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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. In the Evernote Home screen, click the Customise button (top right corner). Point your mouse at the widget that is incorrectly sized. At the bottom of the widget an option to select a size appears. Choose the size you desire. Click the Done button at the top right of the Evernote screen.
  2. THere is a standard checklist in version10 in all subscription levels Free and above. Tasks were added and provide a different approach to action lists. Tasks are available at all levels although with more sophistication at each level. The Legacy style check boxes still exist although it is true that v10 tends to want to convert lists like this to its new checklist style. Even so there are some minor tweaks that keep check boxes. So I'm not not sure what your experience was but what you imply doesn't seem to match with experience. Can you say more about what you mean by 'basic checklist'? I may be misunderstanding you. As for bugs... There are issues - some bugs but also many changes in the ways things can be done. I often see complaints about this or that bug which are, in reality, complaints that the v10 product doesn't do whatever in the way that people were familiar with. So yes, there are some bugs but they are gradually being resolved. You can install v10 and give it a try. If it works for you then great. But nothing is lost. You can revert to Legacy or even have both loaded alongside one another while you are testing. In the past once v10 was installed you needed to reinstall Legacy in order for it to run cleanly alongside. Because I use v10 with only very occasional reference to Legacy I disabled all the keyboard shortcuts in Legacy to avoid conflicts with v10. Personally, I found that once I committed myself to adjusting my ways of working it was only a few days before v10 was my default interface. It does almost everything I need. I only switch to Legacy if I need to edit HTML imported content and if I want to print a note. But I doubt that I do either of these things more than two or three times a year these days.
  3. That may be a flawed plan too. An OS update or changes in the back end at Evernote could mean the end of Legacy. Not tomorrow but eventually. If v10 doesn't cut the mustard for you then perhaps you should explore an alternative product that does what you need.
  4. Yes, but it is an issue created by the new OS. It has been reported and will take whatever it takes for a resolution to be found.
  5. Sorry, none of us know the answer. You could ask Evernote support but I doubt you'll get an answer. Given that the apps are basically a web browser wrapped up to run on its own the best option remains using the Evernote web version.
  6. It was fixed but then broke again. It has been acknowledged. None of us can answer your question about the Evernote team caring. I can see that asking the question airs your frustration but you won't get an answer.
  7. This is an old thread and, clearly, the is associated isn't going to change. V10 is now consistent across OS so Windows and Mac are the same. It has been requested in other threads but there is no sign that it is planned. I don't know if it is complex or easy to implement but we have what we have at the moment
  8. It is hard to say. Syncs do, sometimes, take a few minutes. On your desktop I'd first try File / Sign Out / Remove data from this device Log back in and allow your data to be rebuilt. If that doesn't fix then a complete uninstall using an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstall on Windows.
  9. https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action This will take you to your account settings and tell you which level your account is at. If you are at the Free level you can only have two devices connected to your account. Otherwise unlimited. You can download the Evernote app from the app store to run on your iPad. Scanning works well enough on a Mac. I run Windows so I'll leave a Mac user to describe the scanning stuff for you.
  10. It would also be helpful if you could describe the process you are trying to follow... Are you pasting into text that is inside an HTML block for example? That does not work. Assuming you are using v10 of Evernote. Sometimes these types of issue can arise and it requires the Evernote data to be reset. You could try the following menus... File | Sign Out | Remove Evernote data from this device When you log back in to Evernote the database will be recreated so allow a few minutes for that to happen. Then try again.
  11. I suspect the code isn't very clever. It's a warning you have to suffer.
  12. It seems you are pasting into a note inside a shared notebook. This is a standard warning.
  13. It looks like @Elzo is on a free sub as he mentions having used up two revoke opportunities. But signing in with Google isn't 2FA. If you authenticate with Google account SSO then if you have used up your number of opportunities for the month then that will be it. No more chances until the counter resets. Or you can subscribe for one month and in that time get 2FA set up plus sort out the devices that have been attempting to access your account. Add to that, reset your Google password and turn on 2FA there as well. As @PinkElephant noted, if you plan to use a Free account then you have to authenticate via SMS.
