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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. How many is 'a lot'? And did you empty the trash notebook and allow your Mac time to sync with the server? Major changes tend to take a while, and since your Mac tells the server what's to be removed and the server tells your other devices, they need time to sync the data back down again...
  2. Hi. Sadly, it's all too easy to mistakenly set up a new account when you're attempting to sign in to the web. Try logging out and logging back in (and avoid anything to do with 'signing up'!)
  3. The page took a while to load and I lost patience with Clipper after a couple of minutes waiting - it does seem to be a rather busy item. How about using 'selection' and copying sections at a time, then merging the separate notes so you have everything in one spot?
  4. Hi. I'm not a business user, but emails into my Premium account are working. Has the email option worked for you before? If so, when did it stop?
  5. I agree that apparently losing the Outlook clipper and Import Folders were (dumb) design decisions, but Evernote have at least already -apparently- reconsidered Import Folders. I did see a fairly horrifying comment in another thread somewhere about another issue (there are so many I can't remember what) where an Evernote Employee - presumably a product manager - said something to the effect of "Oh I didn't think that feature was important, so we dropped it..." Scary that sort of decision should be a matter of relatively junior opinion, without consultation; but to be fair the PM also said that he'd refer the matter back to the development team for re-evaluation. But how many design decisions are we talking about here? IMHO the new app was stripped down like Musk's Starship to bare tanks and one engine for a test flight to make sure the whole system hung together. Then (as has been said) Evernote were relying on their new, super-fast development schedule to allow them to add the missing features - which they're still doing. They may not have allowed for the number of bugs though... Some decisions we might have expected - but maybe choices should have been offered to users for a vote first. There was, forinstance a continuing powerful lobby of users who demanded that tables laid out on their phones should look exactly the same - typeface and all - as when laid out on a desktop. There's a long explanation in another thread on this, but it boils down to: if you want free choice of fonts, that can't happen. If Evernote include their own limited (for the moment?) font package, it becomes possible. So congratulations font-happy users; you got exactly what you asked for. If it went back to a vote (why does everyone want another chance at a selection!) I don't know whether the layout party, or the choice party would win. In essence, because we demanded the same app on all devices, Evernote have delivered. Sadly that means all apps have to operate on a level that will work on all devices; and some of the 'specials' like the formerly Windows-only Import Folder might get short listed for being dropped... Have you heard the one about a camel being a horse designed by users committee?
  6. Evernote has never played well with users messing with locations. When you get Settings back I hope that Evernote will still be offering the option to save only recently used notes in the local database - everything else will be on the server - and if you opt not to save the database locally*, Evernote will have a minimal-to-zero footprint. Of course there's also the web version which is/ will be pretty much the same as the installed app, and has minimal local impact. Short term the answers are: use the Legacy version and set content to be purged if it has not been viewed for X days. (Tools>Options>Sync) OR just use the web version! * EDIT: NB that kills offline working...
  7. Hi. Try installing the Legacy app to get back to full functionality... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  8. In an ideal world every new device and app would work perfectly and us poor users wouldn't have to do anything other than lie back on the beach and browse to our hearts content - but there's actually a long history of new developments being driven by advancing tech vs demanding finance. Those nice smartphones we use that you can politely ask how to make an omelette - and watch a video demo if you need it - developed out of hefty unattractive blocks of plastic that were 'portable' only in a generous interpretation of the word. And the first genuine pocket phones (remember Matrix?) had LCD screens that were... a little limited in scope and strictly black and slightly less black. (Don't talk to me about WAP - I used to do tech support on that stuff...) The only way the manufacturers could fund the later development of color screens and 200gm phones was to sell the early cr*p. R&D costs a LOT - and when do you stop? In principle (and if they had unlimited cash) we could all still be driving Model T's now while car makers kept aiming for a 'proper' flying car. OK - so do I devoutly wish Evernote had sold this launch a whole lot better? Heck yes! If they'd made v10 a voluntary public beta and invited general access, a lot of folks would have moved over and given them the live test data that they desperately need - how well do their new systems bear up under the humungous load of the entire population of a medium-size country using them on a 365/24/7 basis? Normal QA and beta testing just doesn't do volume. The new version was - like Elon Musk's Starships - a cut-down test model meant to prove it worked. Surprise! It didn't. But in rewriting their entire code base and potentially removing 80% of their coding overhead, plus a lot of development roadblocks it is - like Starship again - definitely an update on present models. They're doing an Elon and iterating their way through updates that add extra (code) engines to the basic frame, and - I imagine fairly quickly - we should get pretty much the full range of the 'legacy' apps back. Meantime I'm continuing to operate in my own little bubble without any disruption - because being tech-savvy I know NOT to be first with new tech, and I killed all the automatic update functions on my various devices and apps before they were tempted to do anything silly. I don't have much sympathy with anyone currently having issues (unless they're on iOS!!) because on most operating systems and devices there's a way either to dump the new app and go back to the old ones, or to run the official Legacy app alongside the new. But everyone seems to be struggling and demanding that Evernote fix the issues - which is exactly what they're busy doing anyway! If you're not prepared for the hassle - just go back to the old app!! Evernote will fix things - eventually. They should just have shared their strategy clearly with everyone before they started, and posted something along the lines of this comment publicly so that users don't feel so frustratingly ignored. Here endeth my rant for 2021. Happy New Year!
