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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Yes. Leave the note in your account and open a browser when you get to school. Log into Evernote.com and search for that/ those note(s) - applying tags or keeping the note(s) in one notebook will make that happen quicker. You need your user name and password to log into the account, so no-one else has access... If you have other notes you do not want to appear, create a second free account and share the notebook containing your reference notes with that 2nd account.
  2. I'm also a beta user, currently also on 8.13.1. Not even sure where '10' comes from. When there's a beta for us to see I'm sure you'll be able to download it.
  3. Hi. I have around 100 notebooks but mainly use Evernote from the 'All Notes' view. I don't see how having a notebook name in the taskbar adds any useful information...
  4. Hi. Have you tried here >> https://dev.evernote.com/support/
  5. Hi. Try here.. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025162234-How-to-join-the-Evernote-Beta-Program
  6. Hi. So far that's not been possible in Evernote - if you have a spreadsheet app like Excel it would be possible to copy the existing table data into a note, add-in the new data and copy/ paste the full table back into Evernote for easy access. The Excel (or other) file could also be pasted into the same note for further updates.
  7. Hi. Lists of all sorts are... interesting to edit. Evernote is supposedly working on this...
  8. There seems to be a new variation on the "You've been hacked" scam going around - one user DM'd me today in a bit of a panic, so I thought I'd share just in case... I've been getting emails for some time now from a variety of 'expert hackers' who have apparently been able to access my webcam and record me doing unspeakable things - the evidence for which will be sent to my contacts unless I send bitcoin to an anonymous web address. - My web cam has been taped over for years, and my time for unspeakable habits of any sort is usually reserved for sleeping and eating, so it's an empty threat; but if you have a bad conscience... it's a nice bit of social engineering. My recent contact had found a new note titled "Pay Attention - you've been hacked" - which included the same sort of explanation; 'we viewed all your notes, will post them online unless you pay bitcoin' yada yada... The account Access Logs included lots of Russian-based access to the account, so it appears that the password had been leaked* from somewhere and someone did have access to the account. This user had already changed the account password, so my advice was: go to the (internet fraud) cops / tell Evernote. My advice to you, dear reader, would be: If you haven't changed your Evernote password for a while, do it now. I did. (I know that's a pain - your choice if you want to take the risk) Use a different password for Evernote to anything else you might use elsewhere. Have a look at password managers like Lastpass / Bitwarden if that's a problem for you. (They remember passwords and generate secure strings like @tJsVmmQ8d) Use 2FA - two factor authentication - to limit access to the account to you. Sign up to https://haveibeenpwned.com/ with all your email addresses - I do not think that Evernote has any leaks, but lots of other very large organisations do. If your password data leaks, bad actors will try that information on other sites to see what falls out... Check the Access logs for any unusual activity and block any access you don't recognize. Use Evernote's help pages on security I'm sure I missed out some useful tips and tricks - please add -em below in the comments. And the advice I gave above is still good: you get one of these emails or find a note - Go to the cops Tell Evernote ... and tell us here, obviously!! 🙂 EDIT: My Webcam -
  9. To show an original page in its correct layout, Evernote has to translate the HTML / Python / Java / CSS - driven web page (which contains any number and any combination of the coding languages I mentioned plus probably a couple hundred more) including any associated pretty pictures (more formats) into a code (EML) that works well with its own database and can be read in displays of various sizes on desktops and mobiles. 'Simplifying' formatting takes away some of the hidden coded features, 'removing' might be a little more adventurous, but still isn't completely removing the extra level of styles and layout. Editing the content can generate... unexpected results. It is possible to clip a web page as a screenshot and add comments with arrows and text boxes to preserve the underlying layout, or it would be possible to copy and paste the text into a plain text editor - losing layout and images - to allow the text to be altered safely. But given the constraints imposed by the translation from browser to note, what you currently see is probably the best you can get. I'm not discounting the fact that you used to have more functionality - I think the fact that it has gone away is more due to the increasing complexity of web pages and browsers (partly for security reasons) than any underhanded downgrading by the developers...
  10. Hi. You make an eloquent case for having an interest in the feature, but as posted this is was not a 'Feature Request' on which other users can vote to show their support. I'll move it to the 'general requests' section of the forums so that can happen. If that's not what you want, please post here and I'll move it back. I see a couple of issues with your request: Evernote already have trouble making tags toe the line on a number of different operating systems. Tags look quite different in mobile than they do on desktop forinstance, and in some cases are nested... some not. How much of a problem it would be to try to add hiding tags to the system I have no idea: and What's in it for Evernote? You have a fairly specific interest, which will cost Evernote some thousands of dollars and a lot of time to code and implement should they choose to investigate further. It's a 'nice to have' feature that might appeal to some - but would it cause hundreds of users who might not yet use Evernote to subscribe? (Don't get me wrong, I think it's a good idea - but tags already need a lot of tidying up in their current format!) Guess we'll see in the voting...
  11. That would vary - mostly it's a vaguely annoying but relatively minor few seconds; occasionally it's 30-300 seconds... which is a concern; hence the system upgrade...
  12. Hi. Evernote search works like this: How to use Evernote's advanced search syntax Unless and until Evernote publish any alternatives I don't believe there are any 'red' options. You could raise this as a feature request if you wish...
  13. I run Task Manager all the time (helps my paranoia) and I can confirm that editing or adding a new note slams Evernote to the top of my disk usage chart at (when I just tried it) up 10MB/s traffic as against its normal 0.0-0.1. There's no obvious change in memory or CPU scores. Currently running just shy of 50k notes, and there is a distracting pause when I'm recording or reviewing notes which can last several seconds. I'm waiting on memory and SSD upgrades to see whether more available resources will help. And before anyone asks I've already tried all the variations on syncs / options / rebuilds / Windows update blocs ever featured in these pages! Still waiting for that magic update that fixes everything... 🤞
  14. Hi. It may help the developers if you could confirm your OS, browser and clipper version...
  15. Hi. I'd imagine that's a whole other issue to do with international boundaries and firewalls... I'm sure you know there's a local version of Evernote - How to transfer your notes from Evernote to Yinxiang Biji
  16. Hi. Email support is only available to subscribers - but it seems like Evernote are aware of an issue...
  17. Hi. Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the add-on?
  18. Hi. If the snipping tool puts an image on the clipboard it should immediately be pastable into an Evernote note. I don't actually use it - I prefer the Evernote clipper @Dave-in-Decatur mentioned. (In addition to what Dave said, if you hold the Shift key when clipping the snip will be saved to your desktop.)
  19. Hi. Try this page - How to attach Google Drive files to notes - does that help?
  20. Basically yes - although you're 'sure' that there are some pages with content in common, you can't rule out the possibility that Clipper doesn't agree. If you have two identical notes and the first doesn't pop up when you clip the second version, you can verify that there's an issue.
  21. They could always ask for the logs after a support request if they thought it would be possible to identify the issue from there. If the answer you got was to do with them rewriting the basic code I'd imagine they would be reluctant to invest the time and expense of changing the existing app if it's due to be replaced anyway...
  22. Hi. Unless and until Linux is a supported OS I can't think of a way to do this in a browser on a linux device other than via email. 😕
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