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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Import folders are a pending item for the Version 10 product If they are critical to your workflow, use the Legacy product
  2. Here's a sample script As @PinkElephant mentioned Applescript is only supported on the Evernote Legacy product
  3. Just tested on my Mac (turned off the Wifi) No problem creating a note or searching I suggest opening a support ticket
  4. Yes, we have to be online to login to our account (I never sign out) However there's no problem shutting down the Mac; Evernote runs fine when the Mac is restarted
  5. For me, the greater fear is data being lost, or not accessible I mitigate the risk with data backups using the export feature (HTML format); daily incremental and weekly full >>You don't know what feature you won't have in Evernote10. I trust that Evernote will implement the critical features I require If not, as per @gazumped, I'm confident I will find a new home for my data (my Plan B exit strategy)
  6. I have no preference for branding as "Legacy" or "Classic" I appreciate Windows/Mac users have the option. IOS users should also have a Legacy option
  7. For my Task management, I rely on Due Date and Completion Date/Status; stored using the Reminder feature For example, a Current Task List generated by saved search reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders exclude future dated exclude completed)
  8. Drag and drop works for me The result is a pdf with these view options
  9. I'm not seeing the problem since Evernote provides the tools to structure our data (Notebook and Tag Hierarchy) Text search is also useful >>Filterize Filterize is a great automation tool Personally, I use Applescript on a Mac
  10. Tags continue to work well for me. What problems are you having?
  11. Maybe, dependiing on the country/currency being quoted Apple/Evernote should include this important information
  12. "blocks of text" is a different topic You could post this as a request With Evernote, the basic storage unit is a note. Unique id's (and links) function at the note level To segment a "block of text" I extract to a separate note I have a Mac Applescript to process this; replacing the text with a note link and adding a backlink
  13. For scanning, I use Evernote's Scannable app There's info at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005777-Scan-business-cards-using-your-phone
  14. Credit for the title goes to @Jeremye who posted "This isn't an airport ... you don't need to announce your departures" Users seem compelled to post their goodbye, so I'm creating this topic as a holding area I may post here myself someday. Today, I'm a satisfied user with over 15,000 notes
  15. For confidentiality, I can use encryption I can also move attachment files external to Evernote; replaced with a file link (currently a problem in v10) >>the limitation of fonts makes it unwieldy for use with other programs I don't understand the "for use with other programs" I'm not much of a font user but fonts are preserved when I paste text into Evernote
  16. What specific missing features do you "need it to do" For me, I need Applescript integration (Mac) Other than that, I'm willing to make workflow adjustments The Version 10 product is still a work-in-progress. I'll make a decision when the work is completed, or the Legacy product no longer functions
  17. Your post has been merged with the ongoing discussion fwiw Installing the Version 10 product is optional. Many users are happily using the Legacy product
  18. Shortcut to a saved search would be quick and convenient There's no sort, but there can be separate shortcuts for +paper, +blogpost, +tutorial, +howto etc. >>I have a series of tags all beginning with + and followed by a description of the type of note: +paper, +blogpost, +tutorial, +howto etc. I use something similar; tags !Type-aaaaaa (Receipt, Journal, Event, ....)
  19. I agree, the 50 note selection limit is an issue; however that's a different subject The copy links work-around works well to create a Table of Contents
  20. Less obscure, but this is getting to be more of a niche request Can you give a use case as an example I prefix my tagnames with special characters as per the hashtag convention (?who, !what @were ...)
  21. Thes These are notebooks specified for offline download The lines indicate the download progress
  22. Readwise is expensive - It's a manual process for me to copy quotes, highlights and notes >>Filterize may be familiar to some allows the structuring and labelling of notes in Evernote to be automated Filterize is a great automation tool, but also expensive I roll my own automation using Applescript on a Mac
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