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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Linking to Drive allows you to connect external Drive resources to a note. For example, you have created a spreadsheet in Drive. You can make a direct link to the spreadsheet from within the note as you work on it.
  2. Google Play and it's alternative on other platforms (such as Android) is the place that users who want confidence in the safety of their apps or, indeed, aren't at ease with side loading an apk will go to get whichever version of an app they require. I seem to recall that Google require Play Store to be installed with Android. For this reason it is always going to be the primary delivery mechanism. Services like apkMirror are the place to go for the standalone apks.
  3. If you are not able to wait for the fix to roll out you can go to the Evernote website and download and install the current version. Currently released is 10.33.5 The alternative is scanning to an import folder has been available all along and some of us really find this to been an improved scanning option. Is encourage you to try that whichever version you are on. All described above.
  4. Offline notebooks is the only function that I, personally, find under-prforms on Android. Turn the offline function on for a notebook and it can take hours for a largeish notebook to complete the download process. Much longer than you would think it should take. Others say the best thing is to set the process going overnight with the phone on charge and set to stay awake rather than have screen save kick in. Then leave Evernote as the active screen app and all being well everything will be complete in the morning. I've not done that but I only have three relatively small notebooks set for offline access.
  5. Just checked in my account. PDFs in my offline notebooks open in a flash. Those in online notes take perceptibly longer - although not a lot longer on my home fibre connection. I took my device offline for both WiFi and mobile data and offline PDFs open without trouble. Android 11 / Evernote 10.28
  6. It is still possible that Evernote had more than two connected - possibly from the past. In settings go to your account devices and remove all connected devices then log back in again.
  7. Actually there are quite a number of settings but they are not gathered in a specifically labelled Settings menu. Still not as comprehensive as the Tools/Options menu in Legacy and you have to search about a bit to find things. The font size stuff is only by note. Or you can create a blank note, set the fonts etc you want. Keep it in your Shortcuts and then copy it when you want to start a new note. Retitle and off you go.
  8. v10.33.4 has fixed this for me on Windows. Import folders are, though in my opinion, a better way to handle scans.
  9. v10.33.4 has fixed this issue for me on Windows. However, I'll continue to use Import Folders given their greater flexibility
  10. No. You can search the forums and you'll see many discussions.
  11. I have noticed a recent change in performance. Create a bullet list, then highlight the list. Tap the check box button. Green check boxes are inserted after the bullet in front of the list items. This used to stick. Now, go to a different note then return. The list is converted to a check list. Now I have to add the check boxes and then put a space after them.
  12. I have this on my device. I have to scroll the formatting bar to the right...
  13. The answer is probably not in a direct manner. Evernote doesn't have a hand writing input. You can draw and capture an image of that drawing which could be hand writing but no lines. You normally have to use an intermediate app which captures your hand writing and then deposits it into Evernote but then that typically concerts the writing into type face. As @gazumpedsuggests, try it out free of charge. Do let us know how you get on.
  14. Since Evernote 6 is frozen, unchanged and not receiving any support you really need to work out what else has changed on your PC. I wish you success in resolving this.
  15. Evidently the code is being converted into ASCII. Copy and paste into a text editor and see what the code looks like. It could easily be that either the website has changed or a recent update to the browser has changed things.
  16. V6 of Evernote is no longer supported and no changes are being made to it. My guess is that the HTML page you copied this from is malformed or at least non-standard.
  17. You could try creating the link on the desktop and then dragging that into the note.
  18. Is this a paid account of Free. If Free, it is possible that Evernote believes that you have more than two devices connected in which case the spinning hour glass can be an indication of this issue. It could also be that your local data has become corrupted. I would try File | Sign Out | Remove data from the device then log back in and see if that fixes things. It might be wise that your colleague Quits Evernote while you rebuild your data.
  19. https://evernote.com/compare-plans There is something a little confusing about the language we have for Evernote and mobile apps. The device has a home screen and widgets that can work from there. However, Evernote also has a Home Screen and that also offers widgets. The Evernote app Home Screen widgets are limited to three for free users plus extras for paid levels. Going from what you have said, it seems that you are talking about the ability to have iOS home screen widgets. I will say that I am not an iOS user but my understanding is that device home screen widgets have not, yet, arrived with iOS and Evernote v10. They are available on Android so, if I am correct, I think we would be anticipating a parity of features for iOS since this is the stated intention. I'm sure that our many iOS gurus will be able to confirm device home screen widgets for Evernote. Paying money will not provide the device level widgets. I anticipate that they will be free (as per Android) when they are released.
  20. I got a response to my ticket. The issue is known with Windows 11 and a resolution is being pursued.
  21. I understand that the blank page issue is due for a fix in v10.33 due for release today.
  22. Evernote v8 is end of life. No updates or fixes. It's too bad for those using devices with Android 9 or below but v10 is the only version getting attention.
  23. If being able to left click on the tray icon is what you feel you are paying for then, for sure, you should move on. But perhaps you have been paying for the core functions. I simply have a shortcut to Evernote on the Windows taskbar which launches Evernote. A change in muscle memory which was quickly achieved to open from the new shortcut.
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