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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I guess I'm aa Librarian with a touch of Architect btw There is a difference between note taking and note storage/organization Evernote's core is note storage/organization I use Evernote's integrated editor for basic notes For note-taking, I use the Notability app on my iPad And there's also word processing All documents are stored in Evernote
  2. The screenshot is from my Mac I "opened" a notebook Then applied a tag filter
  3. While the Legacy product continues to function, I'm content (Mac user) and have no reason to join the increasingly despondent crowd >>3) one can try to influence the chain of events I'm do some and providing objective feedback I'm not into submitting Boohoo posts, and think they just clutter the forums and detract from the work
  4. Likewise for me - Evernote Mac is my primary device and I won't consider committing to the Version 10 product until the work is completed I recommend using the Legacy product
  5. No problem with small offline notebooks Trying to download a large notebook, the app becomes unstable, and aborts after a few minutes I had to delete and reinstall
  6. I understand your process, but the conventional use is checked means bought/completed Maybe to indicate "want to buy" - add a checkbox to reset the shopping list - remove the checkboxes
  7. /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Evernote As per @gazumped - The local database is optional, and only used when offline Unsync'd data is now stored in a separate cache
  8. I'm using the Legacy product, and backup my data using export in html format html is ubiquitous, not proprietary, readable by any browser app What export format works for you? >>eventually the Legacy version will stop working Yes, but the important point is the Legacy product is currently working >>ridiculous and infuriating decision We got the point, stop cross-posting your rants Your duplicate posts have been moved to Feedback - Not Happy
  9. A download should not be necessary When you upgraded to Version 10, your legacy database was not deleted
  10. .enex format is used by Evernote as a export/import tool As I mentioned, I use the Legacy product I use the html format for my backups - each note is exported to a single file The notes are readable by any browser app
  11. As you noticed Version 10 has a 50 note restriction when selecting notes We're told this limit is temporary Notebooks can be exported with no note limit Personally, I'm using the Legacy product - there's no restriction Warning: The export feature drops notebook information Some users do separate exports for each notebook Warning: Large .enex export files sometimes cause problems when imported
  12. >What other apps do you use with Evernote? Evernote is my storage and organization tool The integrated editor is useful for basic notes I use Apple Pages for word processing Apple Numbers for spreadsheets Notability for note taking on an iPad The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachment files
  13. Screenshot is from the Legacy Product on a Mac Select Text > Right-Click > Encrypt
  14. Confirmed - Evernote Version 10 is a newly developed product You might be happier with the Evernote Legacy product >>Vital functions are missing which i cannot do without Version 10 is a work-in-progress; features are being added >>How long will the evernote legacy be available?? The software is downloaded to your computer and your's to keep A better question is: How long with the Legacy product be functional and suplnalported by Evernote I don't know the answer, but I will be checking the Version 10 progress when Legacy is no longer functional
  15. It's showing you have 44 notes with tag:pantry >>I see food, then recipe notebook, then pantry I think that's caused by searching on pantry Scrolling gets access to sub tags >>If I click pantry... Don't click pantry - that just moves you to the note filter panel >>In either case, I can no longer add new tags using that panel Click at the top Click the ... at the side of a tag (hover over the tag) then click "create sub-tag in ......"
  16. You're showing the tag filter panel To open the tag panel, click on
  17. Screenshot is from my Mac I opened the Tag panel by clicking the tag icon I click the ... of a tag to get the sub menu
  18. Nothing I could identify I do weekly backups so I caught the problem right away I had just done a database rebuild from the servers so I'm guessing the corrupted note came from there
  19. I had the same problem. It was stuck on one bad note which I had to delete One unknown note out of 13,000 I found the note eventually by repeatedly selecting half the notes and trying the export
  20. Make sure you're working in the Tag Panel, not in the sidebar
  21. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion Audio recording is not yet available with the Version 10 product
  22. Evernote only supports encryption of text within the contents of a note I also use the native encryption of note attachments (pdfs, Office/iWork documents, ...)
  23. As per @gazumped, I'm running the Legacy version and have no export problems The current Version 10 restricts us to notebook export, or 50 limit note export We expect this to be resolved in a future upgrade (no timeline) Warning: Exporting by notebook is recommended to retain Notebook data Warning: Exporting large .enex files can cause import errors
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