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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I have a Bitly account and use the browser extension to convert any URL that I view into a much shorter link. The link is also editable so "bit.ly/UKCP2019" <not a valid link> could take you directly to a note. Shortened links are not universally popular if you're sharing - they can be used to hide malware pages. Some trust and confidence is required by the user. EDIT: Bitly will automatically give you some statistics on page (note) access should you need them, and a new feature -for paid users- can advise immediately when the link is used.
  2. It makes some sense, since you might be more likely to edit a recently added or changed note than one added last year... Please don't bump threads, it's not technically against the Forum T&Cs, but we can always ask to get that changed if necessary - and it adds nothing to the discussion since Evernote is driven by lots of feedback from various sources including the voting threads around here - but 11 votes (currently) is not going to make a great case. Meantime Evernote are (allegedly) already working on revised apps for all their supported OS's (and maybe even Linux) so the update might be in the pipeline somewhere. Also meantime the three dots menu on Android allows you to sort your notes by updated date, created date, title, and size in two taps - and you can always save a shortcut direct to an old note to your home screen if quick access is required...
  3. Hi. Is this a home or work connection? What country are you in? It's possible that a firewall is preventing Evernote from connecting.
  4. Hi. I mail into my Evernote account both directly and by redirect from Gmail accounts, and it seems to be working for me. Are you sending from a home or a work address, and how long ago did you send out your emails? (It can take a while - hours - for a mail to get through sometimes...) Also: have you searched your account for keywords in the email? The inbound mail sometimes gets assigned in unexpected directions...
  5. Hi. Subject to the comments above about the security of encryption generally, why not just encrypt the PDF's you want to attach to a note?
  6. Hi. No way. Individual notes in PDF, HTML or ENEX yes: paragraphs... not possible. (AFAIK)
  7. There y'go, crushing any faint hope... I was trying to be at least a little positive.... 😄
  8. gazumped

    Fix need

    Hi. Sorry to hear that you're having issues - we can't help with a bad internet connection. What exactly is happening? What error message(s) do you see...
  9. Hi. Please search the forums for the already very extensive exchanges on this subject.
  10. Hi. If you have a basic account you have access to your data. Subscribing increased several individual size limits and adds email support and other features.
  11. Hi. How are you seeing (or not seeing) your notes on the Mac - Evernote Web? Desktop? Can you log into your account at all?
  12. Hi. This being a public, mainly user supported, forum I'd suggest you raise this direct with Evernote Support. They'll either assist, or record the feedback for a future version.
  13. Hi. To the best of my belief the 'original' Outlook clipper was and is installed as part of the desktop app installation process and doesn't have an identity of its own. As far as I can recall, clipping a single email has always resulted in the pop-up window showing the note, but multiple emails get clipped without it. There is a Tools > Options > Clipping preference to 'show notifications', though I don't know whether that has any effect on the Outlook process. Clipping tends to be a mouse & keyboard activity - again I don't remember ever being able to clip an Outlook email from the keyboard, though if you're happy to have the single email clips go to a standard notebook it is should be possible to do it with a couple of mouse clicks. I tend to clip multiple emails and edit the title(s) shown in Evernote's clip window to include the company name if it's not already there. Then I leave Filterize to 'sort' my clips automatically into the appropriate notebook(s) with any necessary tag additions. I guess if you hanker after the old clipper it would be possible to step your Evernote version back a few, but that might be more trouble than any extra convenience would be worth...
  14. Hi. It's been a fairly quiet fight on Evernote's part - I don't recall the company expressing an opinion one way or the other so far. Some users (including me) have been pointing out there are already some protections on every device to secure the content, and I certainly don't especially want it made slower or more difficult for me to get into my notes, on the off-chance that I might hand over an unlocked device to a family member or a colleague. That's all just information and personal opinion though. Evernote just haven't implemented anything yet. Given that in this thread exactly 11 people (so far) have voted for the idea, it doesn't seem likely to be a high priority, regardless of the need some users clearly feel.
  15. Watching YouTube occasionally pays off - someone covering something else entirely mentioned a Chrome add-in called Text Blaze which inserted a standard paragraph into a document. I've been a Phrase Express user for years which does exactly that; but if you might be in the market for a way to add standard date formats / page layouts / pre-saved paragraphs and other variables into a note, Text Blaze is worth a look... The main thing which impressed me was the point-and-click ease with which new snips are set up - I defined a date format with a couple of clicks, which is way easier than Phrase Express's fairly detailed codes. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/text-blaze/idgadaccgipmpannjkmfddolnnhmeklj
  16. Hmmn. MIght be worth subscribing (for a month) to get access to email support and avoid the device limit at least for a while - if you can get your phone recognised reliably you could then drop back to Basic. Otherwise you could raise the issue in Evernote's community group on Facebook or try @EvernoteHelps on Twitter. Obviously Evernote is trying to limit free users on its system, hence the block. Don't know if the device is recognised by IP address or MAC code or something else - can you think of any network differences between the time it was last recognised and now?
  17. Hi. There's no way that I know to alter the date format employed by Evernote - the only suggestion would be to create a timestamp using some text expander software (I use Phrase Express) to avoid having to type the same date and (slightly) different time multiple times during the day, and add that to your note titles. I date a lot of my notes where the content has a different date to the creation date of the note, but something in this format "20200504 1701" produced with a single key combination takes a lot of the work out of documenting process.
  18. Hi. Not that I was aware of. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest you reach out to Support to see if they can help - I don't use IFTTT to interact directly with Evernote to edit or set up new notes. Don't know if anyone else here can comment...
  19. I've seen a recent thread about this, but can't now find it... Nixnote say (I think) that Evernote changed their code slightly and they've had to catch up. Might be worth talking to their support team if you have any issues.
  20. Yup. Me too. No question about Evernote's security, or how terminally boring my bank details would be to anyone else... but the account numbers and some other information is potentially stealable. "Better safe" is the general theory.
  21. I'm not a Mac user, but some of my colleagues here seem to do a lot with scripting; I'll leave them to comment on that aspect. Other than that the only thing I can think of depends on how many tags you're talking about. The third-party app Filterize can (among quite a few other things) process batches of notes and add prefixes and suffixes to titles. They also have a kind of 'mail merge' feature which can carry out a standard operation based on a table. So you could set up a table with your tag names in two columns, and set up a 'rule' to say: "If a note has a tag listed in column A, add the equivalent term from column B to the title." (The two entries would both be the same tag.) You'd need to create the table, set up a rule, and then search for all the notes you want checked - good news if they're all in a specific notebook. Apply a single random temporary tag to all the notes so that they get synced back to the server, and Filterize will then run your rule against them. You would be able to add bells and whistles like automatically removing the temporary tag after processing / adding another tag to confirm the note has been exported... whatever operations you might need to add. https://filterize.net
  22. Hi. Always good to mention what OS, browser and Evernote version you're using if you need technical help. The new Web version of Evernote has some HTML content which you may be able to avoid if you step back to the previous version. Try opening the app menu by clicking your account icon at the top left of the screen. There should be an option there to revert to an earlier version.
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