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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The discussions have been merged and moved to the Requests forum
  2. The discussions have been merged, along with the user votes
  3. This would be the Evernote Helper app On my Mac, the icon is displayed at the top in the menu bar
  4. In-app links ("evernote:// links") function with all notes, Local or Online There's no connection to Local Notebooks except the link is only functional on the specific device
  5. If you have the installer, what's stopping you from ... installing For those without an installer, download from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote For anyone using Local Notebooks, make sure you back up your data; it's not backed up by Evernote
  6. Of course - screenshot is from my Mac >>Are they getting rid of tags altogether? No indication of this In fact, tag hierarchy is now available on the mobile platforms
  7. Of course - there's an offline database (optional) and it's search-able
  8. This is my view of notes in Evernote - "Containers" with a text-file (enml/html) and optional attachment-files - Metadata is stored in a database and attached to the "container" This is actually reflected in the Mac Legacy local database - a folder for each note Legacy HTML export creates the text file (html); the note-folder is only created if there's attachments
  9. I added my vote Evernote restricts the URL schemes we can code in a link. This was also discussed here, and a work-around here
  10. I have my daily-journal/dashboard note opened in a separate window on my Mac desktop It's "pinned" to my second monitor
  11. Go ahead and delete the .exb files, it will be rebuilt from the server I was just pointing out that you don't have to uninstall/re-install the app
  12. You don't have to delete the app Warning: The rebuild will not include Local Notebooks
  13. Your post has been moved to the Windows forum The .exb files are the local database copy for Evernote/Windows (Legacy) and yes, there should be a single file
  14. Same advice with any product; make sure your data isn't locked in Evernote makes it easy to export my notes intact - I've tested it with my data backups
  15. We've heard this so many times before, and I'm still using the Evernote service Do you have any actual facts >>What would/will you do if EverNote suddenly disappears and your files are gone forever? I have the Legacy app installed on my Mac, along with a full copy of my data My data is fully backed up using Evernote's export feature and HTML option There is no "disappear" and no "gone forever" - that's a fact
  16. https://evernote.com/blog/new-windows-mac/ But please be aware that there are a handful of features—such as AppleScript, import folders, and the ability to edit note creation dates—that are not yet available.
  17. I should mention that I don't limit myself to Evernote's presentation of data The note-list paradigm is just too constricting For presentation, I take my data to spreadsheets My GTD spreadsheet displays the data in a gantt timeline view My data export is executed by an Applescript on a Mac It's automated to run on schedule overnight Script integration is pending for the Version 10 product
  18. I wouldn't say feature; however this was by design Local notebooks can not be supported with the new server based processing >>I'd suggest if you really want your data only held locally, you'll need to seek another solution than EN. I could move my attachment files out of Evernote, and replace them with a file link Note: There's currently a bug in Version 10 with assigning file links - no timeline for a fix
  19. We are seeing issue/request posts for "Sort by Tags" Since notes can be assigned multiple tags, the point is actually "Sort by first tag" which is controlled by prefixing specific tags with a special character Why is this sort important for your workflow - what's the use case? Are there alternatives since this option is not supported in the Version 10 product?
  20. Your post has been merged with an existing request To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion If this is critical to your workflow, use the Legacy peoduct
  21. Actually all notes have note history; notes are backed up, constantly Access to the history data is a premium account feature Access is also restricted to the account creating the note
  22. I also use a spreadsheet for task management; copying task note info from Evernote I'm on a Mac using Apple Numbers I can copy titles to the spreadsheets using the Copy Links feature I actually use an Applescript which is still pending for the Version 10 product Also an Applescript to update Reminder Date/Time
  23. When retrieving the contents of the Apple Note, all paragraphs are included in the body of the text No special processing is required to "include the first paragraph"
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