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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I think you expressed yourself quite clearly but thank you for the extra explanation. As noted, if you are running Windows, you could work around with a shortcut on the taskbar.
  2. I'm not a Plus subscriber but my understanding that no features were to be removed from any plan. So if Plus had the ability to search inside images and PDFs then it should still be available. Evernote doesn't, technically, provide OCR but it is a label that is often used by users. The feature is searching within an image/PDF. The text can't be lifted out of the image and copied elsewhere. In Personal all images/PDFs are searchable. If, for some reason, it isn't then that is an error which should be able to be fixed.
  3. It is just the same process to set a reminder on the note. When the reminder activates the closest to a tick-able box would be to click the Share button and click the tick-able box In the Reminder list view, right click, choose share and click the tick-able box. It isn't an expiring date on the share link but would work well enough in the meantime. OK it isn't a tick box but an on/off button but the result is identical.
  4. If they created an iOS web clipper for Safari, they would need to create one for Chrome and Firefox and then the same to run on Android. I suspect that there are many other issues on the table to be addressed before that gets attention🤔
  5. The button doesn't seem to work in all browsers. It is a standard browser alternative unrelated to Evernote. There is no option to install on an alternative drive. Some more tech focused users have achieved using a workaround using symbolic links - symlinks. Search the forums or use your favourite search engine.
  6. You need to download the app from www.evernote.com/download
  7. You are experiencing the new checklist format. Check boxes need to be surrounded by other text or they will be converted to the new format. You will find many discussions of this change in the forum's. A quick search should help you.
  8. Me neither but neither am I expecting a rapid resolution. To make Evernote work as previously will require the devs to work out how to overcome the OS interception of the screen cliiping command by the operating system. My gut tells me that this is likely to take some time to resolve.
  9. I'm not sure which stats you refer to but it is never going to happen. V10 is where the company has decided to hang is hat. My expectation is that Legacy will be retained and allowed to wither on the vine. No fixes, no support and one day an OS update will finally break Legacy and that will be it. My personal experience is that once I committed to switching I quickly changed my ways of doing things and left Legacy behind.
  10. Being on the beta could will account for you being stuck at 10.12 I think you have to exit the beta to reconnect with general release versions. Sorry you're annoyed. I thought we'd made progress for you
  11. We'd like to be helpful but you need to give us the basic information requested so that we can fully understand the challenge you are facing.
  12. I'm runinng Windows 11 with the current Evernote desktop app and Firefox as my browser... I just dragged and dropped a URL which is in the browser bar as: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1371294 It appeared in the note as: Thunderbird: Message retention policy not triggering deletion of old messages | Thunderbird Support Forum | Mozilla Support I think that's what you expected... Presuming you are using a Mac could you try with the desktop app for Mac?
  13. It was working for me under Win 10 but I was auto-magically upgraded a week or so back and the character map no longer seems to support the ASCII character codes except for a very few not including the characters I needed So ALT+0233 still works in Win 11 as does ALT+0128 to achieve € Not wishing to cast any aspersions but you have got the keypad working? ALT+code only works from the number keys on the right hand side of a standard keyboard - not the numbers above the letters.
  14. Whilst working with Windows 11 I discover that Win+Shift+S opens a screen clipper. Highlight the area to be clipped with the cross-hairs. Then paste the clipped area into a note. Not quite as quick as native Evernote screen clipping under Windows 10 but certainly much better than getting bogged down in the Windows 11 Snipping Tool and is a passable option while we wait for a proper resolution.
  15. We're not Notion users so cannot help you exporting from Notion. Broadly you need an ENEX file to import into Evernote. I've no idea if Notion can export to that format. As @gazumped says, Evernote needs to be running in the background to do everything that it offers. Of course you could sign out but if it simply that you don't want the icon showing then use the options in Windows to hide Evernote in the tray.
  16. On Windows 10 you can learn the ASCII codes for the characters you regularly use and type ALT+code using the keypad on your keyboard. eg: ALT+0128 will produce the Euro currency symbol € However, Windows 11 has disabled that function. So the character map is the first thought. There is, though, the Windows 11 Clipboard Manager. This includes quick-ish access to language symbols. Win+V and select Language Symbols. δ Not as nifty as the ALT+code approach. If I needed to use specific characters regularly I'd add a script to my AHK hotkeys code and create a shortcut for the characters I needed.
  17. I asked, only to be sure what I said next was correct. You should be on Evernote 10.28 or 10.29 I don't know why the Play Store hasn't updated for you but your device should have the latest version. I wonder if Google Play has got stuck. Having the current version of the Evernote app could be the answer to your issue. I think you can clear the cache and memory for Google Play and Play Services to clean things up. You will, I think, need to log back in to Play to get going.
  18. In Windows I use Auto-Hotkey to create keyboard shortcuts to simplify my use of several pieces of software. For Evernote I have Alt+Shift+; which types in the current date and time. (Actually it will do the same thing for any application but I have it for Evernote). It works reliably. I think it was @CalS that shared this solution when Evernote v10 was first released.
  19. I'm sorry that you continue with this issue. I'm not aware of any reasons why you would be limited to v10.12.1. It would be appropriate to raise a ticket. You're not getting the update that should reach you and the issue you've described continues. One additional question, which version of the Android OS do you have?
  20. I'm assuming that you are on a paid subscription plan... The first thing that the support team will request is that you upgrade to the most recent version of the app which is v10.28 (actually there is a version 10.29 slowly rolling out but 10.28 is the most generally available version). OCR takes time to process since it is a server side process. So it isn't instant by any means.
  21. Then grab the file on your iPad and copy it somewhere safe. You could then send it to yourself - but don't use Dropbox...
  22. The enex file you are working IS empty. It is zero bytes. So the task you face is to locate the original Important Notes.enex which is 31.6 Mb. That's the version you need to import. At some point you've been storing an empty enex file in Dropbox without realising what had happened. Where is the original of this enex file? That's the one you want.
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