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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Tags and Notebooks are both meta-information; fields in the note record >>symbolic links No, symbolic links are not the answer Evernote would have to implement a Note-Notebooks table, similar to the Note-Tags table Plus the necessary UI changes to handle multiple NotebookS
  2. For now, I'm still using the Legacy product on my desktop computer The Version 10 product is a work-in-progress; I'm waiting until the work is completed
  3. The cross-platform data sync is working for me (Mac/IOS/Web) There is a Legacy version product for Mac/Window users (there's also pre-version10 versions) >>But the new iOS versions are ... Why are you posting this in the Mac forum?
  4. The Legacy product can be installed from here >>Boy, am I ever sorry I upgraded my Evernote :( Why did you upgrade - Was there something that appealed to you? Personally, I consider the Version 10 product a work-in-progress I won't be looking at it until the work is completed >>Creating new notebook Is that a frequent activity? I basically roll with a single notebook, and rarely edit notebooks/stacks I'm a tagger - similar edit page as notebooks Again I rarely edit tags
  5. No, this is not an Evernote feature It can be scripted (after Evernote implements Applescript integration) >>Is it possible to then uninstall v 10 (without losing any data)? The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers If fully sync'd; uninstalling v10 will not lose any data
  6. I extract note-id from the note-link; for example evernote:///view/nnnnnn/s10/958b02e0-faef-4317-aa26-53d69b345e14/958b02e0-faef-4317-aa26-53d69b345e14/] When a note in my HTML backup has such a link, I can search for "958b02e0-faef-4317-aa26-53d69b345e14" to retrieve the linked note
  7. That's interesting; we don't have the options in Mac export - it was DIY for me I don't see Notebook or Note-Id in the list
  8. I want my backed up data to be "human- (or search-) friendly" and "good for viewing" HTML format works for me
  9. For searching, I have a concern with note metadata (including title) missing from the backup export My solution is to append the metadata to the note contents
  10. I'm staying with the Evernote Legacy product Will look at moving to the Version 10 product when the required work is completed - it will be an easy move
  11. This would be Basic Subscription users are restricted to access using two devices. Web access is now counted as a device Your post has been merged with an ongoing discussion
  12. Evernote is a generic service for note storage and organization There's nothing specific for GTD, but we can use the available tools The TSW followers are missing Top List view and sorting of the Tag column We are expecting the addition of the this view "soon" Personally. I always considered the Tag sort to be a hack, and I don't use it I use a Reminder based system for my GTD processing
  13. I agree the Evernote search feature is important I don't use Spotlight to search my Evernote data I know Spotlight was announced as a feature, however it's Mac only, and it caused all sorts of problems - I disabled the Evernote directories from the indexing
  14. The Version 10 local database can be found at /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  15. Actually it turns out the Version 10 product uses a completely different local database structure We don't have to br concerned about database compatibility with the Legacy product edit; The Version 10 local database can be found at /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  16. Thanks for the link He covered dropped functions, but failed to mention pending functions I have no intention of using the Version 10 product until the work is completed
  17. You should not have to do this; it is handled automatically by the Windows/Mac processing >>and then a string of numbers with will change each time you open the attachement I think the "string of numbers" is the computer generated file id for the attachment. The actual filename is stored as metadata
  18. Current Task List search reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* all reminders exclude future dated exclude completed I make use of the Reminder feature; it stores due-date and completion-date/status So dated tasks, and I use undated tasks for Next Actions (GTD)
  19. I'm using the Evernote Legacy product on my desktop computer No issues with viewing notes No issues with backing up data I use the html format option for my weekly full backup If there's an Evernote issue, I have direct access to notes in the backup data
  20. Both products are accessing the same database Can you provide some examples of the renaming
  21. I have notes to be retrieved as a collection For example - receipts tagged with a budget expense-type (groceries, rent, charity, tax, ...) - project tasks/notes tagged with a project-id Archived notes are identified by tag !Archived and excluded from searches with -tag:!Archived
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