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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. This opens a note list tab Note list tabs show the title of the search context, such as All Notes To see the note title, open the note in a new window and work with note tabs
  2. I use the Evernote editor for notes; for work documents I use alternate editors MS Word is the standard for word processing at work When saving the file with MS Work I save to the Evernote import folder (Mac) To edit the files, I right-click and select Open in Word
  3. Likewise (attachments to notes) , mostly MS Word I can send the attachment to colleagues
  4. You're posting in the Evernote forum Try using the Evernote app to recover your Penultimate notes
  5. Click on the context arrow at the upper left corner This presents a list of notebooks, and Trash is at the bottom
  6. The "new" and beta web versions are not fully-featured We're seeing various beta versions issued for testing My understanding is the testing is ongoing
  7. Is there a request in your post? You're posting in the request forum With a stable internet connection, I have no problems with a lag in syncing
  8. I moved your post to the request forum There are existing requests for tab names, but they are asking for a note name fwiw I access my saved searches via the shortcut menu The screenshot shows tabs for a notebook and two saved searches The shortcut name is shown in the tabs
  9. What do you gain by switching to a local notebook? There's too great a risk of losing your data Why not leave the notes online; you will always have access via the web? You have a full local data copy and can continue using the Evernote client If you're not making data changes, syncing is not an issue
  10. You can open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  11. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  12. A note can contain any format file as an attachment For example, I use the Notability app, and store the .note files in Evernote
  13. Child tag is an option in Windows but not available on other platforms I use a prefix naming system for my tags to reflect a hierarchy For example: !Colour !Colour-Red !Colour-White I can search for tag:!Colour or tag:!Colour* includes all child tags
  14. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion It"s definitely a basic word processing function
  15. What if the content is deleted on the web, do you really want to lose it in Evernote?
  16. For before dates, you have to work with negation Rephrased as: after December 18, 2015 and exclude after December 31, 2015 created:20151218 -created:20151231
  17. Direct download 7.14 (458244 Direct) No problem with PDF editing/saving I recommend you open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  18. I am still able to search for text strings like 'string search' (Mac and iPad)
  19. The thing is, the "same functionality" is not always possible on all platforms For example, Evernote/Mac currently has integrated scripting using Mac's Applescript utility
  20. What do you see as the difference between keywords and tags? In my use, tags are applied at the note level (metadata), and keywords are specified as text within the note contents I use the tag list as a source for my keyword selection (Mac AppleScript)
  21. ok, I did a quick look and came up with this NotebookTag.scpt edit: added a filter for duplicate entries global openFile global DataList set DataList to {} set targetFile to (path to desktop as text) & "temp.csv" set openFile to open for access file targetFile with write permission WriteCSV("Notebook", "Tag") tell application "Evernote" set allNotebooks to every notebook repeat with theNotebook in allNotebooks << Loop through notebooks set theNotebookName to (the name of theNotebook) set allNotes to every note in notebook theNotebookName repeat with theNote in allNotes << Loop through notes in the notebook set theTags to tags of theNote repeat with theTag in theTags << Loop through the tags in the note set theTagName to name of theTag my WriteCSV(theNotebookName, theTagName) end repeat end repeat end repeat end tell close access openFile on WriteCSV(theNotebookName, theTagName) set theData to theNotebookName & ", " & theTagName & return if theData is not in DataList then write theData to openFile starting at eof as text copy theData to end of DataList end if end WriteCSV
  22. Resolved on the web platform with feature differences on various web versions 🙂 Example: for reminders, use the "previous" version
  23. I'm not a Windows user but it should be simply selecting text in the note/template and assigning a font-size
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