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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The only help I can provide is to recommend you open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action I just tested and email worked for me. A note was created on the server, and downloaded to my device. There was no lag in time
  2. No, the resultant note update no longer functions for jump links within the note On my Mac, the link jumps to my browser app (Safari)
  3. Evernote has no support for folders You can emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar (Windows/Mac) imho Folders are a legacy filing method and the notebook/tag method is a great improvement >>persons that I have recommended Evernote I would not recommend Evernote to anyone who can't adjust to notebook/tags and must have folders
  4. Evernote uploads our data to the servers where there are backups in place on Mac/Windows clients, Evernote provides the option to backup our data using the export feature. We also have a full copy of our data and can backup the raw database files
  5. Unless specified in the email subject, a note is created in the default notebook There is an auto-file option No notifications; it's simply a new note being created
  6. Your post has various elements Screenshots on a Mac can be triggerred by command-shift-3, command-shift-4, command-shift-5 Your screenshot shows the Evernote Helper. It's a useful tool I'm an Applescript fan and use Fastscripts to assign keyboard shortcuts to Applescripts I'll check out Alfred
  7. Correct; swiping left reveals a menu list of notebook options The "download" option sets the notebook as an offline notebook A copy of the note data is stored on the iPad and is available when not connected to the internet We do not have access to the raw Evernote data on an iPad. The only access is via the app
  8. I don't think "downloaded that notebook" is an option for an iPad correction, offline notebooks Can you provide details on the process you followed As to backup and export, these are Windows/Mac functions IOS only allows export of a single note, shared to an email message
  9. You can contact Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  10. Please explain the share process; usually it's between two accounts
  11. Backups are required for Local Notebooks; less critical for sync'd notebooks Most users run separate backups for each notebook using the Export feature
  12. No special noebook; in fact, I basically have a single FileCabinet notebook Yes, it's a sync'd notebook, backed up to the cloud
  13. These folders are used for temporary storage during the encryption process I do not keep data in these folders >>Is it necessary to backup the Evernote database? I backup my Evernote data, but I wouldn't say it's "necessary" (except for Local Notebooks) Evernote's cloud storage ensures our data is backed up at the server level
  14. The screenshot I posted was from the web version at www.evernote.com
  15. Try a forced sync Hold down `OPTION` + `SHIFT` on your keyboard and press the sync wheel on your toolbar.
  16. Which platform/device? Is this related to the Windows bug reported below The search filter prevents the linked note from displaying On my Mac, the search filter switches to the notebook of the linked note On my iPad, the search filter is unchanged, but the note is still displayed
  17. Scripting; I use Applescript on a Mac and Shortcuts on an iPad On the Mac, I have note(s) opened in their own window (tabbed)
  18. Maybe some definition on "mobile device" I know any of my devices will fail at some point in time I keep an eye on the note sync indicator to confirm upload to the cloud. Once on the server, I'm confident the notes are preserved and can be accessed by alternative devices
  19. The Evernote servers? Notes are uploaded to the Evernote servers and undergo processing, for example OCR for search indexing
  20. Were you online? The note would have been uploaded to the servers, and can be searched using the web platform. You can review the activity log to see activity with the note. I've got over 13k notes, and not noticed a problem with notes disappearing. Accidental deletion is possible, but the note is moved to the Trash and can easily be recovered I have confidence in Evernote, but I maintain data backups; I have a recovery option if necessary >>if it is related to checklists Checkbox is simply one element in a note; I doubt it has any significance.
  21. For the sync issue, trigger a full sync Hold down `OPTION` + `SHIFT` on your keyboard and press the sync wheel on your toolbar
  22. To contact Evernote Support All Accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid Accounts Contact Evernote Support
  23. Make sure you're using the same userid/password on the Mac and Web You mentioned notebooks. What about other elements; notes, tags, shortcuts, ...?
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