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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You have the option of hardcoding font-size in specific notes/templates If no hardcoding, the default font-size for the device is used in the note display
  2. That's me, Mac primary and iPad supplemental Evernote is working well for me; 15k+ notes at 13GB My expectation is the "new" Mac version will have decreased functionality, and I won't be upgrading edit: (For the Charlton Heston analogy, see here)
  3. Can you post a screenshot of where you're looking on the Mac I posted a screenshot above of the notebook page
  4. Ok Are you seeing the Scripts Menu in the Menu Bar at the top and select Open Scripts Folder In my installation, the Evernote scripts folder is at /Users/<username>/Library/Scripts/Applications/Evernote
  5. Evernote is my digital filing cabinet. I rarely store documents externally Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar Personally, I don't find it faster and am happy to use tag methodology for organization >>backed up to dropbox, google drive and / or my NAS Evernote is useful as a backup service, with data uploaded to the servers and copies on all my devices. I also have Personal backups running on my Mac; daily incremental, weekly full, and Time Machine,
  6. All the time on my Mac and iPad >>I find evernote impossibly slow in this usage mode- have to find the thing, click the thing, open native app, etc No problem with slow or finding notes I have an extensive Tag structure, and also use Text Search I rarely use the native apps for viewing; there are display viewers for most record types Inline display option on my Mac
  7. Which devices/platforms do you use? I export to a .csv file using scripting (Mac Applescript)
  8. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  9. Are we still talking about features like heading syles? I use word processing apps like Apple Pages The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments
  10. I can't find the reference but I recall the template feature was designed for note contents (text) and has limited support for attachments (handwriting)
  11. I was wondering about the need for 5 Evernote Premium accounts I'm currently running at 15k notes, and anticipate up to 50k with no problems Using the tag feature, I find it easy to focus note selection
  12. Copied from the list discussion Thats a lot of data Evernote has a Note History backup, but it's only multiple times a day I have personal backups (Mac Time Machine) but it only runs hourly I also have incremental backups scheduled daily; I could adjust this to more frequent Instead of posting a list, it would be more useful as separate post Users can then discuss and vote on a per request basis
  13. Note text is indexed on the device and should be searchable imediately Images and pdfs are ocr'd on the server and there may be a delay Work is queued, with a priority to paid accounts I can view the note information on my Mac to see the status
  14. Contact Evernote support All accounts Twitter @evernotehelps Paid accounts Contact Evernote Support
  15. I doubt this is embedded in your note; it's a display item Agreed, as a paying user, I don't want to be subject to nag spam.
  16. It would be better to post separate requests. Users can then indicate their support on a per request basis It's not clear what you mean by "the notebook area/space" I'm guessing the note list, which is filtered by notebook or other criteria To exclude "saved mail and web clips", they can be assigned a special notebook/tag and filtered as part of the search criteria
  17. Set up a template with font, size, .... These settings define the format for default note display on the device They do not actually apply a font, size to the notes themselves This actually works for me; I rarely define specific format in notes
  18. Contact Evernote support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  19. Your database is v7.14 You're trying to access with an earlier version app; 7.14 Beta 2
  20. Can you post a screenshot of the message displayed Note, the most current version is Here
  21. Moved to the request forum and merged with similar requests Users can indicate their support using the vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion There are currently 10 votes
  22. Agreed, the updated PDF is saving to the Download folder Just to check, use the File > Save menu Are you using current versions of Evernote and Preview?
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