  14. Yes I think that's what it translates to. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Just to note, tickets can only be submitted by subscribers - not Free level users
  15. I'm not sure that I would agree for my use but perhaps a proposal for your own use case.
  16. As an aside the same applies to Home in reverse. At the end of a paragraph hit Home and you go to the start of the paragraph. The Shift+End thing that @MikeP noted is a default OS setting to highlight a line. Again the same works with Shift+Home. I wouldn't have expected a resolution since I don't think anyone has reported it in a support ticket.
  17. To confirm, I don't have the issue with 10.33.5 on Windows 11 having seen it in 10.32.4
  18. It was delivered to me yesterday. It usually takes between 1 and 20 days after release for a new version to arrive on my device. So, assuming yesterday was day 1 then I could have been waiting for another 2 or 3 weeks I didn't request v10.29 and I'm not on the Android beta list so I think 10.29 must be rolling out bit by bit.
  19. I played some more with reminders since my last post given that it has been an infrequent requirement for me. I concur that reminders are not triggering on my device. I've turned off battery optimisation for Evernote to see if that resolves the issue. I'll report back if I discover anything...
  20. I'm not sure, at all, how you could get duplicates with an entirely different title. If you choose All Notes and sort by Title then you should be able to scroll the list and see notes with the same name. Possibly not as nifty as having a dupe finder but I think this is all you have at anytime soon. EDIT: Actually it could be possible to get duplicates if a note is created by an external process. For example, I had a script I used to forward Emails to my account which, for awhile, sent two copies. So this was in effect finger problems at my side of the equation. Knowing it was happening I could quickly delete the dupe. I found the error and fixed it within a short time. Similarly I would magine it could be possible to dupe notes using an IFTTT or Zapier recipe. I don't think it would be possible to generate a duplicate note with a different name (other than with COPY at the end) within Evernote unless you intentionally renamed the duplicate. Of course, I could be wrong. It has been known
  21. There are many good ideas that are suggested that are simple to describe in a few words but are rather more challenging to deliver. I think this idea is likely to be one such. I imagine that it is easy enough for an application to know where it is at the moment. Quite probably it is rather more difficult for you to be able to define where you will be at some point into the future in order for the reminder to trigger when you get there. I've tried working with location based reminders in the past outside Evernote. It was unreliable. I doubt If have any use for it in Evernote but I can see that it might help others and I wish you well with your proposal.
  22. I don't make great deal of use of reminders but I found that Evernote needed to have been brought to the foreground in the morning before reminders sounded. I see the latest v10.29 had been tweaked to allow Evernote to sit in the background for longer before resetting. Even so I anticipate an overnight test will mean that a 5am reminder might not sound. That or forgotten Do Not Disturb settings overnight on the device.
  23. I'm late to this conversation because I've never seen the issue. Decided to try and find out why I would be immune when so many others are suffering. I find that all my notes seem to have PNG images. Is this a problem rendering JPGs only?
  24. I seem to recall a similar thing with a secured website. Somehow the web clipper appeared to be treated as a new login so it couldn't get past the requirements to connect afresh which, of course, couldn't be achieved inside the web clipper. I don't recall how I found a solution. Possibly logging in and ensuring that I wasn't logged out before clipping. Or perhaps I couldn't fix the issue and I just gave up.
  25. That makes sense. The Drive link had been around since well before the arrival of Evernote v10. So I'm not expecting anything new. It's the continuation of what has been around for several years. It is a little more than a pretty link. It means you can add a link without exiting Evernote, accessing Google Drive, copying the link to the document you want, returning to Evernote and pasting it in place. But I agree that may not be much of a benefit unless you linking stuff frequently.
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