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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You asked "Can you do this on Windows..?" My answer is to confirm that you can do the same things on Windows as on the Mac.
  2. The options in Windows are broadly the same as in the Mac application
  3. Have you tried toggling F11 to go to full screen and then F11 back to normal? Sometimes this can fix screen resolution issues. As @PinkElephant suggests, a support ticket is likely to be the way ahead.
  4. Not only connected to light mode. I use light mode but still have a dark grey taskbar background. You could tweak your Taskbar accent colour to better work for you. Another option is to choose Dark Mode for Windows and Light Mode for applications. Otherwise, submit a support ticket or send feedback so that the Evernote developers are aware.
  5. Thanks @Lisa99. Reverting to Windows 10 would resolve the issue. A bit of research reveals that disabling or uninstalling the snipping tool from Windows 11 doesn't undo the shortcut key assignment. So, with no snipping tool installed, I get no screen capture nor Windows snipping option. So an even worse state of affairs if you want to capture screen clips. Microsoft has forced an OS change so now Evernote will have to play catch up. I've raised a ticket so we'll see how I get on. I won't accept a 'cannot be reproduced' response.
  6. Since the proicess is: User pays > Play Store takes money > Play Store tells Evernote > Sub status is updated in your account setting It is quite possible that the issue is with the Play Store rather than with Evernote. Have you checked your account settings to see what your subscription status is? https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action If your status is Basic then I anticipate that your payment info hasn't reached Evernote from Google Play yet. You might chase up via Google Play Store. If you are showing as Personal (or whatever level you pay for) then a ticket is the way to go.
  7. Yes, I'm using Tasks. Works well for single items. I like the fact taht I can add a task(s) to a note and so linked to the note topic etc but also have them in a general ToDo note when there is nothing set up for the particular task. I am looking forward to arrival of recurring tasks which are promised.
  8. Yes, I concur. Hadn't checked since I moved up to Windows 11. I have Evernote Screen Capture set to Alt+Ctrl+= and that also opens the Windows snipping tool. @StephenP-Bfd have you raised a support ticket? This is one of those bugs created as much, perhaps more, by the OS update than by Evernote. EN will, though, want to be aware... I think the only workaround would be to uninstall the snipping tool from Windows. I haven't tried this but I imagine it would work.
  9. Yes, the cloud is the main copy of your data. But to see it you have to have the original username and password. On very many occasions we are finding that users accidentally create a new account when they mistake which Email address they previously used to login. Of course the new account is empty. So try the web interface and be sure you logged in with the original credentials.
  10. If you can see the program menus at the top of the screen/windows then try File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data Otherwise, the most likely solution will be a complete uninstall being sure that the Evernote data is deleted. Then reinstall, login and allow the program to rebuild your data from the cloud.
  11. It is not possible to use colour in titles in Evernote v10. The normal recommended workaround is to apply coloured bullets/emojis to the start or end of a title. I haven't found the need but I did try this once and it was quite successful. The Windows keyboard shortcut for Emojis is Win+. There is a similar shortcut for MacOS and addinging Emojis in the mobiole devices is very routine.
  12. Not sure why I missed this earlier. Just recording that a search for Kanbanote is likely to provide an answer...
  13. Thanks for the info. Have you tried to Evernote support? A ticket is probably in order.
  14. By way of a quick test I just sent myself an Email to my Gmail account with a Word document attached. I used the Gmail extension and the Email arrived inside an Evernote note with the document attached. I was able to open the attachment from within the Windows desktop application and also from within the Evernote web browser interface. For clarity I am running: Windows 11 Evernote for Windows desktop: 10.32.4 Evernote for web browser: 10.32.4 Gmail Evernote extension: last updated 22 December 2021 Firefox: 97.0.2 That's all to say that the issue may be more complicated than a faulty Gmail extension.
