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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Yes The development team has been working on a completely redeveloped codebase thats scheduled for implementation in the next week or so Discussed here
  2. I'm not overly concerned about the IOS or Web platforms But apprehensive for the Windows and Mac platforms
  3. Here's a sample TopList and corresponding SideList Just my opinion, but I'm seeing better details with the TopList. Extra columns, more space for the title More space (width) for the note panel
  4. Merged with an ongoing discussion for this feature To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  5. Unless the design team decides to drop the side list option 😦 For the latest in UI design, we have v10 implementation in IOS btw; Top List is better than Side List 🙂 Added my vote anyways; it's better to have view options
  6. Notebook or Note? I can recover lost content from Personal backups, and Evernote maintains a Note History backup More info at How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
  7. Don't panic - The ship is not sinking (yet) There's some leaks that need plugging; the crew is taking care of this
  8. Be aware: Note History is accessed via the note info panel No note - no access to Note History One of the reasons I maintain personal backups >>but with the second it deletes the note in its entirety. Can the note be retieved from the Trash
  9. It wasn't much of a hack To access your account, they knew your userid/password; probably retrieved from a less secure site An important practice is to not use your Evernote password for other sites
  10. Table edit functionality is currently only available on Windows/Mac There is a request discussion posted in the IOS forum Here
  11. We definitely have a "global password" to access our accounts The Passcode request discussion is Here (edit:fixed)
  12. I've scripted .csv import on my Mac (Applescript)
  13. A better solution is to monitor the feedback/issues forums Don't upgrade if there's outstanding issues that cause a serious problem for you
  14. This is the solution I use - Google My Maps
  15. "first of next month" is to complex for the search feature My solution is to generate this value with scripting. I use Applescript on a Mac
  16. The search language is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 You will be using field reminderTime and day which is the current day Search reminderTime:day+1 returns notes dated tomorrow or greater For just tomorrow, use reminderTime:day+1 -reminderTime:day+2
  17. This forum provides for recording user votes To indicate support, we use the vote button at the top left of the discussion I added my vote >>My understanding is that the new iOS version completely replaces the previous version and makes it impossible to re-install the old version! I've participated in other beta testing where the version was controlled by Testflight We could back out of the beta version
  18. I can replicate this. The maps data got shared, and back in Evernote after a couple of minutes gets loaded However, there's no note - it immediately launched Apple Maps
  19. Request - Please add multi-select for notes, and functions including Merge Screenshot is from my Mac
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