  9. Hi. Have you tried uninstall / restart / reinstall (as Admin) from Evernote.com ?
  10. Hi. To overcome the 50 limit, install an older version - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote (runs alongside the new version with all the features that v10 is currently missing...) To backup your notebooks to ENEX - if you're on MacOS, there's probably a script you can adopt. On Windows, the paid-for app Backupery will automate the backups. It's important to keep notebook backups separate, because notebook assignments are not stored in ENEX. If you backup your whole account into one ENEX file it would restore to a single notebook.
  11. Hi. It is possible to permanently close an account, but deactivating it merely means it is archived and it is possible to reactivate the account if necessary. I wouldn't say it's easy to do either one accidentally. If Support got your account back it presumably had the payment settings you had originally created for a one-off payment hence another single debit. You can check (and change) the details here. How to manage your Evernote subscription If you still prefer your account to be paid monthly, I'd suggest you reply to whatever emails you've been getting and point that out - Evernote are pretty reasonable, and may be able to change the setup for you. Monthly pay is not a hassle when done direct - I missed one payment recently (entirely my fault) and received a very polite request to sort out my payment method, which I duly did. I'm still here...
  12. Hi. It is not possible within a notebook. It is possible if you create an 'index note' - select all the notes you wish to list and create a Table of Contents. Edit and indent the note names in the ToC as required.
  13. Hi. Nothing - try Evernote.com in any browser... How to change your account login email address
  14. Hi. So this would be v10? If so, you also are in the wrong thread. Amazon Fire hardware (and software) is somewhat locked down to Amazon products, though I see that Evernote is offered in the Fire apps shop. I'd suggest you contact Amazon support as well as Evernote support* for help to resolve the connection issue - unless another Fire owner here can offer any suggestions. My best would be to uninstall and reinstall the app from the Play store. * NB That isn't us - mainly users here. They're a little busy with a major launch just before the year-end holidays; responses will be slow...
  15. Hi. No clue what (if anything) happened to Zendone, but Evernote's official integrations are listed here - https://appcenter.evernote.com/ Any to-do app can be used alongside Evernote and I'd imagine many use Evernote's API to exchange information between apps - you'd have to look into the options available. This page lists 50 or so... https://alternativeto.net/software/zendone/
  16. Hi. Sorry - it's the Holidays and Evernote just launched the new v10 generating lots of requests for help so Support is going to be very busy for some time. If it's of any help you won't lose your notes, though you may not be able to access them for a while. If you can manage meantime on another account I'd suggest trying the Support page - look out for a 'guest' option to raise a ticket - or use https://twitter.com/evernotehelps For future reference - How to change your account login email address
  17. Hi. Most people here are users like you. The man to contact is @Shane D. (see post above) - hover your cursor over this green icon to message him.
  18. See arguments above - until a couple of months ago, Evernote (IMHO) did not have the technology to provide this feature - which has to work in 5 separate operating systems (and their variations) on a range of devices. Now we have v10 which is its own self contained 'operating system' - so this is now possible. With a number of features yet to be restored however I'm not sure where this will be in their priorities...
  19. Hi. This thread is about a confusing menu item. It is possible to include multiple clips in one document by taking separate clips and merging notes creating a new note and taking multiple screen grabs copying and pasting areas of the screen Evernote may have added (or be planning to add) a more elegant option, but given the number of posts in the Forums currently it's highly unlikely you'll get any individual comment here. If you can give us more details of the use case you envisage maybe someone here can offer better suggestions, or you could open a support ticket for a direct response in due time...
  20. Hi. Is this the new Evernote v10 app? If so, you're in the wrong thread; if not, I'd suggest you try it. You really need to talk to Support and they're only going to advise you to upgrade to the new app. You're not likely to see a quick fix - Support is a little busy right now - but they can advise you more on connection issues than we can here.
  21. Hi. The answer may lie in the phrase 'new notebook'... have you synced the app since creating the notebook? If it isn't mirrored on the server, you can't move it around.
  22. That's a question for support I think - given that there are two Evernote databases on your device it may be that your OS (Windows? MacOS?) needs to be told which app to use, or it could be that v10 direct links are/ will be created in a different way - unless you opted to retain a copy of the database on your device, there's no local file to address. You have a temporary database in a different format. Easier for the moment to use the web client to open notes...
  23. Presumably it will come back - meantime... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
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