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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Is this the latest version? ( you can check on the Clipper > Options tab. If not, download the update. - And what's your OS?
  2. Hi. Quickest way to get some action would be to raise this with Support - if Evernote are still assuming that this is a connection issue, nothing is going to change. Present a real case where the connection is not a problem, and they can look into it... (mainly user-supported forum here, so best we can offer is advice and speculation...)
  3. Hi. Have you tried checking the Clipper settings? IIRC the options to search for similar notes are set there... and have you tried clipping the exact same section of the page a couple of times to confirm whether you are correct that you already have similar notes...
  4. In a different thread I already said "I scan everything unless there's a good reason NOT to scan it" - the only good reasons, IMHO, being mainly 1) incriminating evidence 2) flyers from local shops. I don't delete much either - just elapsed reminders. I have a couple of boxes of stuff that are years old that I didn't get around to scanning yet, but my view: once you bought into the Evernote eco-system, you may as well scan everything that you can - the only cost is disk space (pretty cheap these days) and (AFAIK) I've never even come close to the current upload limit. There are arguments about performance, but you can get around any limitations by using notebooks, titles and tags intelligently. And you never know what information might be useful. I went to buy a new headlamp bulb from a dealer a while ago - where I previously bought the bulb that failed on me. They seem to have invented a whole new classification system for bulbs since I last had to do that, so I couldn't find a match in the hundreds of current options for the brief description I wrote down at the time. The guy at the counter apologised that they'd upgraded their computer system a couple of years ago, so he couldn't find any matches either. I checked the dealer's name in Evernote and came up with the receipt for the original purchase which included a part number that was still current. The dealer was impressed... Anyway scanning takes a few seconds - and for the older stuff I'll do a month's worth of receipts in one PDF. I OCR locally so I'm guaranteed it will be searchable (large and 100+ page PDFs may not be processed by Evernote) and in the event that I need something I can extract a separate page. But - your choice; don't make it a chore. Scanning documentation is part of my routine and I'm happy to do it.
  5. Do stretch the budget as far as you can - my S1500 was eye-wateringly expensive (IMHO) when I got it some years ago, but 25K scans later it's still going strong.
  6. I sit corrected: I thought bumping posts was a breach of the Forum Code of Conduct but the current (?) undated version I found here - https://discussion.evernote.com/guidelines/ doesn't now mention it. Bumping does however waste the time of the volunteer responders around here and doesn't necessarily get noticed by anyone else amidst the other comments being posted. Still - free country; your dime - have at it....
  7. Hi. You're not hacked . It's been reported before that some Windows users get the new note window on top of the desktop, others get it in the background. It appears to be a Windows 'thing' that no-one understands...
  8. Hi. Videos and How To's are all very well, but I find that presenters can usually only cover generalities. The best way to get familiar with Evernote (IMHO) is just to use it - for anything from documenting your beer-label collection to drafting your next book. When you hit a problem of some sort, do some web searches, post it here and find a solution. It takes a while, but you get familiar with what is, and what is not possible.
  9. Yup - pretty much what everyone else said so far. My personal approach to scanning is: unless there's a very good reason NOT to scan something, it gets tossed in the scanner. Everything except documents I need to keep goes into a 'shred me' box for a week or two in case I find a problem with the scan. I use an S1500 - which came before the IX - that has so far done 25,300+ page scans and is still going strong. I'd very strongly recommend that you get a sheet-fed scanner if you plan to process lots of paper. You would not believe how tiresome it is to keep on opening and closing a flatbed lid if you're dealing with volume. Other than that pretty much any scanner will do - which one depends on your budget. Scanning directly into Evernote is not a must have - scanning to disk and saving searchable (OCR'd) files are. One caveat - most page scanners are not great for photographs. I also have an Epson 'Perfection' flatbed photo scanner which does a better job than the Fujitsu in that area.
  10. Hi. There are no font choices in Evernote for Android. Plus text copied or clipped from another application might come with its own embedded formatting. Best revisit this on a desktop...
