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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Reminders are available in the current search feature My current task list is generated by reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed)
  2. Copy the photo to a new note. Delete the photo, re-insert it The OCR results are stored in a text file in the note On a Mac, I can view the "indexing" by accessing the note folder On Windows, the information is available in an enex export file
  3. Not currently an Evernote feature Of course we can generate our own image and insert it with the link
  4. Yes, I prefix my titles with the subject date; as in 2019/09/29 Home !HomeContents-Bedroom [Lamp] This works for me. I needed to store the subject date, and this seems the best location My title standard is subject-date type keyword keyword...[description] For some lists I parse the title and just use the description My task list just shows Project/Task where Project is a tag, and Task is description
  5. You posted a feature request, and users can indicate their support using the vote button at the top left corner. My suggestion was a work-around for you to obtain "Industry Standard Voice Recording" I do question the priority of this request for Evernote's type of service
  6. imho, use the simple app to record. Use Evernote to store the recording >>Plus using Evernote on mobile devices is still horrible experience I wouldn't use the word "horrible", but my preference is to use Evernote on a desktop platform (Mac)
  7. No, I know of no way to "just flow over to the next note" when scrolling
  8. It's not a priority for me, but I could use a script on my Mac to hunt for duplicates. If these are web clippings, the sourceURL would be duplicated. This is a search field
  9. My Mac sidebar is mineralized; just icons I long-press the shortcut icon >>but it's not intuitive Seems like a good choice to list shortcuts
  10. The Basic accounts are still subject to the account limitations They can view oversized notes, but are not able to edit them Uploads are charged to the notebook owner's account. Make sure the Premium accounts create the notebook; they have a high upload allowance
  11. You didn't indicate a device/platform My preference is for this to be handled at the notebook entry in the note header On a Mac, note tags have a dropdown which includes Filter By Tag The notebook could have a dropdown which includes Filter By Notebook/AllNotes
  12. I'm guessing you're looking at a beta version that doesn't have a complete featureset You may want to switch to the non-beta version
  13. I used to talk to my dog (golden retriever). She'd always give me a look that said it's the most intelligent thing she ever heard
  14. Pinning notes is a useful feature; I use the concept in a dashboard note (my daily journal) btw: Evernote's primary organization tool is tags and saved searches Notebooks have a purpose; to identify notes as sync'd/local, private/shared, offline
  15. You answered this in your first post; Chrome intercepts the shortcut key ctrl+k Not just Chrome; this happens with any browser
  16. I took a look at the beta on the web platform. It is not "in reasonable good shape". Many features are missing.
  17. You are already posting in a forum set up by Evernote Management to solicit user feedback >>What's the purpose of having a forum if the Management is unaware of the demand? I'm sure they are aware of all the posted requests Why do you think they are unaware of this request? Why do you think this request should have higher priority than other development work?
  18. After selecting multiple notes, I use the standard delete function
  19. Yep, I'm waiting for the day they announce - dropping Applescript (Macs) dropping EnScript (Windows) - dropping the export feature (Window/Macs) - ................. (does Android have mouse support?) Liberté, égalité, fraternité
  20. On my iPad/Mac, Recent notes are displayed at the top/bottom of Shortcuts I don't use these shortcuts My default note sequence is Updated date, so recent notes are at the top of the list
  21. imho Best to let Evernote Management know of your support for this request They make the decisions on development priorities To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion There's currently votes In the meantime, I use the Filterize service to make my notes read-only
  22. We've had no comment from Evernote on this. Penultimate is not dead, but we haven't seen much from Evernote in the way of upgrades. 'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!! >>Has anyone here found other tools that you would consider moving to if Penultimate is killed? I was never a Penultimate fan. My note-taking tool is the Notability app on an iPad with an Apple Pencil stylus There's no Evernote integration; I just save the document as a note attachment file
  23. Currently "view in Evernote" is opening the web browser with a link to the note Supposedly, my web browser is set up so note links redirect to open in-app. This redirect fails for web clippings >>just been saved to the server version of Evernote - it's not yet on your computer at all Agreed; this could be a problem for in-app access
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