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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The Evernote Trash is accessed at the bottom of the sidebar
  2. As a Basic account, we will continue to have access to all our notes >>l'm looking for a way of exporting my notes (mostly PDFs) into a file system structured like my notebooks. Evernote has an export feature (Mac/Windows) For data backups, I export my notes in html format; individual exports can be used for each notebook Files are created for each note, including pdf attachments The notes are readable by any file browser app
  3. Could this sort part also be addressed as a generic request for table sorting
  4. Currently, Evernote Reminders are set at the note level, not to checkboxes in a normal note edit: The checklist reminders are something new; unrelated to the note reminders
  5. I'd recommend opening a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Please post the response here This happened to me a while back, but I never followed up
  6. Note; the sidebar isn't functional for creating stacks, but you don't have to collapse it I roll with a minimized sidebar to reduce the screen clutter
  7. Can you post a screenshot of where you're working on the Mac Screen I posted a screenshot above of the notebook page
  8. The search feature is documented here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 but doesn't included items like SourceURL As an Evernote developer, I'm aware of additional metadata and try them out in search
  9. 15k+ notes with daily incremental and weekly full backups No issues; which doesn't mean there's no problem >>I would expect Evernote to change this You're posting in a user discussion forum To contact Evernote Support, open a ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  10. Which device/platform are you using?
  11. tag:1+impt tag:2+urgent is not valid search syntax You need quotes; see this post for example
  12. I record the purchase and emails as a single receipt note (tag !Type-Receipt) and use the reminder feature to track a delivery date I flag the reminder as completed when the item arrives
  13. Yes - in Evernote/Windows the .exb file contains all your data
  14. From the search documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 Quotation marks return results with an exact match. For example, "brave new world" returns only results with those 3 words in that exact sequence.
  15. Be aware that you're working with a copy of your data; the master copy is stored on the Evernote servers You can restore your backup copy, however the sync process will update it from the servers You might want to work offline
  16. From the forum Code of Conduct Do not chastise new users/newbies for asking questions or posting comments that may already be answered elsewhere. We get new users in the forums every day.
  17. There is a request posted at the top of the discussion. To indicate your support, use the voting button at the top left corner Discussion is not required >>It's possible. Agreed, it's quite do-able; Evernote has already implemented a hierarchy with the tags feature, the same technique can be used for notebooks
  18. @h-o-m-a is a new user to the forums, and seems unaware of the Evernote feature-sets The user is asking for assistance in using levels of organization >>So I'm going to cut myself off from this discussion before the sheer stupidity of it explodes my head. And others will continue to assist users with their inquiries
  19. Notebooks can be organized into stacks For unlimited organization levels, use the Tags feature
  20. Tags are Evernote's primary tool for organization Evernote uses notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, sync'd/local, offline, default notebook My main concern with using notebooks is that a note can only be assigned a single notebook I want the option to assign multiple categories Number of levels isn't a priority for me, although it does add dimension in my tag organization Evernote supports a tag hierarchy for unlimited levels
  21. Notebooks can be organized into stacks For unlimited organization levels, use the Tags feature
  22. I've had no problem exporting my entire collection of 14K notes Can you isolate the issue with the problem notebook? Check the Activity Log Try selecting small sections and see if you can identify a specific note
  23. I've merged your post with the discussion for Notebook hierarchy. Stacks were never implemented as a defined entity and a stack hierarchy is impossible (a stack with no notebooks doesn't exist) Currently, the only hierarchy supported is the Tags feature, with an unlimited hierarchy
  24. Evernote provides a note editor with a basic featureset. It's not the tool/format I'd use for writing essays
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