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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Seems to be working fine for me. Are you working in English? If not then it may be an issue with other languages. You could also try an uninstall/reinstall of the application.
  2. If you need EN support then you need to raise a ticket. These forums are pretty much user-to-user support so we have no means of helping other than to commiserate or suggest ways of diagnosing the issue...
  3. There are no 'clippers' for any of the mobile platforms. Your stuck with the device OS share function. There don't seem to be any plans to try to develop an iOS or Android web clipper and don't imagine that is even on the development horizon whilst the main applications continue to be developed.
  4. In addition, try File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data from this device
  5. Formatted text isn't supported on Legacy either. This isn't new...
  6. The only option is iwth the Legacy version but exporting 5,000 notes will likely lose the notebook structure you almost certainly have. Better to export each Notebook in turn (just export the notebook rather than the individual notes) and reimport into a new notebook as needed. If you are only requiring a backup then you can use a conventional backup program and backup the data directories for either or both the Legacy and/or v10.
  7. Sounds like a left over from the temporary bug that arrived with v10.23, Reset your file link and it should all be good again. Right click, open with, choose another app (regardless of Excel being in the list), select Excel, check the always open box and then click the Open button. That should fix it thereafter.
  8. This is a function that hasn't made it to the new software. You can give feedback to the devs via the Feedback option in the new application. You won't get a reply to the feedback but we are assured that everything is noted.
  9. The PDF export seems to have a number of bugs but these mostly seem to affect layout rather than the whole document export. The general advice for printing and PDF export is to use the Legacy product until this is fixed. However, a web browser may not be the best place to view a PDF. The issue may be with the browser rather than the export. So double check in a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat or FoxIt to be sure.
  10. I don't believe you can disable the automatic process but you can change the view after the import so that you show only the link. Click the title bar for the video and choose from the menu
  11. That sounds almost useable in terms of time. Still slow but I might just manage to bear with this especially since I've never worked on a multiple of 50 notes other than to test things. It could be many things that might have caused this slight improvement... More disk space would be my first guess at the user side. What we don't know is what is being tweaked at the server side. You might also have had a software update in that month too... Anyway, I'll keep Legacy for these tasks for now knowing that the devs are working on performance stuff too.
  12. I know that the EN Dev's are working performance issues. Nobody explains the challenges to provide an excuse - just to understand the possible reasons.
  13. Yes, processing multiple files remains the frustratingly slow process. It is the reason for the default limit of 50 notes to be selected. A result of each change needing to be synchronised with the server one at a time. In Legacy it was all saved locally and the sync took place in the background later. I, too, keep Legacy for a couple's of tasks. Printing (I have just one note that needs to be printed once or twice a year and Legacy still does a good job) and bulk note processing (I'll process two or three notes in v10 but more than five and I switch to Legacy). For everything else I've more or less switched to v10.
  14. I don't know... You could be The good news is that you don't have to use Home. Evernote will return to wherever you last were so if you don't access Home then, whilst it might be lurking in the background, you don't have to see it.
  15. The table is the clue. Tables and other formatting don't function inside encrypted text blocks...
  16. Probably not but to can connect with support via Twitter @evernotehelps
  17. You have the keyboard shortcut option of Ctrl+N that should launch an empty, new note by default. That seems to conflict with other applications so in my installation I have this set to Alt+Ctrl+N If you have specific issues that you need help with then a support ticket is the way to go. You can submit feedback inside the apps. We're told that these are read and noted but you won't receive acknowledgement. These forums are laregly user-to-user so posting here may not get the attention you hope for.
  18. I am increasingly convinced that these Android performance issues are somehow connected to the device hardware and configuration. I seem to see the complaints most commonly from Samsung users and now a Xiaomi. It is of no comfort that I can report the opposite experience on my OnePlus 8 device. Definitely a support ticket but I fear that the solution may be sometime coming. The vast number of different Android-based devices makes diagnosis much more challenging. Add to this two versions of Android and the fact that many manufacturers tweak the basic Android to suit their equipment and the challenge becomes even greater. Of course the EN app needs to work and it isn't the fault of the device owner - just a recognition of how challenging this all is. I know a couple of app developers that used to refuse to develop for Android because of the impossibility (as they saw it) of testing for every possible option.
  19. The good news is that you can access the text via Legacy so nothing is list. Did you create the encrypted block in v10 or via Legacy? Whatever, I'd recreate the encrypted text block in a new note using v10. (Copy from Legacy, paste and encrypt in v10). Perhaps that will give you encrypted text which can be decrypted in v10. If so you can then delete the note that isn't working.
  20. I guess that this is an issue that the Deb's would want to be able to give attention to. A support ticket is possibly the way to go. I'm sure the fix won't be immediate but likely to go on the list.
  21. Both are garbage answers With responses like that don't expect any help here. I share my experience of similar circumstances only to be abused. Feel free to acknowledge and say that doesn't work for you. But your full mouthed response would be better elsewhere.
  22. However, I'm not sure that can be a fault of Evernote. EN doesn't provide the import function - just the export from EN to .ENEX or .HTML. You could raise the issue with the developer of the OneNote importer you are trying to use. A quick search engine exploration reveals many issues that might arise importing into OneNote and ways to resolve them. You could try there.
  23. I think you're saying that if you forward an Email to Evernote AND the Email has an attachment then the note that is created also has the attachment. That would be the normal behaviour and it has always been so. If you don't want this then you will have to use a mail program that allows you to forward without the attachments. If you send it to Evernote then the program will, correctly, process everything it receives. But perhaps I've misunderstood what you mean.
  24. Then I fear you will be waiting a long time. New software with new ways of working means you will have to accommodate the changes or stick with the legacy software that does things in the way that you're familiar with. You could try out competitors but that will also demand changes in your workflow. By all means keep pressing Evernote to add the features you require but given the many competing demands you shouldn't expect an early change.
  25. We all want and demand improvements. I suspect that you are really saying that you don't want your workflow to be affected. The way things are done has, sadly, to change. This is new software in a new framework and it isn't possible to make the changes needed without some change in the way things function. Many functions have returned in response to user requests/demands (and I expect more will) . The Input Folder stuff is a good example. But it isn't quite the same as the old Input Folders that the Legacy version in Windows only offered. Now it is an improvement that Mac users have gained. But we've all lost the automatic removal of the imported file from the folder. I hear that is also being worked on but, in the meantime, I have a small batch file that does the necessary stuff for me. I doubt that any of our workflows will be the same with Evernote in the future. Either we have to adjust or move on somewhere else. But that will be the same thing. No other note taking package works the way Evernote legacy does either. So stay or go, it will just mean adjusted workflows to become used to.
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