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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. "Store Everything in Evernote" works for me As to the Evernote Editor/format, I find it limited to basic notes
  2. I don't spend a lot of time troubleshooting my devices. One solution is to completely remove Evernote; app, database, ...., then reinstall snd start fresh
  3. imho, No Evernote provides viewers for attachments; Office/iWork, PDF, Images ... (Mac/iPad) Evernote makes it easy to use Word to edit documents (Windows/Mac) Some users object to using an external editor (Word) and feel Evernote should handle all their editing requirements >>Can you think of any situation when it would make more sense to bring in the content only? imho, No My preference is keeping Note text separate from other content Evernote's base format is enml/html. It's great for basic notes, but is limited
  4. I merged the discussions on this topic There's more discussion in the 6.21 release discussion (edited: added link)
  5. For Mac Apple Mail > Evernote, I use Applescript
  6. I use a word processing app (Apple Pages); the document is stored in Evernote as an attachment
  7. I think short notes work better in Evernote; given the editor and format My preference is to use the Tag feature instead of Stacks/Notebooks >>In other words: I want to have some sort of "footnotes" or annotations I'd go with footnotes (endnotes) They're not automated in Evernote, but we can use manual entries at the bottom of the note >>I have dedicated notes for single sentences which are then connect to my main note. They are stored in their own notebook. I use note links often, but I'm not clear why the "single sentence" has to be a separate note >>will just distract me when I'm recording Relocating the sentence to the bottom of the note (footnote/endnote) works for me
  8. Evernote Web Clipper is not a paid feature >>For Evernote I'm paying a yearly subscription so I expect a full feature set, independent wether it's part of the premium package or not (you'd probably not accept a broken note editor either just because it's part of the free version) I also have a premium subscription https://evernote.com/compare-plans I like having a full feature set Fixing broken elements has my vote
  9. I'm not clear on the GTD connection, but I've been using a flat tag list for a long time. I prefix my tagnames Tags Project, Project aaaa, Project bbbb, Project cccc works for me
  10. I"m a Safari user. The Evernote Web Clipper isn't critical for my use, but it has been functioning well (prior to Safari 13) I understand Evernote is planning a version to resolve the Safari 13 issue. It's currently in pre-release testing Chicken Little was wrong, the sky is not falling
  11. No Evernote issues with Catalina (so far) Some extensions were dropped with the Safari upgrade, including the Evernote Web Clipper
  12. Which device/platform? Version? The terms are Sidebar, Note List, Note Panel Is the Note Panel blank for all notes?
  13. Evernote is a cloud service; it's understood your data is maintained on a cloud server (i.e. sync) Win/Mac devices can bypass this with Local Notebooks, but they lose the server benefits; backup, OCR/search, ...
  14. Share permissions is also my reason for using Notebooks It's a good use case for multiple notebooks per note. There's a feature request linked below. You're welcome to indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner
  15. Ok, that's a step in the right direction - your data is now stored in Evernote My notes contain file attachments; .pdf, .jpg, .wrd, .xls, ... and .md (Markdown) I use a Markdown editor to view/edit the .md files (Typora on my Mac, Textastic on my iPad)
  16. You'll have to look at your export options in Notion. When you have files you can work with, drag them into an Evernote import folder (Win/Mac)
  17. Evernote runs a Note History backup several times a day https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note Access to the data is a paid feature, but you can subscribe for a single month
  18. I have Mac Time Machine running I also run daily incremental backups Yes, a note export would suffice
  19. Evernote notes contain text content (enml/html format) and also files of any format, like Word Docs and PDFs >>Do I somehow bring those entire documents into EN or do I need to copy the contents of those documents and paste as notes into EN? You bring the entire document into EN Drag the files into an existing note, or import folder (Win/Mac) Most of my notes contain files like this.
  20. Is this password unique for Evernote, or are you using it in other services?
  21. The sidebar shows a notebook tree, but no tag tree The tag page doesn't show the tag hierarchy
  22. I use the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar No tag tree yet, but I'm sure it's coming (I submitted a missing post) I'm used to flat lists. For the tag-picker, I type the first few characters and get a short list to select from. I adjusted my naming standard to work with this; tag-names are prefixed - for example Colour, Colour-Red, Colour-Blue >>Sorry, but here in the forums you will see people that love notebooks and others that love tags, so that discussion is not something to enter. I use both notebooks and tags; they each have a function in Evernote Tags are my primary organization tool I use Notebooks to identify notes as - private/shared - online/local - offline - default inbox
  23. Not exactly a timeout, but a known limitation >>Scenario: if you want to take notes walking or in a meeting you cant just pull out your phone to write down information. Works for me ( I'm using an iPad). I prefer the Notability app for note-taking, and save the document in Evernote as an attachment I merged this discussion with similar posts
  24. I'm working on a Mac, and type the options into the Search Box >> Save Attachments /selecting all notes, I could see a list of all attachments but not which notes they belong to Is this not possible to show ? Exporting in HTML format gives me the attachments in a folder named with the note title
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