkbox items that are completed.

Given how rare it is for Evernote to make comments on future plans, I'd guess that this is a pretty firm commitment.


And that's a good thing. As many have stated, Evernote is not a Todo app, it is a keepsafe for data. I would not want the checked items to vanish, it would make the app completely different and require a different workflow.


It's rather simple to have an action when viewing a list to hide or delete all checked items. It would not require a completely different app or completely different workflow.

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I do remember Phil Libin saying a few years ago that Evernote would never programmatically interfere with user data. This would include removing checkbox items that are completed.

Given how rare it is for Evernote to make comments on future plans, I'd guess that this is a pretty firm commitment.


And that's a good thing. As many have stated, Evernote is not a Todo app, it is a keepsafe for data. I would not want the checked items to vanish, it would make the app completely different and require a different workflow.


It's rather simple to have an action when viewing a list to hide or delete all checked items. It would not require a completely different app or completely different workflow.




This is quite true, and would very easily make Evernote the best application available for the dual purposes of "keeping notes" and "keeping lists" (not incompatible work endeavours), but the mere suggestion is bound to irritate the evangalists, who will continue to tell you to use separate applications for those purposes.



Regarding this, from SebR:


It's rather simple to do this action by yourself. I've just done it few hours ago. 


search for todo:true

select those you don't want to keep anymore



While indeed "simple", this does not even approach the one-click solution.

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