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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I export to HTML as part of my daily/weekly backups As you can see in the screenshot, the tags are exported in the HTML code (!Type-Journal) I can search for this tag I can write a script to append the tags to the title I've also thought about converting the tags to OS file tags, but the scripting is complex >>Anything tagged in Evernote as "freelance-2017" and "tax-2017" needs to have something like "freelance-2017 tax-2017" added to either the end of the title, like "Power St Apartment Project freelance-2017". Or we can add "freelance-2017 tax-2017" to the very end of the note. I actually do both with AppleScript on my Mac
  2. Please post a screenshot of the issue The note versions are backed up and can be restored https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
  3. I"m also a Notability fan The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments >>I'm sad evernote dropped the ball on this and hasn't upped their game in this area. Will they ever do it? Evernote is a text based product, using an enml base format (basically html)
  4. This is a user discussion forum I can tell you Evernote is a text based product, using an enml based format (basically html)
  5. Yes much safer, I use encrypted attachments to add security for my sensitive data; PDFs, Office/iWork documents,... Keep in mind, this also excludes the data from being indexed for searching
  6. Sorry, I was unable to replicate your results - penicillin not found in either search It is a low quality image
  7. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion If you find a product that works better for you, you should switch For myself, Evernote continues to be the best solution to my requirements >>LOL. Merged with a post that was created 6 years ago. I am not surprised. This further proves my point. Not clear what point Users have been complaining about Evernote features from the beginning, and predicting Evernote's failure (LOL) I repeat my point; if Evernote isn't working for us, don't use it
  8. Thanks, I've made note of that I prefer using my own code; It allows me to deviate from ISO format (I'm a rebel)
  9. I can advise you on writing scripts, and provide assistance when you get stuck I'm not comfortable providing "run out of the box" scripts
  10. There is a method using Mac Services I use third party Fastcript to add keyboard shortcuts to my scripts
  11. There were two variables in the script yyyymmdd theNote These have to be defined I use this code for the date yyyymmdd set {year:yyyy, month:mmm, day:d, weekday:dddd} to ((current date)) set dd to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text)) set m to mmm as integer set mm to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text)) set yyyymmdd to yyyy & "/" & mm & "/" & dd as string For theNote tell application "Evernote" to set theNotes to get selection set theNote to item 1 of theNotes
  12. The contact for Evernote Support is https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  13. Here's my reminder script My keyboard shortcut is Command Option R tell application "Evernote" set reminder time of theNote to date ((text returned of (display dialog "Reminder Date" default answer (yyyymmdd & " 8:00 am")))) end tell
  14. When downgrading to Basic, all notes continue to be available and can be viewed You are subject to the limits of the Basic account - oversized notes can not be edited
  15. afaik Transcription is not an Evernote feature - you will need a third party service Evernote can store both the audio file and transcription
  16. @forg, there's been no Evernote changes for this Money Tracker request but it's "comfortable" for me also I use Evernote to store and organize my receipts I export the data to a spreadsheet to generate budget and expense reports There's no special note type I implemented Type using a tag, and title naming standard I include the $ amount in the note title For note title and tags, I implemented automation and control using scripting (AppleScript) on my Mac Receipts are scanned and stored in Evernote As you can see in the screenshot title: <date> <type> [description] <keywords> $<amount> tags: !Type-Receipt !Budget-aaaaaaaa ?Vndr-aaaaaa I also get a monthly transaction feed from the bank, and create similar notes
  17. Turn off the auto-file setting in your user settings
  18. Here is the OCR generated text file 54CCA58A-93A0-4B70-908D-103B2718950B.en-reco <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE recoIndex PUBLIC "SYSTEM" "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/recoIndex.dtd"><recoIndex docType="unknown" objType="image" objID="8ec41ecd6f3fe51e48173bbb7e4d0e48" engineVersion="" recoType="service" lang="en" objWidth="252" objHeight="192"> <item x="46" y="16" w="37" h="9"> <t w="53">hear</t> <t w="49">her</t> <t w="47">here</t> <t w="47">hem</t> <t w="46">time</t> <t w="44">near</t> <t w="41">head</t> <t w="38">hoax</t> <t w="38">Tiera</t> <t w="38">hexa</t></item> <item x="93" y="14" w="55" h="11"> <t w="47">mews</t> <t w="41">famous</t> <t w="40">minus</t> <t w="40">fawns</t> <t w="38">mew</t> <t w="38">failure</t> <t w="37">misers</t> <t w="36">fanciers</t> <t w="36">musa</t> <t w="35">muses</t></item> <item x="160" y="11" w="52" h="14"> <t w="43">Asmara</t> <t w="37">as Irma</t> <t w="37">as ana</t> <t w="37">as AMA</t> <t w="36">its Irma</t><t w
  19. I'm using a Mac - Search Notes and Find in Note produced the same result The OCR process is executed at the servers, so the results are common to all devices Each device generates it's own search index, so results can differ Also Search Notes and Find in Note are separate processes, so results can differ
  20. No, it's a new note feature No Create a note with the template, and edit the note Save as a new template https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929468-How-to-use-templates
  21. Thanks for the info I've always been on PST and haven't had any problems It would be useful if you contact Support (https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action) and get their feedback
  22. I'm using a Mac and the default focus is Note List (last note); no option to change this I can use keyboard shortcuts to switch views between the Note List and Reminders I can code an AppleScript to open Evernote at the Reminders view also an Applescript to add reminder data to a note (command option R)
  23. The most up-to-date data is stored on the servers (online) Syncing will download this data to your PC; it doesn't matter if your PC has old data The only way your device data overwrites the server data is if your device has more up-to-date data
  24. I use Evernote on a Mac, with scripting (Applescript) - text can be extracted - notes can be created
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