  15. Can you tell us which OS and application you are using? I have the Home in Evernote on all my devices/computers.
  16. The answer is that we believe that they are watched but it is unusual to see any responses from staff. Sometimes but not often. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning You can tweak the program configuration to increase the number of notes you can process at a time. I have it set to 500 but you cannot exceed 1,000. @PinkElephant noted how to do that earlier in the thread. You might be better off installing the Legacy version of Evernote to bulk stuff. At the moment, whilst it remains available, you get access to the old ways of handling multiple note actions. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote Overall, though, I think your issue may be arising from the way you are adding these notes. I'm sorry that I haven't got a clear idea of the process that you're following. So before you add more notes you will want to get the duplicates cleared away. I saw that you were/are using an IFTTT recipe and that may well not be the best way forward in Evernote 10. @PinkElephant suggested scanning to Import Folders which is what I do with total success on a Windows 11 PC with Evernote 10.32.4 Otherwise, if you would treat me as an absolute idiot and describe step by step how you you are processing these documents I can see how things might be different for my successful approach.
  17. As you have realised, these forums are used to user. So, whilst we sympathise and hope your venting had made you find some relief, none of us can do anything other than say that were not experiencing the issue you describe. If the options presented here haven't helped then you can only open a support ticket.
  18. I can't offer much help with MacOS but since this is the area for the old v8 Android app you might get better advice in the MacOS threads. For Windows I turned off the calendar notifications in the Home calendar widget which did the job for me. If you don't use the Calendar connection then disable it as suggested further up this thread.
  19. Except that it isn't the responsibility of Evernote to fix third party applications. Have you asked Grammarly what action it is taking?
  20. If the issue was with only one device I'd recommend an uninstall/reinstall. I suppose you could try that in both devices but this seems like an issue with your account data. Have you set up any of the Home widgets? I might try removing all the Home widgets and see what happens. Hopefully no problems. Then add each one back until the issue returns.
  21. Not for me.. I get am/pm and start the week on Monday but I have my system settings as 24hr clock with the week starting on Sunday. Since I make very little use of the Evernote calendar I really don't care too much. One curious thing... In Evernote, calendar events that occur between 12pm and 12.59pm appear in the Evernote calendar as 0pm and 0.59pm. No idea what happens between midnight and 1am since I'm always asleep and never have events scheduled then Evernote 10.32.4 and Windows 11
  22. You may have a particular reason for wanting the renewal early but, in general, the automated renewal process works well enough. If it fails because the card has expired or other reasons you will get an Email telling you that you need to fix whatever the problem was. For sure, go ahead and check that your card details for your Evernote account are correct. You can change payment card in advance of the renewal date. Also, be sure to ensure you have sufficient credit in the account to cover the charge. If your bank declines then, of course, your renewal will be refused. https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action If you are in a part of the world which is providing challenges for paying by credit card, such as India at the moment, then you are advised to switch to paying via Apple iStore or Google Play Store. To do that you need to allow your account to drop down to a Free account level. Easiest is to cancel your subscription on the page above. Then pay afresh via whichever store works for you. However, this approach does not work if you are in one of the grand-fathered subscription rates such as Plus or Personal at the old prices. Once the account drops to Free the renewal will be at the new price and there is no way around that. If you are in Russia then I think there will be no way for you to pay until the conflict in Ukraine is resolved.
  23. If you're paying to get 24hr clock and a date picker starting weeks on Sunday then you should definitely stop your subscription. But perhaps you are paying for other core functions.
  24. I am not aware of a means of downloading all notes for offline use in the v10 Windows app as a bulk process. Rather, I believe EN 10 achieves this note-by-note as you have experienced. You will, of course, have the setting to retain your data when go offline. New users will, I think, experience a growing collection of notes that will have been accessed at creation and therefore be available offline. Those of us who have been around a bit and moved to v10 will find that pre-v10 notes notes need to have been accessed online before they become available offline. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005917-Access-notes-offline EN v10 on Android works in much the same way as @PinkElephant describes for iOS.
  25. The most recent versions of Evernote do seem to process multiple note operations more speedily that prior to 10.30. You can move multiple notes to an import folder but you shouldn't then shutdown your computer until you are certain everything has been imported. If you import 900 items then Evernote has tyo create 900 new notes each of which will take a finite amount of time. I'd do it all in small batches. You could also it in the Legacy version of the software. The initial import will probably be quicker but then the Legacy application has to sync to the servers in the backgound. So still don't shutdown until you are sure the process is completed. Import folders isn't designed to be a mass import function. Rather for importing individual files and attachments as you go along. So you might find you get a smoother, less troublesome result if you install the Legacy app and set up some different folders which will do it all in the background. You can have Evernote v10 installed and then install Legacy alongside.
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