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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. v10.0.2 Testing Feedback - no multiple/conflict notes
  2. I don't this is a QA thing. I see it as a management decision From Evernote's blog There are a handful of features ... that weren’t quite ready for today’s release, but we’re actively working to get those done and you should see them in one of our regular updates.
  3. You should reconsider installing Evernote upgrades without reviewing the feedback This ain't my first Evernote rodeo
  4. As noted, having only one file copy is best; there is no sync issue We can go the other direction - the note is stored outside of Evernote and a file link is stored in Evernote
  5. I already have an import folder on my Mac - monitored by Mac Folder Actions - triggers an applescript to update Evernote Problem: Mac Folder Actions only monitors new files Script imports file and creates new notes So scrap Folder Actions, and modify the script The new script runs on demand or in the background and periodically retrieves the file date If the file date is changed - import the file - update the note - syncs the note to the server (and other devices)
  6. Any personal backups? I'm surprised at the corruption This data is stored on the servers would not be processed by your devices
  7. That function is not supported by Evernote I could use scripting on my Mac
  8. Did -reminderTime:day+1 have any impact at all?
  9. reminderTime:* -reminderTime:day+1 all dated reminders, exclude future dated You also could exclude completed reminders -reminderDoneTime:* For all reminders, including undated -reminderOrder:*
  10. Sorry, the search feature does not support a combination of and/or arguments A feature request is posted Here
  11. We don't need two organizing tools and it confuses some users The new Notebooks will have a hierarchy (nesting) for unlimited levels The former notebook functions (private/share, online/local, offline, default) can be transfered to the new Notebooks For continuity, convert old Notebooks to new Notebooks And we will never have to see another notebook vs tag post
  12. Evernote actually executed this a while back They updated the database, and every app As I recall, it was a successful implementation with few issues The only problem - they implemented Notebook Stacks; only two levels of nesting
  13. My only suggestion is to delete the app and reinstall As a Premium account, you can open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  14. Are you using the same userid/password on all devices? Are the iPhone and iPad online?
  15. No, we can't extract text from within note contents There is a third party product Taskclone which can do this I can also use an Applescript on my Mac Here's an example of my daily journal notes, identified by tag !Type-Journal I prefix the note title with the date I can select these notes and create a ToC note I use a script on my Mac to sync to the calendar however my preference is to only have event based items in the calendar
  16. Can you explain how/where you're adding the dates I'm not a Windows user, so I'm not familiar with "Ctrl+; "
  17. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet Back to the subject of folders; notebooks/tags are superior (imho) 🙂
  18. Like reminders? I just tested and notifications are working for me
  19. This is what I intend the recipient to receive in the email They may not be an Evernote user With invite someone, I see two options Evernote User Non-Evernote User
  20. Confirmed; sharing works at the notebook level, not at the tag level For myself, I basically use a single notebook (Filing) I reserve notebooks for special functions, like Share to students
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