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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. We all agree table functionality is a useful function, and is needed for Evernote/IOS To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion This request currently has 46 votes
  2. Requests for this feature have been merged To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  3. Reboot your device Log out, then log in to Evernote; make sure you use the correct userid/password Force a full resync: Hold the **Shift** and **Option** keys on your keyboard and click the sync icon
  4. Are you using the same userid/password to access your account? Try accessing your account directly using the web platform at www.evernote.com
  5. DTLow


    Welcome to the Evernote forums A premium subscription adds enhanced features/limits to your account Access to your data continues with the free basic subscription Evernote is a cloud service Our data is stored on the Evernote servers and accessed at www.evernote.com Our data can also be accessed using client software supplied by Evernote The free basic subscription provides client access for two devices The premium subscription provides client access for unlimited devices
  6. Typora is an alternate editor I use for notes It supports Markdown, and creates .md files which I store in Evernote as note attachments The .md attachment files are excluded from Evernote search indexing I make sure any necessary keywords or tags are in the Evernote note >>Good naming of your .md files (or whatever extension you may use)? Yes, the extension is .md I don't pay much attention to attachment filenames My focus is primary with note tags then keywords in the note title Text search is a last resort fall back
  7. You're currently using create note from file theFile notebook {"Statements"} tags {"FY1920"} Change to create note from file theFile notebook "Statements" tags {FYaabb} FYaabb is a variable (no quotes) You need to assign a value; something like Set FYaabb to "FY" & y2 & y1 y1 and y2 are variables which you need to assign values
  8. Here's an example of working with dates set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:min, seconds:sec} to current date set d to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text)) set m to m as integer set m to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text)) set y1 to y as integer set y2 to y1 - 1
  9. fwiw We can change the sort to date sequence, or search by content
  10. Why do you think "it will be impossible for anyone to see and will be sorted all the way back" Both you and I have seen the request, and are posting in the discussion I added my vote To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion I've merged similar posts for this discussion
  11. That's valid; I would include a link in an Evernote note >>I can store my sensitive docs in well organized folders Nope, I'm done with folder filing methodology >>with Finder tags as needed I'm considering exporting my Evernote tags to Finder tags The scripting is getting complex edit; >>It is really not up to you to say what is valid or not valid for me. ok, I'll say what's valid for myself >>I have no idea what "nope" means in this context Nope means I'm done with folder filing methodology
  12. No idea but Evernote has not indicated an interest in this function The note's id is embedded in a note-link; a backlink list can be generated by a search I'm able to generate this list on a Mac using my backup Evernote data The screenshot shows a list of all notes with a link to note 72b0b6868776
  13. This will develop into set TagList to tags of theNote and you have to identify theNote Something like tell application "Evernote" set theSelection to get selection repeat with theNote in theSelection set TagList to tags of theNote end repeat end tell I'm interested in your plans for the tag list Feel free to post if you need help with the scripting
  14. Dropping functionality is one method if achieving platform parity We also see signs that Evernote is adding functionality to the other platforms I think the end result will be a combination of the two approaches
  15. I run with a minimized sidebar, and don't use the sidebar tagtree The tag assignment on Macs is outdated (start typing tagname) The latest UI is a tag picker list - I made my own using scripting (Applescript) It drills down using the tag hierarchy I use a prefix naming style; the hierarchy is reflected in the tagname For example !Actionable !Actionable-ReadingList !Actionable-Recurring !Actionable-RecurringDay1 !Actionable-RecurringWeek1 !Actionable-Tasks
  16. Where it's "safer" due to encryption?
  17. I thought TSWers had priority covered with now/next/soon/later tags My reading list tag is just an independent tag, not part of a TSW/GTD Structure It's a long list (backlog) and I'll probably never get to everything but I do want to flag selected entries for current reading
  18. You mentioned "read next" For me, that's a reminder When I'm finished, I mark completed and select a new "read next" I don't use the reminder view; instead I use a saved search which lists my current todo's reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed)
  19. First point; Evernote has no support for folders We get two metadata fields: Notebooks and Tags I can see sub-dividing an @ToRead tag into separate collections I use the reminder feature to add some order
  20. Actually, 8 users have indicated they care My reply was meant to add to this count with more user votes
  21. I'm using a Mac, and right click on the note in the note list This is the browser link (in-app link if pasted within Evernote) I can force the in-app link by holding down the Option key
  22. This request has 8 user votes You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  23. Yes, if your software supports links I insert links to EN notes in my Calendar, Spreadsheets, Reminders, ... I prefer to use the in-app link, but sometimes have to use the browser link
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