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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I use a database browser to view Evernote's database design on my Mac It's a simple SQLite database >>What database browser do you use? DB Browser
  2. Which device/platform? Can you explain the "present" and "not there". Perhaps screenshots edit: Got it - the Note list snippet view shows a pdf tumbnail
  3. Actually Tags is the nested structure in Evernote. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet >>hierarchy of folders where you can keep your data much better organized Both Mac and Windows support nested folders. You don't need an app/service for this I question the "much better organized" >>to be organized the windows/apple folder structure is much better in my opinion ... the folders system wins hands down (folder structure) A legacy filing method that I happily abandoned when I switched to Evernote btw Some users emulate folders in Evernote using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar >>Nested is 'legacy'??? The legacy reference is to the folder filing structure
  4. You might want to start a new topic; this discussion is for notebook levels >>Within 01 PERSONAL I'd like substacks for things like HOUSE, HOBBIES and PLACES. You could use three stacks; PERSONAL-House, PERSONAL-Hobbies, PERSONAL-Places >>levels of stacks, and then tag from there You seem to have chosen Stacks as your primary organization tool. You might reconsider this; Evernote's primary organization tool is Tags There is no actual Stack entity; it's simply a collection of Notebooks If you take away the Notebooks; the stack disappears
  5. Actually, it's dragging the photos to an Evernote notebook You might get better results in Windows by dragging the files to an Evernote import folder
  6. Have you contacted Support on this at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  7. Here are the steps I use on my iPad 1. Select the list option 2. Start typing list items 3 For sub lists, select the indent button
  8. Which device/platform are you using? We know the Evernote side of this question; basically Save Attachments. If you're looking for automation; I would use Applescript on my Mac
  9. Yes, you make sure the sync process is run before leaving a device, and before starting on a new device
  10. Has anyone reported this to Evernote Support? https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  11. You've posted the request and we'll see how much user support is generated The vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion As to "one of the most consistent questions"; I don't see evidence of this I posted a link below to a recent mind mapping discussion As to Evernote's "M&A"; I wouldn't count on this. In the meantime, I make use of third party apps to fill in the gaps Mind mapping is a tool I use in project development I link to selected notes in Evernote but I don't consider the bulk of my Evernote data as mind map material
  12. This is an Notes/Applescript issue; we're waiting for Apple to fix it Info at https://hookproductivity.com/help2/integration/hook-and-macos-10-15-catalina-notes-app/
  13. It's good practice; I also archive the paperwork - for me it's more cya than regulation After scanning, all paperwork is thrown into a filing box ordered by date (top to bottom)
  14. It wasn't so much of an issue as best practice. I'm a tagger, but notebooks also work My issue with notebooks is that the Evernote restricts us to a single assignment. A receipt note may have many categories; receipts, taxes, vendor, budget, .... My notebook use is for sync'd/local, private/shared, offline, default inbox
  15. There's other requests for this and I'll merge the discussions This is more of a document and word processing feature Evernote is a note editor; more suited to short records
  16. I see this as the first step for seamless OCR Possibly a cloud folder for both mobile/desktop use >>As to mobiles, I tend to use Evernote's built-in camera / scan feature. I don't scan multi-page documents to Android very often 99% of my scanning is with a scanner app on my iPad; including multi-page documents Some scanner apps have OCR built in >>occasional scanning failures sometimes mean I need to add / delete / rotate pages Same here. I do this adjustment within the scanner app
  17. I have an inexpensive OCR app (PDF OCR X), but I only use it when required. I could implement a seamless workflow, but it's not important for me - I rely on Evernote's OCR/search feature - I haven't found an OCR app for handwriting (actually ICR) Evernote's OCR/search feature is included in the Premium package, and works "seamlessly" and transparently - the transcription is stored in a hidden text file; this is indexed by the search feature - includes handwriting >>1. The OCR is not as accurate as the leaders such as ABBYY No idea's on accuracy; it all seems to work well for me You might be interested in this article https://www.abbyy.com/en-ca/casestudies/evernote-accelerates-company-growth-by-enlisting-abbyy/#sthash.8r5Pyekx.dpbs >>2. I don't need all the other add-on features. Add-on features I need are upload and device limits. I can not survive on the Basic restrictions I appreciate the other add-on features and make use of them
  18. I'm wondering what device/platform has location sorting options? edit; this is an Android feature https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005037-How-to-save-note-location-information
  19. I agree with your assessment - Evernote/IOS is supplemental to the desktop platforms Recognizing this, I'm not a "disappointed customer". I appreciate having access to my data when away from my desktop btw There is no charge for the Evernote/IOS app and data synchronization
  20. I don't understand the requirement. After adding a photo to a note; I can already immediately annotate
  21. All accounts can contact Evernote support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  22. Evernote's core is typed notes, stored in enml/html format However we can use alternate editors, with the document stored as a note attachment I recommend the Notability app for note-taking on an iPad with Apple pencil This becomes a Notabilty/templates question; - Yes, I use templates; basically saved notes/pdfs which I duplicate
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