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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The good news is that each device can run which ever version you choose and, indeed, you can even have v10 and the Legacy running on a laptop at the same time. As long as you don't attempt to edit the same note in both versions at once. I have Legacy and version 10 on my Windows laptop without any trouble as well as an Android phone (v10) and tablet (v8). They all behave without a problem. The only limitation is that the older versions cannot display notes which include the new features - tasks and calendars.
  2. There is no means to disable this view. However, the HTML code block is a feature of Evernote v10. If it is really a major issue then use the old Legacy version of Evernote and you will see things as you did previously. As for simplifying the code block. I'd just do it the next time you access a note. So don't attempt to do it on all - just wait until it is needed. Alternatively, in the Legacy application make the small of edits - add a space or delete a character and the code will be simplified for you in v10.
  3. If it is recent, note the announcement at the top of these forums in a red bar...
  4. All sorry it's via the online ticket system or, for paying users, online chat during working hours. You seem to have connected quickly and I would expect a courteous resolution. Given that your renewal failed because you were unable to pay your initial rant seems a little unnecessary. Give it time to be fixed. If it will make you feel better go to the Better Business Bureau. It will make no difference to the outcome which will probably be sorted before the Bureau even takes a look at the case.
  5. Yes, I tried that but am not able to edit the note in the second window at the same time as the annotation window is open.
  6. Thanks for the steps to reproduce. I wish we saw that offered more often. However, I am not able to reproduce. I open the annotation view and it takes over the Evernote window and I am unable to access any note to add comments. The annotation window takes focus and adding note content isn't possible. Perhaps you could describe how you return to the note to add text whilst the annotation view is active.
  7. A possibly helpful discussion on this in another thread.
  8. You're right that all we can offer are the ways of achieving the things you desire in the current version 10. Often this requires a different set of mouse clicks to the Legacy route. Sometimes more, sometimes just different. Personally I use keyboard shortcuts rather than clicks and these work pretty much the same old to new. Perhaps the keyboard will the option that works better for you.
  9. @Tim Kowal (b) I understand your frustration but simply cannot reproduce it on my device and usage. I am fortunate, and you less so. My point is to say that I wish we could identify the commonalities in the experiencees of those who do face these problems. Perhaps they would point us to a solution. As it is, it seems that almost everyone has different experiences and identifying the cause/solution becomes amazingly challenging. I wish you well as you seek out an answer or pursue an alternative application for your workflow.
  10. I have a simple Windows batch file which runs whenever I login or restart my computer. This will clear any files that have been placed in the three import folders that I use. Before I wrote the batch file any file that had been imported would just sit and was never imported further times. For reference I see that the option to remove source files is marked as Coming Soon. I'll have to remember to remove my batch file
  11. I wish I knew why some users have an apparently poor experience and others, like me, are working happily with Android in the latest version. I don't doubt that the issues exist for some but I would dearly like to be able to put a finger on what is actually going on. Anyway, to respond to specific issue mention by @Tim Kowal (b) my experience is that the sharing of web content in Android is better for me with the new Evernote than legacy ever was. It is also worth noting that this sharing function (I don't call it clipping since it isn't called that in the app) relies upon the underlying Android functions. Since the arrival of Evernote v10 I've found that the underlying sharing transfers the content to Evernote more reliably and with a consistently positive (for me) experience. As for the issue with logging using the previous v8.13 for Android, I see no reason why you would not be able to sign in with it. I presume that you have uninstalled v10 before reinstalling v8.13 I'm assuming that you are a subscriber and not subject to the device limitations that Free users have. I'm sure that the v10 software will count as a separate device to v8.13.
