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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. It's not possible to 'import' audio, but files of any format can be attached to a note and played on any device which has both access to the account and compatible software installed.
  2. It doesn't appear that there's any error anyone else is aware of...
  3. Essentially, Filterize will use a variable name in a standard note and replace that variable with links to as many notes as meet a given test - such as the reminder being due in the next 3 days. I've been a subscriber for over a year now and find it hugely valuable - my priorities are all sorted automatically into current, coming and 'sometime' categories and presented as easily accessible lists available from links on my mobile home page and my laptop desktop. There are some useful videos on YouTube. It's possible to set up quite complicated searches that are based on a table of keywords and actions, so that each note is checked on its next sync and a variety of different actions taken depending on the tag, title or content of the note. I have some email sent direct to Evernote forinstance, but don't have the chance to use the email subject line to assign notebook, tags or reminder dates. Using Filterize I could send emails to a specific email address for each possible notebook, or I can leave the incoming notes to be checked on receipt and tags, notebooks etc assigned depending on content. Any email from an Amazon address (forinstance) gets assigned to an Amazon notebook and tagged so (amongst other things) I can exclude it from searches. Some notebooks are 'generic' where note/ emails from a number of sources get assigned there, but get tagged according to the company they're from. It's basically possible to hang together whatever sort of system you require - even with the 'free' version which will only handle some basic tasks...
  4. Hi. No - except that you could open a new separate template note and merge template+existing content (in that order) and edit from there. Better IMHO to start a template note and copy the content across if necessary. What @DTLow said.
  5. Possible option - use Filterize (free version) to maintain a Table of Contents list ('a Dashboard') of -optionally- All / Open / Closed reminders. Save a shortcut to the desktop to open that dashboard note. Go from there...?
  6. Evernote have implied they're working on something, but no release details or dates are available yet.
  7. There's a Facebook community and a Twitter account @EvernoteHelps - you could try them for comment. Company staff don't (usually) make a practice of responding to individual requests here - and given the amount of traffic, may not even see this thread for a while...
  8. Sorry - Evernote don't (usually) comment on what may, or may not be in development. What you currently see is all you get until something new gets released. My personal view would be: it's highly unlikely, given the kazillion other very capable image editors that already exist. Evernote also is not a spreadsheet / calendar / mind map / outliner app; and if you start to add extra bells and whistles to the features. where does it stop?
  9. Hi. We're a predominantly user-supported forum, so you'd have to contact Evernote support. There's a Facebook community, or Twitter @EvernoteHelps. Please let us know what happens!
  10. Hi. Just hit 'tab' on the keyboard? Or - since the overall editing capabilities of Evernote are not great (though they are allegedly currently working on that...) - you could use another app with more options and attach the output file to a note so you have the convenience of access anywhere you can open Evernote. NB editing on another device will only be possible if the app you used is also available there. (If you need the content of your note added to the search index, just copy and paste the finished version before you close.)
  11. Hi. Interesting idea - no chance to do it in Evernote. Filterize allows for complicated searches and while I don't think it could extract text, it could move notes and / or generate tables of contents ("Dashboards") containing lists of links to the original notes. https://filterize.net/
  12. Hmmn. I just set up a quick to-do list here and I agree - there don't seem to be any keyboard shortcuts, though clicking the box does change it as advertised. I was trying to change my Evernote Web back to the older version* (click on your account name top left) but that seems to have killed my web access to Evernote. Just getting white screens of apathy now... no notes at all. <sigh> * Edit: to see if that made a difference...
  13. Hi. Not (AFAIK) in the web client*. If you have access to Evernote desktop you would be able to create a 'template' note with the right settings (and layout if you want to get really creative) and then 'duplicate' and edit that note to use the formatting. *Edit: better features are currently (allegedly) under development!
  14. Hi. This is a pretty in-depth description - How-to: Manage your tasks with Evernote
  15. I don't believe that's possible... hope this helps - How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  16. Hi. What is your current version? Have you tried restarting your device(s)? (That is - powering them off and then back on??)
  17. I don't believe this is meant to include 10 separate users. If you did share an account as you describe, everyone would have access to everyone else's notes, and there would be frequent errors as more than one device tried to access the same account at the same time. Separate basic accounts is a far better way to go. If any single user starts to find the restrictions of the basic account too limiting, then one more more of them could upgrade.
  18. Duly noted - I think Francesco changed his view after that 2-year old piece, and there are many more clips around on both sides of the argument. I guess we'll find out in due course whether any of those predictions (both pro and con) were any good...
  19. OK - a cookie or a firewall issue maybe? Are you testing on a home network or at work? Can you switch off any protections your browser has applied to this page? Maybe try browsing in 'private' mode? At this point I'd also suggest contacting Evernote support - they might be able to see something we're obviously missing...
  20. ...and beware: if you delete them from within the app, Evernote will move them to the Trash notebooks. Uninstalling the app is the way to go if you wish to save space.
  21. No problem - it always helps to know some background! This may help - https://www.wikihow.com/Enable-Spell-Check-on-Android (Evernote for Android doesn't have a spell checker that I'm aware of, though the desk version does - Tools > Options > Language in the Windows version. Android relies on the underlying operating system for spell checking.)
  22. They're a company with more users than the population of a small country - like Japan - with multi-billion-dollar financing. It'll be a while before they close the doors...
  23. Hi ...you noted up front that Evernote are working on an upgrade to their editor. This might already be in hand, but like a new headphone connection on a new phone - it's not going to be any use until the complete phone is available for release 'later this year'...
  24. Hi. If you're using the web app, all your notes are online - only temporary data is stored locally. If you have the app installed on your MB, then yes the app will store a copy of your notes locally. You could uninstall it and rely on the web version?
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