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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I've been using Bitwarden for password management, although Apple has sherlocked the function with keychain I see no problem with storing passwords in Evernote if they're encrypted. Evernote has text encryption, and I use the native encryption of file attachments
  2. Not quite the same, but Evernote/IOS has a sketch feature. Snap to Shape works by a long press after completing the shape The Ink feature is documented here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001598367-How-to-create-ink-notes-in-Evernote-for-Windows Snap-to-Shape: "Snaps" freehand drawings into precise lines and shapes.
  3. Agreed; additional encryption resources does not seem to be a priority for Evernote >>While i use their clunky single file encryption to lock my password vault file... I wasn't aware of a "single file encryption" feature I encrypt/decrypt file attachments using the feature in the native applications >>Nor can i add new user ids with a pwd which happens frequently. I don't know what this means
  4. Confirmed; Spaces is a Business feature, supposedly not available to Premium accounts Was your Premium account created under the Business services?
  5. To what purpose; Save disk space? Share data? The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote server We get a data copy on the Mac; folder www.evernote.com Each user's data is stored in separate sub-folders Symbolic links won't save much disk space, and will mess with the sync to the server If the objective is access to the same data, use shared notebooks
  6. I was advising @Zenaida on protecting personal journals from being read by a boyfriend >>All we want is a simple password A third password To indicate your support for this feature, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  7. My computer is secure I use password protection for my computer login (each user) Also password protection for my Evernote login
  8. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314088-How-to-deactivate-and-reactivate-your-Evernote-account
  9. There is no option to select the thumbnail image, and no update To indicate your support for his feature, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  10. The current Evernote/IOS 8.24 predates IOS 13 >>Undo (three-finger tap), copy, and paste? Yes, the three-finger gestures are supported on my iPad
  11. I use both methods with the command-shift shortcuts Save to clipboard Save to image on the desktop Another solution is the Evernote Helper which saves multiple images
  12. What format do you consider "readable" As per @Cals, drag the file into a note or copy/paste the contents I also use Mac Applescript to parse the file and create notes (enml/html format)
  13. I also believe my sensitive data has to be encrypted There's noting preventing us from encrypting our data Evernote has a text encryption feature, and I use the native encryption in attachments; pdfs, office/iWork documends, ...
  14. Both the web and your iPhone access the same source, your notes stored on the Evernote server >>If it helps I was automatically put on the beta-editor of Evernote. Switch to the previous version There are various versions of the web client Previous New Classic New Beta
  15. Still a slow pace but there's currently a public beta (web) available to all users
  16. As posted above, these are local notebooks; not uploaded to the servers or backed up by Evernote They were designed for the temporary storage of notes during the encrypt/decrypt process Do you have a data backup you can use for recovery?
  17. So you're using the web platform There's a chance the edits were backed up in Note History >>Have you checked Note History to see if you can recover missing or deleted content? Yes. This was no help. Access requires a premium account. You can subscribe for a single month
  18. You're welcome to indicate your support for this request using the vote button in the upper left corner. There's currently votes; not much user interest I merged duplicate requests for this feature
  19. On a Mac, the date format is configurable >> I wanted to create a thread about the inconsistencies in case they haven't caught them. Merging notes: Windows uses the selection order; Mac uses the note list order Missing on other platforms Tag Hierarchy: available on Mac/Windows, missing on other platforms Tables: available on Mac/Windows, missing on other platforms Import folder; built-in on Windows; Mac requires manual configuration of the OS Folder Actions
  20. Agreed; it is confusing afaik Evernote never gave any details/expanation on this feature and we had to figure it out ourselves >> I have yet to see a need for a note "list" tab. Likewise, I never use it - my tabs are all in the note window
  21. imho The ipad with Apple Pencil is a great solution for note-taking I use the Notability app and store the document in Evernote as a note attachment
  22. They are note list tabs To get the active note name, open a note tab i.e. open the note in a separate window
  23. Seems fine to me Insert display dialog noteTitle to see what's being retrieved You can also use View > Show Log to provide more feedback >>set noteName to characters 11 thru -1 of noteTitle Returns an array of characters {"a", "b", "c" .....} You should use set noteName to text 11 thru -1 of noteTitle >>set title of n to noteName & " " & noteDate I would insert a condition test (if) to ensure noteDate is actually a date >>(YYYY-MM-DD filename) is not very readable as a note title My naming standard is yyyy/mm/dd type keyword ... keyword [description] yyyy/mm/dd is the Subject Date (default Created Date) Examples: 2019/10/06 Journal [Sunday] 2019/09/29 Home !HomeContents-Bedroom [Lamp] 2019/10/09 Receipt ?Vndr-Walmart !Budget-FoodGrocery [Groceries] $-13.13
  24. How about contacting Evernote Support at Contact Evernote Support
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