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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Sorry that this is the issue for you although I'm pleased you know the reason. My password manager works just fine with Evernote v10 on Android so perhaps a different password app might be a solution.
  2. I did my tests and can confirm that the issue with the missing first page of scans is with the transfer of the document into Evernote rather than with the updated ScanSnap Manager software. I also checked out the drag and drop and sendto options for transferring PDFs into Evernote and they all work just fine. It is just the transfer of the ScanSnap scanned direct to Evernote that fails. I still, almost always, use the Import Folder method that @PinkElephant extols. Much more flexible.
  3. If I use my phone to scan stuff to Evernote I use the CamScanner app. It produces better and more controlled results for the document and then can share the resulting PDF or jpg file to Evernote. The built in camera option in Evernote is OK but I find CamScanner to be better. I'm sure that there are other apps that might do the same thing.
  4. In Windows Ctrl+A is designed to highlight all text in the active window or the active editor. That's what you'll get inside Evernote. Otherwise click and highlight with a mouse...
  5. I'm not sure how you are attempting to add a note to the home screen. It works for me. In Evernote 10.28 for Android... Open the note inside Evernote Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner Choose Add note to device Home screen Drag the shortcut to your desired location or select Add Automatically If you still require a refund you need to raise a ticket for billing support. App settings, Support
  6. I'm not entirely sure that the issue is with Evernote 10.32. At about the same time I got an update the ScanSnap Manager. I need to uninstall Evernote and drop back a version and see what happens to rule out ScanSnap.
  7. It depends somewhat on how you are adding tasks. By default tasks are place inside a note and the note can be printed. Of course that only works if you put all your tasks in a single note. If you are adding tasks to multiple notes then the only option would be to open the Tasks pop out from the left hand sidebar. Then highlight the tasks with a mouse. Copy and paste into a document or, indeed, a note which you could then print.
  8. I'm not aware of any publically available bug tracker. All you can do is raise a support ticket and then enquire from time to time what the status of the issue is. When you first raised this issue in the previous thread you said that you were still using the Legacy desktop application for Windows. Is that still the case? I could conceive that you might get an issue that is not anticipated running, say, Legacy on the desktop and v10 on your mobile device. If you are still running legacy then I'm not sure you will get much/any help by lodging a ticket. If you have now moved on to v10 then a ticket may be productive for you since, as you know, these forums are user-to-user so telling us "...Really guys you should fix this!" is addressing the wrong audience since we can't fix anything.
  9. I'm guessing that you are using a Mac rather than Windows based computer. I had no recollection of, and just checked and could not find, any option to mark text as a Quotation in Evernote 6.25 on Windows. A reverse issue was the availability of Import Folders which were a Windows feature not available on MacOS. Given that the stated aim is to make the user experience uniform, if I am correct about Quotation marking being a MacOS feature from the past, then that will likely account for why it went missing. If I am wrong then can you say how you achieve a Quotation block in the Windows legacy? I've just noted elsewhere that I mark quotes with a Quote Emoji. I also indent the paragraph. Like this... 💬 Quote goes here...
  10. I can see the attraction of a block quotation option. As a workaround I mark quotes with a Quote Emoji. I also indent the paragraph. Like this... 💬 Quote goes here... Since this is an infrequent requirement for me I haven't created a keyboard shortcut but it would be eminently suitable for automation.
  11. This is an issue others have commented on. There is no workaround. On Windows the nearest thing is to place a shortcut on the taskbar and launch Evernote from there. You can hide the tray icon. I'm sure Macs will have similar option.
  12. This has been requested by a few others. You should either open a ticket or send feedback to Evernote support. In these forums we are mostly other users.
  13. As I said, 'YMMV' I've certainly had to amend my ways of doing things but that was fairly straightforward.
  14. I haven't had any performance issues since the very earliest version of EN v10. Indeed, the last couple of releases on desktop seem to be doing things much more quickly. For me, the Android app is better than it ever was with the previous version. As ever, of course, YMMV.
  15. I'm not sure I can comment on the old app. I don't call it Legacy since it isn't officially supported as an alternative to v10. If uninstalling doesn't do the trick then you'll need to raise a support ticket.
  16. @Greg1234 I think you are initially referring to the web clipper browser add-on/extension. Are you asking that the desktop applications locate a tag by a similar method to the web clipper?
  17. I'm sorry to hear that you have this issue. It will be no comfort to know that this isn't my experience. Is try uninstalling the app then reinstall to see if it resolves the issue. Otherwise, you'll need to raise a support ticket from the settings menu in the app.
  18. I have a batch file that runs when I log in to my PC and empties the Import Folders. Works well for me since I shutdown my PC overnight. Otherwise it could be set to run on a schedule at, say, 6am every morning.
  19. Do you use ScanSnap Home or ScanSnap Manager? I use Manager and so far I've not had a problem but I scan into an Import Folder. [Just checked scanning directly into Evernote and find the issue you mention]. You could work around this I think. Scan your document to save in an Import Folder configured in Evernote and see what happens.
  20. Scanning to PDF is working just fine for me. I think it would help to know whether you are using Windows or MacOS and the make/model of scanner.
  21. There hasn't been any suggestion that Evernote tasks will connect to Google calendar. Sorry. It has been requested a few times but no suggestion that it is a planned feature.
  22. Is this the Teams account? You've posted in the Teams area which isn't very well visited. You might get more help in a Windows area. FWIW, I am running Windows 11 and also have Evernote v10.32.4 working just fine. This type of issue has been seen with Windows 10 as well. The normal first step is to use a program such as Revo Uninstaller, available free, to completely uninstall the program and ensure that nothing remains. Also, I should ask if you have a Free account or are paying a subscription? If you are on a Free account then this is likely to mean that Evernote thinks you have multiple devices connected. So visit you account settings and revoke access for all registered devices. You are limited to two devices used on an account. So remove everything and then try logging back in. https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action Once you have reinstalled and, if necessary, revoked access to all the devices in your account, then try reinstalling and logging back in again.
  23. To note... This is, I think, an issue which has arrived with Win11.
  24. I think that this issue could be very challenging. It seems that screen clipping is hard wired into Win11 and external efforts to deliver this fight against the OS at its core. I rather expect that EN will not find this an easy issue to resolve unless Microsoft reveals the underlying code.
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