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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. On my Mac, selecting multiple notes displays this box for moving notes
  2. I like working with my data in a spreadsheet I use an applescript (Mac) to transfer data from Evernote, but copy/paste works The spreadsheet maintains hyperlinks back to the Evernote notes I make sure the note title has complete information; for example 2019/11/02 Receipt ?Vndr-Walmart !Budget-EntertainmentGeneral [Calligraphy Pen] $-6.83 This is easily parsed in a spreadsheet >>They are in the eight or so expenses categories I have. [Repairs/renewals / Heat and light etc, etc]. These eight categories are my "Notebooks". I use tags to identify Budget, Vendor, ...
  3. I don't know the "connect" solution, but a work around is using email-to-evernote You might want to talk with Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  4. Can you add an explanation for "sort forms"
  5. Until this gets implemented, I control the sequence by adjusting the note's title and date fields >>This would be great for writers like me! I understand the need, but Evernote's note editor doesn't seem the best tool for this
  6. This isn't an Evermpte integration issue On a Mac, to change the default PDF editor see https://www.imore.com/how-set-mac-app-default-when-opening-file Sorry, I missed the OS reference in your post
  7. Revisions of your note have been backed up in Evernote's Note History backup https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note Access to the backup data is a paid feature, but you can subscribe for a single month
  8. Full page screenshots is now an IOS feature; saved in .pdf format https://www.cultofmac.com/629540/safari-snaps-full-page-screenshots-in-ios-13/ >>And I'm not talking about the current screen clipping feature - it's horrible because it doesn't capture most pages accurately or at all My personal choice for viewing web pages is a web browser app; Safari (Mac/iPad) I do not consider Evernote to be great as a web browser app I save web pages in web archive format; as a note file attachment For Evernote viewing, I save screenshots in image/pdf format >>No, I don't mean that I use Evernote as a web browser. I'm talking about screen clipping ... You're trying to use Evernote to view saved web pages, after converting the underlying code to Evernote's ENML format
  9. ½ of the import tool is that Evernote has a great export feature. In fact, it has become the de facto standard for transfering note data So, you may want to look at the export options in Notion If you can get the notes into an acceptable format (pdf?), they can be easily imported into Evernote
  10. Not clear on why we need a second request My recommendation is to use the editor of your choice, and store the document as a note file attachment Files of any format can be stored in a note
  11. I use the Notability app for pdf annotation; on an iPad with an Apple Pencil
  12. I use my default notebook (@Inbox) as my Inbox, and instead of randomly assigning tags - an applescript to enforce "consistency in how/where I save information" First question: Subject Date Second question: Subject Third question: Note Type The Note Type drives further questions related to Tags, Reminders, ... For example, a Receipt requires Vendor and Budget tags After this processing the script assigns the title Subject-Date Note-Type Keywords [Subject] and tags, and ... For example, this note for a receipt
  13. The primary markdown discussion is here Evernote has implemented an enml/html format base, instead of markdown Of course a note can contain files of any format. I use the Typora markdown editor on my Mac, and store the .md files in Evernote as note attachments >>Less is more! And yet, you seem to be requesting more One of my favourite design concepts; from Dieter Rams thru Jony Ive (Apple) Also a shout out for Mies van der Rohe, an architech who designed the first office buildings I worked in; black monolyths like a set of giant iPhones >>The only thing Evernote does better than the competition is tags. I'll add my vote for Tags Also, cross-platform clients, cloud/device sync, note links, search, import/export, scripting (Mac) ...
  14. Also access permission? >>I am very disappointed as a premium user... As a premium user, you can open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  15. My solution is to make use of Evernote's tag feature to identify notes based on various categories When that fails 😋, I use Evernote's text search feature to find missing notes >>I may do it in Evernote, or Mail, or Textedit, sometimes even a sticky note. I use various editors, but all my notes/documents are archived in Evernote.
  16. The Filterize service has an automatic tagging feature for Evernote notes I use scripting on a Mac (Applescript)
  17. In GTD, Allen suggests these date/time tasks be noted in a calendar, however I'm comfortable using Evernote's Reminder feature to store the due date I only use the calendar if the task is event based >>For all others the key is the daily and weekly review of all task baskets. For my daily review, I use a consolidated basket that includes date/time tasks, active next-actions, ... This is generated using Evernote's search feature
  18. We've clarified that your request is specific to the Shortcut section on a Mac, which displays hierarchy for notebooks/tags (a good feature) There's a bug; the sub-entries are displayed in random order The notebook/tag trees in the sidebar correctly display sub-entries in alphabetical order This request has not generated much support from the userbase; it has 1 vote (mine) No action from Evernote
  19. I'm interested in how you think that works Beyond your "test drive", there is the Premium theory that the paid account conversion rate increases with the length of time using Evernote. My opinion is free accounts should be booted after a set time
  20. Please show us your extensions page. Here's mine
  21. Yes, simple solution. Complete your "test drive" and either - Drop the app - Switch to a paid plan
  22. Never say never, but nested notes are not a feature of Evernote's structure In the meantime, I make use of Evernote's note link feature to "nest" my notes This could be a Table-of-Contents note, or links inserted into notes. I've also used a table to emulate tabs
  23. I don't spend a lot of time troubleshooting my devices When you did the reinstall did you delete the app, database and associated files. The app AppCleaner is recommended for this After reinstalling and logging in, Evernote will rebuild the database from data on the servers; except for Local Notebooks and unsync'd notes
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