  12. I confess that I hadn't realised this feature was supposed to be present. But neither would I use if ot expect it to work. In the UK phone number formats are so varied it would be unreasonable to expect that they might be recognised automatically. My home number is 01535 6xxxx6 but I might just as easily write it as 015356xxxx6 or even 6xxxx6. All would work from home. The 01535 area code would be needed away from home. A few areas have area codes in the form 015647 89012 My mobile number is officially 07973 2xxxx6 but I typically write it 0797 32x xxx6 and sometimes without the spaces. Some area codes start 02x So a number is London could be 020 7345 6789 but many will write it 0207 345 6789 and you can generally just dial 7345 6789 from anywhere in London. Other cities have area code 011x and their official format is similar to 0113 456 7890 but could appear as 456 7890 locally. We never use - or ( ) when typing numbers except that some folk will if they happen to like to do that. About the only consistent thing is that a full direct dial number will always start with 0 and will be followed by 11 digits mixed with a variety of spaces. I don't think I'd expect Evernote to work on that for every potential combination of numbers worldwide - in fact if they're trying to do it I suggest that they are making a rod for their own back. That said, my mobile phone does pretty well working that all out but I do have to tell it which country the number is in for it to do the clever formatting stuff. I'm wondering if I have to have an application on the computer assigned to call numbers. Or setup a connection to my mobile phone to make the call. Otherwise what would the link link to? The phone numbers I tried don't lnik to anything inside Evernote on desktop for me. As expected they do link to a number on my mobile phone. After all that's the device upon which I can reliably make calls. I predict that this is a feature available on mobile devices only.
  13. I thought the share option had returned... It certainly has on Windows. I right click on a file and, for Win users, the SEND TO | EVERNOTE option is right there. I thought that a similar function had been restored for Mac - but since I'm not a Mac user I couldn't check. In fact, long before Evernote restored the function by default, I created the appropriate entry on my computer to do this but that is not needed now. Of course, as @PinkElephant notes, in addition there is the Import Folder stuff. Drag and drop/Copy/Move to the connected folder and the same is achieved.
  14. Encryption in note has never been a mobile feature. Far, far better and more secure to use an external encryption product. I use AxCrypt but you could encrypt a document using the built-in process in Word, PDF etc etc. Evernote in-note encryption has never been secure - not now and not in the older versions of Evernote. It gives a false sense of security. As it is, whenever you de-crypt your text it is in plain text and that is what is sync-ed to the cloud. On your device, device security is the best means of securing your data. Log out of Evernote and log back in when you need access.
  15. Some issues get higher priority than others. I guess we have to wait until the issue gets attention. Have you logged a support ticket? I think they get higher attention than forum posts.
  16. If you have an issue which needs EN tech support them you should open a support ticket. These forums are largely users helping users. At least we try to help That said I don't see lots of support for the issue you describe. So a ticket could be your best bet.
  17. Right click, create a shortcut on the desktop to specific note or double click the program shortcut
  18. You might need to give a little more detail. Which version of Evernote (including is it the Windows Store version or direct download). What brand/model of scanner do you use? How do you attempt to perform the 'move'? Scanning in version 10 always goed to the default notebook and I can always change the notebook it is stored in. I open the note, type Alt+Shift+M (or tap on notebook at the top of the note pane) and select the new destination notebook. The 'move' happens immediately. If this doesn't work for you then you might do a full uninstall and removal of Evernote 10. Then reinstall. Do the uninstall using an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller or check and delete the data and program directories before reinstalling.
  19. For me, the ScanSnap process works sedately but in the same manner as ever. I did, once, change the scan settings to higher resolution and that slowed tye sanning process significantly. I reset the resolution to 150dpi and everything trundled along as expected. Once the scan is complete selecting Evernote as the destination is more or less instantaneous in saving the scan to a note. Like @PinkElephant I use the ScanSnap Manager software rather the ScanSnap Cloud.
  20. This is really a function of the particular scanner and associated software. You might be better identifying a selection of candidates and then asking about these in particular. My experience with my trusty ScanSnap s1300i and the scanner built into the multi-function printer that I have may not tell you anything of value in choosing your product.
  21. There are two parts to the scanning process. Creating the image to be saved (including converting to the desired file format - typically jpg or pdf). Then importing into Evernote. The image creation piece is what takes the time and depends on the scanner being used. Importing into Evernote is quite quick. My scanner saves directly into Evernote. Perhaps 30s to scan and convert a page (I haven't timed it) and almost instant saving into Evernote. If the scanner scans to an import folder then the imprting takes a few seconds for the image to recognised by the Import Folder process but then it is also immediate.
  22. Not sure what is unuseable but whatever, I fear you are preaching to the choir. These forums are user-to-user so whilst we can empathise and may be able to give help if you describe the issue, if you want to give feedback to the devs then the feedback option in the app or a support ticket is the way to go
  23. As ever, a reminder that these are user-to-user support forums. If you want to raise it directly with Evernote then a support ticket is the way to go.
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