  11. Hi. Anything you create in Evernote is (I'm pretty sure) yours to do with as you will. Evernote the app (in any OS) is not an ideal page design environment so you may want to use PDFs prepared elsewhere for your content. The most you can do with images in Evernote is to use a table to lay out a page. If you're intending to use Evernote templates to generate your material you may want to contact Support to get an official approval - but if you might be generating new customers I can't see them being too unhappy....
  12. Hi. Thanks for the update, but you're adding to a 3-year old thread. I came to the conclusion a while ago that I had the choice of spending an hour or two searching for duplicate notes every month or so.. but apart from a small reduction in database disk size, it gained me nothing in storage space or upload limit. I can (and do) delete duplicates when they pop up in searches or otherwise annoy me, but otherwise I just get on with business and leave duplicates to emerge at their peril...
  13. Hi. Check the "i" information section of a note. As a subscriber you should see a 'Note History' link. Click the link... How to use note history to view older versions of a note
  14. Hi. Have you tried an alternate browser? Not at all sure what's going wrong there...
  15. I also back up my account daily and my system each week. There are various ways to deal with this automatically.
  16. Hi. I don't understand how it's possible to "open selected multiple notes to right click and open at one go" from a note, but this seems a very complicated way to add data to Evernote. It's possible to email new notes to your account and include notebook and tag information with the email (provided the notebooks / tags have already been created). Import folders can also direct new notes dragged & dropped on your desktop. How to save email into Evernote How to create import folders in Evernote for Windows
  17. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported Forum so we can't run any checks on your account, but the absence of anyone else reporting sync issues suggests that whatever is happening is local to you. My sync is working fine and Evernote's status page says things are normal. You could try emailing these notes to your account rather than wait for a sync, or check through the general help page on sync issues. If you do decide to request a refund, you need to contact Support. How to save email into Evernote How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  18. Hi. Do you have more than one device active? Is it possible that as you delete the the items on the MB another one syncs them back in? (There's a setting in Evernote Windows to "sync shortcuts") Try deleting, then syncing to 'fix' the change...
  19. Hi. If you have another email address, try sharing a notebook with yourself and check the status both before and after you click the notification to accept the share. I'd imaging the 'pending' message means the other person hasn't accepted the share yet, but I don't know - haven't noticed this before.
  20. Hi. When you say 'highlighted in green' do you mean it's a green hyperlink or that it looks like this: @gazumped? Either way I've not, and never have, had the same issue, though typing a link, then having to space away to have it recognized as an actual link happens to me a fair amount - most often in Excel at the moment. That must be a Windows thing. I googled link colours and came up with a LOT of hits including this - If you try with your device type / OS you may find some answers...
  21. Hi. Sorry but what you type in Evernote is what you get. There's no automatic formatting - though that may be available as an add-on through third-party grammar and spell-check apps like Grammarly.
  22. This may depend on exactly how you 'permanently deleted' the item - but that phrase usually means exactly what it says - unless you have any device/ system backups that might contain a copy...?
  23. Ah. Had forgotten / didn't realize; sorry. Could you use a screenshot at the top of the note and dump the text (minus images) at the bottom to feed the search index?
  24. Hi. I wasn't aware of any limit (other than for total tags, which -I believe- is 100,000) but 256 seems like a suspiciously appropriate number. You could consider upgrading (even if only for a month or so) to get access to Support, or have a look at the Evernote community group on Facebook or @EvernoteHelps on Twitter. None of them guarantee a quick response, but you might get some feedback there. Meantime you might want to lose some of the styles to try to get back to syncing...?
  25. There are multiple options to choose part or all of a page in Clipper, and also in Windows highlight / copy / paste. Evernote has its own version - see Tools > Options > Shortcut keys to find (or alter) the combinations for capture screen and copy selection. Whatever the operation or the result (as long as it's JPG or PNG) Evernote will also OCR the image so that it will be searchable. It's important to be flexible when copying page content - I've printed to PDF, selected page 'print me' options to get a cleaner layout, copy and pasted to Word (or any word processor) to get to plain text, 'shared' copies of the page to myself... sometimes it's as though page authors don't want to you have access to their content... but there's usually a way. <evil grin> 🙂
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