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Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Should have a green tick in the top left corner. Tap that and then the left arrow.
  2. Evernote tables are purely text layout devices. You could feedback to the Evernote developers via the Feedback option in the apps or by opening a support ticket. Professional users can display spreadsheets inside a note and that would, of course, give you the function you would perhaps consider a suitable workaround. Until then you have to link a spreadsheet in a note and work in that.
  3. I'm not sure that it would be. In a note they are part of the text so sorting tasks by due date in the note would probably be a rather complex thing. That's not to say it is a bad thing. What you can do is see your tasks in date order in the Task pop out from the sidebar. The Due Dates tab lists in due date order
  4. I am not having this issue with Firefox. You should probably start with the Firefox help pages at https://support.mozilla.org Typical suggestions would be to remove all cookies and cache for Evernote.com in Firefox. Logging back in may then resolve the issue. Disabling all Firefox Add-Ons and then check if the problem is resolved. If it is then add them back one at a time and see which, if any, recreate the problem.
  5. As previously noted. Xiaomi devices have a notorious reputation for camera problems. They seem to find the issues at random times.
  6. If the notes were not sync-ed with the cloud then they will be lost. But that may not be the issue. I'd suggest your first try would be to rebuild your local data. File / Sign Out / Remove your Evernote data from the device. Then log back into Evernote and the process of rebuilding your local data will begin. After a few minutes you can check to see if the note has been located. It may take some minutes or even hours for all local data to be recovered.
  7. We're just fellow users. But since this appears to be a hardware issue you might need to raise with Xiaomi. Have you tried the suggested resolution above?
  8. There are a number of home screen widgets for Android 10. Not entirely the same as V8 so it will depend what you need as to whether you'll be satisfied. You get Task list Note list Shortcuts list Action bar You can also save a shortcut to individual notes on the 'desktop' direct from the note editing menus. The bonus of v10 on Android is that you can use any/all the features and functions across devices. The issues I see reported with v10 on Android often seem to be with Samsung devices. But that may just be because it is the dominant Android device maker.
  9. Did you uninstall using one of the Uninstaller programs mentioned in other threads? A standard uninstall leaves artefacts which can keep the problem. For Windows I use Revo Uninstaller. I know that there is a similar program but don't recall it's name. Search the forums or perhaps a Mac use will be along...
  10. You are correct that such a setting does not exist. The closest shortcut (which may not suit your needs) would be mark the URL as code. Type the back tick ` twice then the URLfollowed by two more back ticks `` and a space of carriage return. Then your URL are not linked but they are highlighted as code. eg:
  11. Hard to say what has happened. The app uninstalled itself, the OS uninstalled it, some operator keyboard error or probably several other possibilities. If you have the Microsoft store version of Evernote then it is very possible that the store has uninstalled the app without permission. I've not seen any other reports of this. I think @gazumped is correct. Download the app afresh, reinstall and hopefully all should be well. If, perchance, you were running the store version then be sure that the store version is uninstalled. Then I would recommend the direct download from evernote.com You will, of course, need your username and password.
  12. A bug fix release of Android app is expected soon. You may need to await that being certain whether the issue persists. Xiaomi Redmi devices have a long history of crashes when using the camera. In the past a solution has been to uninstall the Android System Webview application which rolls it back to the original version for the phone, clearing its cache and memory. Then reboot the device and allow it to be reinstalled. Settings / Apps / App management Empty the storage and then click the three dot menu and uninstall updates. (I'm running Android 13 - exact menus will vary depending on the version of Android). So it will probably not do any harm to try that. I have to give the usual disclaimers about trying at your own risk. You could also try asking in Xiaomi forums. This certainly seems to be hardware specific. Neither I nor my daughter have this issue with our Android devices.
  13. @zefon Just checked and help documentation says: ``` at the beginning of a line, followed by the Enter key begins and ends the code block. Note: Code blocks cannot be created via auto-formatting in Evernote for Windows or Android. Please note it specifically excludes Android. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001758468 You'll have to use the blue 🔵 plus + button, select Code Block and then paste the code. But as @PinkElephantnotes. Evernote is not a coding tool. Just a place to store snippets inside whatever note you're creating.
  14. The current release of the Android app is 10.46 so you might benefit from updating. However many/most of the keyboard shortcuts that apply to the desktop application are not supported in mobile. I think ''' is one of these.
  15. No. You should, perhaps, uninstall and reinstall one more time. If that doesn't resolve things then open a support ticket.
  16. It is in beta at the moment. Patience required 🙂
  17. Use an external recorder and then save the resulting audio file and place it inside the note.
  18. Open a support ticket before you cancel your paid subscription.
  19. I'd say 15s was reasonable for a web clip to appear. The clip first syncs to the cloud as a new note and then the note had to be synced to devices.
  20. Hi @Dave-in-Decatur The Certified Consultant program was rebadged as Evernote Expert so I think @Dave Edwards is good to go on that front...
  21. I don't use the camera feature very often but always use Photo rather than Auto. I just tried Auto and, whilst it took a few moments in the discovering stage, the capturing process was perfectly speedy.
  22. Please explain what you mean by "Correct Code Snippet Formatting'. Also please describe how you are currently attempting this and provide the version number of the Android application together with your version of Android.
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