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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You've added a request to a thread that, with one exception, pre-existed the current version of Evernote. So it has been long requested but nothing has appeared. I suspect that this is one of the nice to have things that hasn't, and probably isn't going to, get to the top of the to do list for sometime. But please put your case to the Evernote developers via a support ticket on the in app Feedback option to be sure your request gets attention.
  2. I think that this is partly true. My reminders, in general - not just Evernote, have become much less reliable with the arrival of Android 12 on my device. Google apps seems to work reasonably reliably but other applications much less so. I suspect that my phone manufacturer's implementation of Android 12 is more the cause than Android itself. So, that said, I fear that it is a much more complex set of issues than we might imagine. The Evernote application is one thing and maybe that can be improved but I don't think it will be perfect until the other things are also addressed.
  3. Yes, but for clarity... Offline notebooks are a paid feature for mobile apps. Desktop works offline automatically .https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005917
  4. You'll see in other threads that some users have found that accepting the offer to upgrade but then cancelling before completing seems to remove these reminders. Perhaps that will work for others.
  5. No. The Google Calendar link is one directional. You can view events inside Evernote but cannot add to the calendar from Evernote. Also, Tasks has no link out.
  6. Yes. In the test notes I created the webp image appeared in the card view.
  7. If you upgrade from Plus or Premium then that rate will be lost for the future of you take an upgrade to Personal. So it is wise to consider your options. I recently declined a free trial of Professional since I would lose the grand-fathered price that I currently have and not get it of I decided not to stay with Professional after the promotional period.
  8. I don't have this issue neither with 10.43.7 nor with the new release 10.44.8 I would try a clean uninstall of the application and then reinstall. Acid using the default uninstaller. For Windows I suggest Revo Uninstaller which clears stubborn configuration files. Then reinstall.
  9. Yes, I do it all manually. I've not found the automation options I've explored would save me much time.
  10. This feature doesn't exist. If you want to be sure that this idea is seen by Evernote then use the Feedback option in the application of submit a support ticket.
  11. Quit Evernote before you edit the file. Then restart. I'm not sure, though, whether this setting is supported. If @Alexander Gashchitsov has tried it then it shouldn't do any harm to test.
  12. Occasionally but I don't think you can rely on it. Meanwhile, what is easily done is to create a blank document. Set the defaults you want in the various text formats. Save the note and then create all new notes from that default by duplicating. HTH
  13. I think you may have misunderstood his suggestion which was to ask Support via a ticket. It's easily done...
  14. I only mentioned Emails as an aside. My solution to the pop ups was, as I said, to click through to accept to upgrading and then to change my mind. I haven't seen a pop-up since. I believe others have a similar experience. Try it and see.
  15. I, too, got a £22 discount in 2021. I don't remember what it related to but I do remember that it was for 12 months. So the real question is 'What did you pay in 2020?' That is likely to be what you have returned to this year. Last year you got a huge decrease but I suppose that wasn't such a concern £54.99 is still below the standard rate for Personal so if, for example, you cancelled your current plan and then later decided to pay after all then you would return at the higher price for new customers. I was recently offered a free upgrade to Professional but declined since I knew that once the offer expired I'd be on the higher price and unable to return to my current deal
  16. It will have some link to what level you were previously on and whether you opted for an upgrade to the current Personal plan. In the past you might have been on Plus or Premium as a subscriber. Also, there were two rates for Premium - grand-fathered in price or the standard price. If you were on either the Plus or grand-fathered Premium then you would have had the opportunity to continue at that rate or move up to Personal. If you were on the standard Premium product then your were upgraded to Personal and you should continue at the price you were previously paying. If you accepted an upgrade to try out the full Personal plan then you will now be paying the standard Personal price which is £71.88 per year. You are being invoiced less than that so clearly on some grand-fathered rate. You are not being charged the current full price for Personal. It might be that you received a discount for the previous year and have now lost that deal. If you want to know then you can look in your account settings and review the last couple of year's bills. I had a welcome discount in 2020 but it was a one off. If you want a definitive answer you should contact Accounts/Billing via a support ticket.
  17. I checked my task lists... In the task menu pop-out completed tasks don't display a date... It is only in the actual note containing the task that the original due date is on display. I don't think that it is a significant issue. In fact I think I find it more helpful than unhelpful to know when a task was originally due
  18. This issue has been around on and off for awhile. If it has returned then please submit a ticket. Presuming you are on the most recent release...
  19. Actually I do think that there was more clamour for tasks than hand writing. But that's my perception. There are a number of other threads which answer the hand writing question with posts even today.
  20. I was about to suggest reasons for the Android app which is what this area is. Then I see the mention of Windows 10. You don't say how the image is attached or downloaded. Perhaps a bit more information of how to reproduce the issue would help.
  21. @DedraWolff thanks for your input. Can you confirm which version of the Evernote application you are using? Thankfully there AWS bills are nil. They host on Google 😜
  22. I don't recall when I've ever received a pop up promotion apart from right at the beginning of the new plans when I was offered an upgrade to Professional. I clicked that to see what the offer was and then cancelled. Never seen it since. I do, very occasionally see Emails but I signed up for that in the account settings... So not usre why you get prompts and I don't. Try starting the upgrade process but then cancel before commiting. Perhaps that will work for you too.
  23. This isn't an optioon in tasks at the moment. Feel free to submit the idea via the Feedback option in the applications.
  24. I am reading this as needing to unformat existing text in a note. In which case, highlight the text and (in Windows) Ctrl+Shift+Space
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