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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The note creation issue might be resolved by rebuilding your data but with the Email issue as well I'd recommend that you open a support ticket. One question to check... What subscription level address you on?
  2. I'm not sure I can help further. The temporary issue I reported does seem to have been resolved. Since we aren't seeing this reported more widely it would seem to be something specific to your account which might only be resolved by technical support. I can see that you would not want to upgrade since you would forever lose access to Plus. I hadn't realised that Plus users didn't have access to support. My understanding was that Plus kept everything that has been available until it was withdrawn. Did that not include tech support? We can only hope that the issue resolved for you when the next release comes along in a week or two.
  3. Which version of the ScanSnap software do you have? It has over the past year been updated significantly to work with Evernote 10. I can scan direct into Evernote 10 although I far prefer the import folder approach for its greater flexibility.
  4. Presuming you haven't reached the limit on the number of templates allowed... I think this issue has been reported before. I think the solution was to add a heading in the text of the original note. Remove the heading and then the save as a template appears. Try searching for Template in the forums.
  5. Very few of us are able to check the results since most have, I think, been upgraded to Evernote 10. You could try going to All Notes then searching for * This should give give a search of all notes. Perhaps this gives a count.
  6. The point of the Plus tariff is that you continue to get everything you always paid for at the discounted price. However, you don't get anything new that Free users don't get.
  7. Sorry, being a bit dim. I was assuming you wanted to start with both versions running alongside one another. If you're ditching Legacy then just go with v10. You can still reinstall Legacy if all fails.
  8. I see no reason not to try v10 on your Win 7 PC. But you VERY likely to need to install Legacy after v10 to get it working fully. The worst that could happen would be to have uninstall both versions and revert to Legacy if v10 fails (but I don't expect that it will).
  9. The Evernote Helper with v10 on Windows had only ever offered one option whereas Mac offers three.
  10. Before you ran out of words, did you open a support ticket? Your description feels a little different to the issue I experienced. When you reinstalled did you use a program like Revo Uninstaller? As you will remember, a standard Windows uninstall doesn't remove all traces of the program.
  11. I think you might well find that installing v10 and then installing Legacy will give you both alongside one another.
  12. This change was implemented when v10 was introduced apparently because of the need to process multiple note actions directly with the servers rather than with a local database that was used in the older version of Evernote. It isn't unique to Evernote Teams which is where you've made this enquiry. It is possible to adjust the limit with an unsupported tweak in the desktop application configuration. Try a search for config.json in the forums. I am led to believe that there are plans to increase the limit but I'm not holding my breath. It will come when it comes.
  13. I suppose that creating shortcuts in the Windows' startup folder was second nature 35 years ago. I didn't think for more than a second before using the OS functions. Venting your ire here may have left you feeling that you've expressed your frustration. Unfortunately you've really only spoken to other users. These forums are user to user support. If you want Evernote to hear your sensible idea then you'll need to open a support ticket.
  14. My guess, the beta testers aren't dark mode users. As @Alxa says, open a ticket if this is important for you.
  15. Been using 10.42.7 without issue since the server side fix at the weekend.
  16. Sorry you're having an issue with Tasks. I think this is an entirely different issue. I'd recommend that you start a separate thread to focus on the issue you are experiencing.
  17. I have the same experience although I've never tried this for myself - just to see if I could replicate your experience. Actually, I don't think clicking on the stack does any sorting. Evernote 10 sorts ALL notebooks in the same order. Change the sort in Notebook_A and Notebook_B changes to the same. That seems to be the case in Android. So I checked the notes in Notebook_C in a stack and sorted them by Title. I then checked Notebook_D in the stack and it, too, was now sorted by Title. If I then click on the Stack the sort order is still, roughly, sorted by date updated. I confess that I wasn't VERY patient waiting for the sort to take place. I waited a few minutes to no avail. It is possible that it could take some time given that none of my stacks are in locally stored notebooks on the Android device so the sort is being done in real time across the network connection. For sure, sorting a stack in the desktop app works as you seem to expect. I'm not in the least bit troubled by this. But if this is important for you then you should open a support ticket.
  18. Sadly there is zero promise that Legacy will work with Win 11. The OS has a number os tweaks that stop some Evernote things from functioning. The screen capture option in Evernote is disabled by Win 11 and the only option is to use the built in windows screen capture. You could force Legacy to run in a Win 10 window (in the properties of the program, choose run in compatability mode) but I'm not confident that will do the trick. Sorry
  19. This works fine for me with the web browser Evernote in Firefox and screen capture with Win+Shift+S and then Ctrl+V to paste into the web browser. Yes, you should be able to achieve this. That you cannot isn't an issue with Evernote alone.
  20. Thanks for your question. It would help if you could give a little more information. It is always good to say which version of Evernote you are using, Android, iOS, Mac, Windows or Web. Also are you requesting an Evernote Home widget or a mobile desktop widget?
  21. v10 really shouldn't disable Legacy except, perhaps, with a few versions older. Stick with the official Legacy and the two should co-exist. The Outlook add-in was deprecated before v10 came on the scene although a lot of folk didn't realise until they upgraded. The new Outlook add-on requires an Office 365 accout and Exchange server as I recall. I abandoned Outlook years ago so can't help further - sorry.
  22. You're correct that this should be a Web Clipper issue rather than connected to your desktop app. Have you tried viewing the results in the Evernote web browser? If the result is the same then open a ticket with support for the web clipper.
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