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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I accessed my personal subscription renewal page in account settings
  2. I have an automated backup process using Applescript (Mac); daily incremental, weekly full There's also third party Backupery (Windows, Mac). Manually also works. These all make use of Evernote's export feature
  3. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note Access is a Premium account feature. You can subscribe for a single month
  4. I maintain personal backups, but Evernote's Note History is a good solution You can subscribe to Premium for a single month
  5. Thanks for following up on this. I'm disappointed Evernote made no announcement on this change; it would have avoided the confusion Also, Evernote has a problem tracking devices; resulting in duplicate entries How do users follow up on this?
  6. Can you give us some details as to how this file was saved afaik Evernote does not change file formats There are some exceptions, but all my Office/iWork files remain in native format
  7. My turn to not be harsh - all users can contact Evernote support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  8. I don't know what's going on with the devices, but I know web access is not counted. You will continue to have access at www.evernote.com
  9. On a Mac, there is a separate folder for each note. The folder stores all the note files, in native format There's a small database file holding the metadata There's no reason for this data to end up in the "relocated items" folder >>So are you just leaving the whole of the relocated items folder as is? Yep; I've barely looked at it; I only had a few files
  10. The timestamp is inserted at cursor position The Evernote documention gives two keyboard shortcuts; Control + ; or Shift + Alt + D) You might try rebooting your device
  11. As per PinkElephant, the master version of our Evernote data is stored on the servers (except for Local Notebooks). I also have personal data backups It's an easy recovery if they're deleted. Personally, I haven't deleted my folder. I have no space problems, and it's not causing any problems.
  12. All accounts can contact support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  13. That better be an iPhone with internet access As I said, Evernote is a cloud service
  14. Lets first locate the notes Note History can not be accessed if the notes are "gone"
  15. Evernote's search feature includes pdf annotations >> (Kind of like how when you search for a term on a website it lets you jump from one to the next, but letting me jump between all my annotations in the pdf)? This isn't "jump from one to the next". The notes are identified and the search text is highlighted You could open the pdf in a dedicated pdf app for extended features
  16. On a Mac, I use Applescript - automatically each morning at 7am; creates note from template
  17. Which device/platform are you using? Is there anything left; shortcuts, tags, saved searches? Evernote is a cloud service - the master version of our data is maintained on the servers; accessed via the web platform at www.evernote.com
  18. I'm seeing the new restriction as continuation of the # of devices limitation We know Evernote's free account has a 2 device limit (web access not counted)
  19. Yes, the note remains accessible An Evernote feature is that it downloads the web page objects (pictures etc) This allows the note to display if no internet connection; or if the web page is no longer available
  20. The only advice I have is drop both devices and start fresh >>I was going to email tech support about this Twitter @evernotehelps
  21. I know what you mean, but I've seen Evernote's many versions of a web app; never fully-functional
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