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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Do you have the up to date version of the ScanSnap Manager software? My scanner works just as always with the latest Manager.
  2. The same with Windows. The default limit is 50 notes. Exporting individual notes in batches isn't a great option anyway. Better to export as Notebooks so that you can reimport the notebook structure later.
  3. Nothing has changed with Legacy so I'd suspect a temporary issue. Have you tried the classic shutdown and restart your PC?
  4. I know that some consider the Android app to be slow. That isn't my experience. I'm trying to work out what the common factors are for those with problems with EN v10 on Android. For sure the issues don't affect everyone. So what is it that might give us a clue? So far the only thing I've noticed is that some issues seem to affect Samsung devices more than others.
  5. Fully understand. I was simply pointing out that the plug in is the only option available.
  6. I found a suitable fix. I opened REGEDIT and went through the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT section searching for each of the file suffixes in question .docx - Word.Document.12 .pptx - PowerPoint.Show.12 .xlsx - Excel.Sheet.12 I then edited the default string value to give the entry in the second column above. Actually this is already a little hazy so take things slowly to be sure. I think I initially searched the registry for Evernote.Office and this located each of the file types I was concerned about. Changing the value as shown fixed the New context menu entry. The following website was my starting point although it didn't ultimately quite provide the answer I needed. The presence of the Evernote.Office default string value was the give away for me. https://www.thewindowsclub.com/remove-items-from-new-context-menu
  7. It is hard to give much help. We can't see the whole picture and you haven't said how this note was created. My GUESS is that you've posted some text which contains a special or non-standard character. Tell us more about how you created this note as well as any other steps to reproduce the result you see.
  8. THere seems to be a small improvement in v10.23 on Windows at least. I can now right click an image, for example, and then paste it into a Word document. Drag and Drop doesn't work but copy and paste seems to...
  9. I still have the line in my config.json file - in my case set to 500. I was just able to select 500 notes without any problem. The 'multiselectionlimit' variable doesn't exist in config.json by default any longer in Windows but adding it still works... "qa": { "multiSelectionLimit": 500 } However, I rarely need to select anything near the default 50 limit so it really isn't a benefit to me to have tweaked the setting. I just tried it as an experiment which interestingly continues to work on Windows (EN v10.23)
  10. I see many users with issues report that they are using Samsung devices. Is this a common issue connected to Samsung's version of Android 11?
  11. It has been well documented that it is possible to tweak the 50 note limit up to 1,000 notes. (See the many threads on the topic). Just remember that you'll need a much, much, bigger cup of coffee..
  12. You're really talking to other users here. If you have a billing/payment issue you should open a support ticket
  13. I know that some users don't like the alternative, but there is an EN developed plug in for Gmail which will clip an Email. I suspect that dropping it from the web clipper presumes the use of the plug in.
  14. In one of the early release forums I saw a note confirming that other types of calendar are being considered.
  15. There are occasional glitches in mail processing. On one occasion a fault was identified relating to my Email domain and support fixed it. If things haven't resolved today then a ticket would be the best way to go.
  16. Finding earlier versions is the task for your favourite search engine. I found that I had to repair the file associations for only two or three file types so it wasn't a massive task for me
  17. In Windows the likely easiest route to returning to normal would be to undertake a Windows System Restore to the point prior to the arrival of version 10.23 Since the roll out of 10.23 is suspended you should anticipate that te issue will be fixed before you are reoffered an update. Alternatively you can manually fix the various links. I chose the Winows Stem Restore for simplicity and speedy resolution.
  18. Also ensure that you have reminders for Evernote 10 enabled in WINDOWS https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060663654
  19. Yes, and it works just as expected with the exception that it isn't possible to start minimised. I did see a note that the autostart option is on the list of things to be added. For now, add a shortcut in %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  20. I lost the link to .csv .txt .docs and .xlsx files after installing 10.23 Maybe more than that. They also disappeared from the right click New menu. Some research revealed that Evernote had taken these over too.
  21. Thank @galaktor There is a separate thread for program updates and I think it is preferred to have the annoucements there rather than re-posted. A link might be a good way to go rather than a copy and paste.
  22. EN v10 sync is as good as instant. Some users argue that this is an issue and sync should be more like the legacy approach to avoid note conflicts and provide more confidence. EN 10 syncs as you type on desktop.
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