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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. In the desktop and web applications the 'button' to open the template gallery is not labelled Template rather it is slightly greyed out and says '... Open Gallery' It is only visible when the note content is completely empty. You can have a title but even a space in the note body will mean you can no longer see the option. In the mobile apps the template gallery scrolls across the bottom of the note editor. Again, the moment you add any content the option is removed.
  2. I can see the value of this for those who busily make in-app links. Have you tried the new ability to drag and drop to create a link? I've got mixed feelings but it does seem to work well enough.
  3. I don't typically use the Gmail add-on since I moved away from Google hosting my domain. But I still have my personal Gmail account so popped in there and used the add-on to add an Email into my Evernote default folder. I tried with both Gmail in my desktop browser and on my Gmail app on my Android phone. Both added the Email to my Evernote account and both times the date/time remained as in the original Email. So I 'd think that this might relate to oddities in the message headers. As you say possibly a local time zone issue. But it didn't affect me for a message sent from someone in my UK time zone. I don't think anyone in these forums is likely to be able to assist you. You will likely need to open a ticket with technical support to investigate.
  4. Thanks for your question. These forums are user to user so your log file isn't helpful to us. Have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the app? If that doesn't work you'll need to open a support ticket.
  5. Win+Shift+S opens the screen capture. Select the area which will save to the clipboard. Open the destination note and paste into the note. This is something enforced by Microsoft and which cannot any longer be disabled in the registry.
  6. If two separate devices aren't sync-ing it is either a network issue (for this try connecting via a different network) or an account issue. If support has stopped responding then you can open a new ticket or tell us the ticket number and one of the mods may be able to nudge some progress.
  7. That is unlikely to be offered as an option. To make notes work across platforms fonts have been chosen so that they work universally. San Francisco isn't a font that will necessarily be available on Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android. If this is a key issue for you then I hope you will feel free to submit it via a support ticket.
  8. Nothing has changed on this front. For the foreseeable future you will have to manually sort by dragging the checked items to the end of the list.
  9. Great that you found the issue. Thanks for letting us know.
  10. I have notes with Excel files attached. I open the note from inside Evernote, make changes and save. The changes are saved into the note and are still there later. It is possible that you leave the Excel file open too long without saving. Or perhaps your Evernote database is corrupted. Working with the last opened files shouldn't be the way forward. You can rebuild your data. File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data | Sign back in and allow your data to be restored.
  11. There isn't a Template button to create a template. It is typical to require that you first add a heading to a note before you can save as a template. You add the heading and then remove it if you don't need it. To create a note based on a template you will see a grey Open Gallery in the empty note. If you add any text to the note then the button is not available.
  12. It would seem that this version is not equivalent to Android 10 or above... Perhaps an issue with this new release. You will need to report to Tech Support Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  13. You'll need to ask for help from support. You can open a ticket in the Account area... Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  14. Sorry, I wasn't suggesting you actually show us the note - rather saying it is difficult to advise given that we cannot see the note. Anyway, you've answered the question. The Evernote encryption doesn't work with tables. You wold be well advised to encrypt outside Evernote. The content of your note is already on the Evernote servers in an unencrypted form. And it will remain there as a note history still unencrypted. If all you want is protection from someone looking over your shoulder then the built in encryption is possibly OK. Otherwise encrypt an external document eg: add a password to a Word or PDF document. I use AXCrypt to encrypt documents. I then attach the encrypted file in a note. Thereafter if I want to read the content I open the attachment, it decrypts, I can read or amend and save back into Evernote without it ever being seen unencrypted. There's also a freeware product called Saferoom which integrates with Evernote.
  15. I had this once. I uninstalled the app and reinstalled to fix it. Also, bring the Evernote app to the foreground just prior to starting the Share process in Android.
  16. I use the Email to Evernote all the time. I sent around a dozen EMails yesterday which all arrived in my account. However, there can be many things on the journey from your Email account to Evernote that can get in the way. A couple of years ago my Email stopped and I opened a support ticket. It turned out that the internal spam filtering at Evernote was rejecting all messages from my private Email domain. It was whitelisted and then everything started again. So as previously suggested, contact support via ticket. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  17. I'm not sure that there is, necessarily, a bug in Evernote. This feels like a program crash. It isn't clear which application was involved nor which operating system. There haven't been any other reports of this issue so I'd guess at a crash and the reason is unlikely to ever be determined. In these circumstances I'd go for a rebuild of the data on the device. On mobile that would mean unistalling and reinstalling the app. On a desktop File | Sign Out | Remove my data from this device | Sign back in and the data will be rebuilt.
  18. I can't see a way, at present, to create a macro or keystroke to achieve what you want. Only mouse clicks... Highlight, click to select the colour picker, choose your colour. If you feel it would be something that you could encourage Evernote to consider for the future then you can submit via Feedback in the apps or by submitting a support ticket. Tickets are only available to paying subscribers.
  19. The Evernote API has not been updated to include many of the new features including tasks. Until it is services like IFTTT, Zapier, Remember the Milk and so forth cannot connect with Tasks in Evernote. I'm confident that the API will eventually be updated but it seems likely to be a while.
  20. I have a keystroke macro in my Email program that redirects the current message to my Evernote Email address. Generally it does exactly what I would expect without additional line feeds.
  21. Take a look at this too https://evernote.com/blog/how-evernotes-image-recognition-works/ PDFs are different to images.
  22. Yes. This should work... But as I recall only in an image file unless you are paying for your account. It isn't instant. You upload the image in a note and the recognition process takes place in a period of time depending on server load etc.
  23. If you have subscribed to Eveernote then take advantage of the ability to talk directly to support. Either contact via the Android app in the settings / support link or visit Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  24. This is telling you that you have already connected the maximum of two devices. You need to disconnect the devices in the Evernote settings. The limit on a Free account is two devices. The old devices you were using previously are using up your number of permitted devices.
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