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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. For issues using the support link, see https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  2. Which device/platform are you using? Which "new interface"? Bulk tag operations for selected notes is a feature on the Windows/Mac platforns >>Also, I would appreciate if you could share your best tagging system. The first tag assigned is note type For example !Type-Journal, !Type-Receipt This drives other tag assignments For example, receipts are assigned tags for !Budget and !Vendor I prefix tag names to reflect hierarchy For example !Colour, !Colour-Red, !Colour-Blue I don't like orphan tags in my list I use tag:!Archive to identify archived notes; -tag:!Archive to exclude from searches I use tag;Actionable to identify actionable notes
  3. Your example displays a single tag per note If a note has more than one tag, would the note be listed multiple times? >>Proposed solution: same as in Excel. I actually export the note data to a spreadsheet It supports various reporting features, including the requested sorted grid I include a hyperlink to access the note in Evernote "\"=HYPERLINK(\"\"" & theLink & "\"\",\"\"" & theTitle & "\"\")\" " I use an AppleScript (Mac) to write to a .csv file repeat with theNote in theNoteList set theData to return set theData to theData & (text 9 thru -1 of item 1 of theNote) ... set theData to theData & "," & (item 4 of theNote as text) write theData to openFile starting at eof as text end repeat Here's a screenshot of my receipt notes, sorted by tag, date, title
  4. Or, store the passwords for each note in a password manager Notes can be identified by url and title
  5. Tags are assigned to notes; not notebooks It's possible on Windows/Mac platforms to select all notes in a notebook and assign a tag Any particular reason? It's usually one or the other - I prefer tags
  6. Yes, accessible with the old password Keeping track of different passwords may be a problem
  7. The database will be reloaded from the server Only note loss will by unsync'd or Local Notebooks
  8. How about a search notebook:aaaaaaaa created;yyyymmdd to get a smaller set of notes to work with
  9. I've merged existing post for the New Note Button To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion Personally, I have no issues with space for the New Note Button I run with a minimized sidebar; just icons
  10. Yes Which device/platforms do you have access to? I use a Mac with Applescript; also multi-select and block delete In Windows, sort by date; multi-select; block delete
  11. Grammarly is a useful product, I've used it in my writing but how is it "the one feature that will make evernote whole" afaik The integrated evernote editor is "whole"; but additional features would be welcome I use it as an editor for notes
  12. Multi highlight colours have been implemented on the web platform (v5.33.0)
  13. Agreed - the integrated Evernote note editor has no focus on spreadsheet functions Perhaps a little focus on word processing functions; I see heading styles introduced in the latest beta versions. However, I don't consider this a word processing app I continue to use dedicated apps when I need extended features; with the documents stored in Evernote as note attachment files
  14. I use Applescript; it's delivered with the MacOS and integrates scripting into the Evernote app
  15. Make sure you're logging in with the correct userid/password It's easy to accidentally create a new account
  16. I understand the latest beta versions indicate the default will be view mode We have to click an icon to switch to edit mode No eta when this will be delivered
  17. The menu items each show a keyboard shortcut Evernote > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts for the setting of specific shortcuts The Mac OS supports setting keyboard shortcuts for any menu item
  18. I wasn't aware of any plans to discontinue this Can you explain how you use "search by geolocation" The search documentation has this
  19. Evernote has no support for folders - the organization tools are notebooks and tags (note metadata fields) For "effective browsing", try using the notebook/tag trees
  20. The addition of p2p note synchronization is valid as a competitive advantage imho Your "data sync hub, not just notes" is not (neither was selling socks) 🙂
  21. There's two troubleshooting steps Rebuild the search index Hold down the option key when selecting the help menu Full Sync Hold down the option and shift keys and click on the sync icon >> neither did installing/reinstalling the app If you have a corrupted database, installing/reinstalling the app does nothing
  22. There seems to some confusion about Evernote's merge function and pdf attachments Notes are merged, however the pdfs remain as separate attachments; they are not merged To merge/split pdf pages has no connection to Evernote's merge function
  23. You're posting in the feature requests forum, in a discussion of a request for tab names To indicate your support for the request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  24. Why would you think a note storage/sync company should be a candidate for this? Evernote's business is notes Data sync hub is a different business and already addressed by various companies
  25. I'm not clear how this applies to Evernote, which has evolved from folders to notebooks/tags On the other hand, many users are stuck in "files and folders" Now, back to the backlinks discussion I added my vote to the feature request posted at
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